Well today was the beginning of karaoke night at Jake's. Everyone is there and Spin is panicking. Here is my list of awesome moments:
(Non-Jake's stuff)
- Diane chewing up and spitting out that attorney.
- MAC!!!!
- Johnny and Olivia...to a point (Still not feeling Dante, at all)
And that's about it
Jake's stuff:
- Lulu, Lucky, Liz and *gulp* Ethan. It's amazing but when he is around his "family" I don't really hate his character at all. Ethan is a little more tolerable with them.
- Coleman!!!! He is made of awesome. I'm sorry, but he is. I want him and Mac to be shown more. Dump all of Sonny's kids and give those two a story
- Coleman and Robin picking on Patrick.
- Lulu coming over to Maxie and Spin's table. I really love their friendship. It's one of the only great things Guza has done
- Spinelli freaking out over his mic. I know he is going to sound fantastic when he finally gets up, but this feels very real. He doesn't want to disappoint Maxie. That's incredibly sweet all on it's own.
- Maxie writing down that haiku for Spinelli was just beautiful. I can't express enough how much I love this couple. Their quirks and insecurities make them so honest and tangible.
- Robin finally getting Patrick to sing
- Scrubs singing: Time of Your Life from Dirty Dancing. That was freaking awesome!!!! (Jenny can I please get you to clip their scenes...if it wouldn't be too much trouble...please...)
Stuff I didn't like:
- Carly, 'nuff said
- Sonny
- Jasper "Ball-less man" Jax sleeping with his annoying wife. I don't want to see this couple have sex anymore. Can't they just break up? *huff* Jax needs to get away from Carly.
- Dante. I don't like him. And the show doesn't need him...can he be shot?