Work kicked my butt and because of that I'm a day behind. To combat that, I'm doing two days in one post.
Day 01 - A show that never should have been canceled
Day 02 - A show that you wish more people were watching
Day 03 - Your favorite new show ( aired this t.v season)
Day 04 - Your favorite show ever
Day 05 - A show you hate
Day 06 - Favorite episode
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I think it's very telling how it was completely swept under the rug except for that one scene where Danny talks about it in "The Box".
Yeah, but Ricardo was supposed to return in S5. So I'd rather take a small comment from Danny - and really, it was a confession since the writers were too idiotic to even have Danny tell Lindsay the truth even though I believe she knew - than see Ricardo back.
Rewatching the episodes, which I do occasionally because I think Anna really nails Lindsay's emotions, I just can't get past how ridiculous the character of Rikki was.
Man you're brave LOL. I refuse to watch the episode. I have S4 on DVD but haven't watched any episodes, and I don't plan to. It's a season I'd rather forget. However, if I were to watch the episode again I'd only watch the scene you're talking about. I'm a huge Anna fan and also think she nailed Lindsay's emotions. Plus she totally pwned Danny. As for doesn't help when the actress makes me cringe every time she speaks. Jacqueline did nothing for me. In "Personal Foul" when Ricardo said she was leaving, I pulled a Lindsay by thrusting my fists in the air and yelling "YES!" like she did in that Bat-mobile episode at the beginning of S4.
Pity the storyline made people turn away from the show. I know several people who were huge DL fans but stopped watching after the episode. Personally I think they don't know what they're missing. I mean, DL are married and have a daughter. That's the stuff fanfiction is made of, and it actually happened. Hell I remember thinking way back in S2 "Kinda hope these two get married one season." XD
Oh I don't know if brave is the word I would use in regards to watching those episodes. *laughing* For the most part I skip what I don't want to see, such as the betrayal (God it was hard making the screen caps for that art) and the episode before that when Danny basically let Rikki off the hook for taking his gun to commit murder. That scene and how Danny handled Flack and the whole situation still pisses me off. Lindsay did owned Danny. He has always been a little whipped by her, I mean it's when she walked away from him that he wised the hell up. The actress that played Rikki (Jacqueline?) was extremely weak. Which didn't help the situation any. "Personal Foul" was awesome! I did a dance when she left. It was don't let the door hit you on the way out kinda dance.
It does suck that so many Danny and Lindsay fans got turned off by this, but I don't think it was only Danny's betrayal as much as it was the fact that Lindsay wasn't able to really get properly mad at him. I wish she had. Danny deserved to be yelled at because the way he treated her- not including the cheating- was really shitty.
In the end they did win. And that does make up for the hurt that this story arc brought on. And yeah, I was so hoping Danny and Lindsay would end up together in season 2 too. They were/are just too perfect for each other not to. *grin*
I didn't know that she was supposed to come back- I almost wish she would, just so Lindsay could have her moment and rub her happy life in that witch's face.
That would have been pretty awesome to see :D
LOL. I haven't watched the episode since it aired. And yeah, it was pretty ridiculous that he let her go after she a) broke into his apartment, b) stole his gun, c) hunted down the guy not even fully responsible for Ruben's death (IIRC), and d) aims a loaded gun at him. I don't care that she was grieving, that woman was mentally unstable. You don't aim a gun at someone and get away with it.
Yeah, Jacqueline Pinol. I've seen her in a few other shows and she's just as terrible. A lot of people, re: haters, think I hate her because I never liked Ricardo. In reality I don't like her because I think she's a weak actress.
That was the writers fault. Just like they were the ones who made this whole mess happen, they decided to not have Lindsay make Danny beg for her to take him back (which totally should have happened because like you said he treated her like shit, and no one does that to my favourite character).
In the end, I like to think we DL fans have won. The scumbag haters have been all over us since the very beginning, and for the past few years I've kept to my corner of the playground and simply smiled at their constant bitching, because my couple are happy and in love. And to me, that's all that matters :D
Lindsay's fierce, I'd love to see her get her chance to be that way with Rikki. I don't believe for a second she didn't know Danny was involved with another woman, so while I blame Danny for being stupid, I also blame her for taking advantage. And I want Lindsay to have a moment where she's like you might have had a night with him, but bitch I got him. *laughing* The writers were foolish for the storyline over all because it wasn't needed. Danny has enough angsty stuff in his past that this "I blame myself for killing a day player child that no one knows or gives a crap about" was really useless. I hated how he brushed Lindsay off so much during that time. He didn't deserve her then. Off screen I hope Linds made him work for her love again.
That episode... Really? I mean as an officer of the law- he had to report his gun stolen and that it was used in a crime. Yes she didn't shoot the guy- which like you, I don't believe had anything really to do with the accidental shooting of her son, but him letting her off the hook with a "she's grieving"- *insert rolling eyes here* Just ridiculous. Rikki was hella crazy.
People say I'm really hard on actresses in general. I don't care for many of them that have jobs in the industry because I think casting directors base a lot of their hirings on a pretty face and not acting talent. (Because look at Hollywood, are you trying to tell me only beautiful, skinny people can act? Um, no) I think Jacqueline falls into that. She's pretty, but can't act and had no depth. Sad but true.
I don't understand why there are haters. This couple is so adorable and being with Lindsay made Danny grow up. That's a good thing. Plus when they are given the chance to be, they are freaking hot together. *laughing*
I really wish she had made him beg. Get on his hands and knees and beg for her to take him back. The writers just half-assed through the storyline when it could have been so much better.
That was ridiculous. I can understand why Danny defended her, but she was obviously mentally unstable. If she had shot and killed the guy, would he have still defended her then?
I was definitely not impressed by her acting skills. Even when I watched her in other shows, she was still so blah.
The NY fandom will always have scumbag haters. I've dealt with them in the past, and it's not pretty. IMHO they're jealous of Anna because she gets to work with Carmine, and they're all in love with him. I think Carmine is hot, but I'm not in love with him and I'm certainly not jealous of Anna. If anything I'm jealous of the other cast members because they get to work with Anna. It's an ugly part of fandom and one that I have no desire to get back into. And yes, when TPTB give them the chance our couple can be freaking hot together :D
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