I was surfing the web and stumbled across these. They are new pictures of John and Chance with his 'rents. I think he looks really good but one of the pictures freaks me out a little and I'll explain why when I get to it. *laughing* For those that don't know me and my twisted sense of humor...it's about to come out. *grin*
First up: Chance, Nina (who looks FANTASTIC) and Phillip- first family photo in 20 years-
^ This is the one that freaks me out. Doesn't it kinda look like Phillip wants to kiss his son's neck? *laughing* It looks like he is thinking "I bet he tastes as good as he smells."
That's a bit too extreme for me. I can handle slash- but incest? Hell no! *laughing* BTW: everyone this is just a joke...we all know that Rafe and Phillip are the one that are going to knock boots. I will say I love the way Tricia and John's blue eyes pop in these pictures. Just gorgeous!
Now for just Phillip:
John Driscoll (Work it boy...you gotta work it *is channeling RuePaul*)
And an oldie but I still wanted it add it, because he looks SO good in it:
Okay if I find any more I'll post them as soon as I can. In the meantime head over to Tray's LJ and actually watch the man in action. Here is the link:
Tray's Journal: Chance/John Driscoll post