Eurovision 2018: Russia

Apr 02, 2018 14:22

Appearances: 20
Wins: 1
Selection method: Internal selection
Vote: No one would trust a vote in Russia anyway.
Winner: Julia Samoylova
Song: I Won’t Break

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Julia was set to represent Russia last year in Ukraine, but the Ukrainian government banned her entry into the country because she had previously performed in Crimea. Her ban was not announced until the day after she was confirmed as the Russian entry and Crimea voted to be Russian and well… There is no politics in Eurovision… So we have Julia in 2018 instead.

This is the worst entry Russia has sent to Eurovision in years. Nothing against Julia but after Russia promised to send Julia in 2018 if her 2017 ban was upheld; I think the Russian delegation was hoping she would die of her spinal muscular atrophy before Portugal. There is still time yet though…

This could be the first time Russia fails to qualify for the Eurovision final (unless you include 1996 where they didn’t get past the audio-only pre-qualification round - Not a Semi, but then neither did Germany). I don’t think Russia is planning to either as there is a lot of politics - which there is none of in Eurovision - against them at the moment. 2019 and 2020 will be bigger entries for Russia.

One thing is for sure, Julia’s performance will not be as energetic as that of the last Julia Russia sent to Eurovision, though the vocals will likely be better executed.

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2018 eurovision semi final 2, eurovision 2018, russia

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