Multiple Brain Organs Art An Unnegotiable Matter...For Making Sense

Jun 07, 2020 11:42

(*Groans warily*).

I just got back from a long slog.....that initially involved me witnessing an unknown subanime & anime hybrid XX chromosome type attempting to sell some ' " 'council' 'of' '12' 'stuff' " '.

I couldn't even note a lick of sense.....made by the one?

Then...during a much later event, I noted a subanime 'urb*n' 'life' 'consultant'.....pop up with 'fuzzy' and 'half-furry' 'chirn' 'in' 'tow'?

That took place after I briefly perceived at the 'Z*nd*ya' '/' 'W*U' 'Jen'....make 'eye' 'contact' 'at' me....some moments before? (*Recalls viewing at either some c*mping, or s*rvival 'gear' the one had packed*).

Strange and 'extremely' 'detailed' 's*x' 'ed' (*cringes*) 'graphs' were shown at me, 'instructing' 'how' (*cringes*) '/' 'where' to 'make' 'furry' 'offspring' with a XX chromosome type?

(*Cringes intensely, and felt my nails blaze with a squeamish glow*).

I entity..., 'fully' 'ready' 'to' 'breed'......, 'sit' 'down' 'at' a chair / seat...that was immediately nearby and to my right side?

The one may have been in a subanime state, a hybrid subanime anime state, or even a lower anime state?

The one, an XX chromosome type, 'was' 'excited'?

'*Very*' 'excited'?



Making it back here, and dodging 's*x' 'apparently' 'offered' '&' 'suggested' 'by' the 'eager' 'one', I thought back to experiences ranging over XVI years.

A multitude of contact events, contact events that can be grouped and classified...... .

I think I have discovered an immutable, and undeniable truth?

I don't think I ***CAN*** note subanime and or anime mortals....make any sense.

I am not even intending 'mockery'.

Although I note the ones have 'enormous' 'belly' 'and' 'back' 'proportions'....

...., and even 'seek' 'to' 'cover' 'it' 'up' with 'tricks' '/' 'deception', the ones 'entirely' 'lack' 'at' entire brain organs. ***MULTIPLE*** BRAIN ORGANS. The entropy-born 'physiology' 'systems' of the ones...doth erase 'at' even the concept & examples of a multi-faceted & linked brain network.

The ones lack at communication abilities, and that capacity to comprehend / express / share / generate...complex ideas?

(*Suddenly remembers something, perhaps an incredibly important detail, and possibly the *ONLY* semblance....of true information I could perceive......moments ago*).

I...I *may* have perceived the presence of Starry Maiden....some point...before witnessing all that breeding nonsense? If so, did she move & present some cross-dimensional resource items present in my house? Or maybe even materialize / generate some? delivering a "signs & visual clues" type of message to me?

(*Remembers last year*).

I think I note 'a' 'wall' when I witness subanime and anime entities....?

A moron like the 2016 author (*snickers*) would be 'enthralled' 'with' 'infinite' 'offers' of 's*x' from anime dudes? The one would be 'tied' 'up' 'in' 'feelz', 'trapped' '/' 'neutralized' 'h*neypot' 'traps' 'indefinitely'? 'Quadrillions' 'of' 'years'?

Me though? I don't 'give' 'a' 'd**n' 'about' "how I feel"...(*gawks and felt my nails blaze.., as I realize this is true*), no, not when I have a mission / my mission (to protect and nourish the sanctified & loving of heart).

I...I am beginning to ask if just *speaking* about routing space and time...requires a particular neurological system, and a particular level of neurological functioning / data processing capacities. This is an eerie question for me, because I don't "consider" myself smart (nor should I).

'D*pamine' 'hits' '/' 'getting' 'the' 'r*cks' 'off' 'comes' 'first' 'for' 'mortals'.

Protecting and nurturing my sweet little monkey..akin....precious precious monkeys art my priority.

(*Thinks about that cross-dimensional resource items seen during the event*).

If I have to use certain resources to perceive the beyond anime Starry Maiden, I'll do it. Do it because / since it seems like I note 'subanime' '&' 'anime' '*can't*' convey her intentions & communications.

physiology, data processing, starry maiden, brain matters, neurology

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