I'm doing some early morning strategic analysis, and retrospection?
Just saying, but yesterday's post...is ***still*** making a lot of sense to me.
It's backed up by observation?
When you witness subanime, you just witness 'goons' 'on' 'autopilot'?
'Soulless' 'd*pamine' 'fiends' 'on' 'autopilot'?
'W*rldstar-tier'...... .
With 'religious' 'constraints' '&' 'falsified' 'narration' 'removed', subanime mortals are blatantly exposed as d*monic beasts that '***revel***' '&' 'wallow' 'in' 'filth', 'chaos', 'disease', 'd*ath', 'and' 'destruction'?
Make no 'mistake', if it comes to witnessing 'F*MA' 'camps', and an 'economic' 'collapse', it will be an experience of witnessing 'pure' 'h*ll'. (Already is that, in regard to witnessing subanime).
Yea, subanime has hit a 'wall'.
Click to view
Y'know, it's ***really*** looking like surge events...art just the tangible manifestation of a certain kind of lifestyle.
A lifestyle based upon questions? Prayers (amidst absolute uncertainty) for a good world, a sanctuary world, with all inhabitants therein....safe, happy, and well?
I am just thinking back, and retroactively analyzing...every "surge event" I have experienced, as well as my own "performance stats" before and after each surge event.
No surge event I have ever experienced has corresponded to 'anger', nor 'rage'?
Nor is there, nor has there even been a ' " 'feeling' 'smart' " '.., 'or' ' " 'feeling' 'pretty' " '......'component'.
I just crawl through the dirt (literally when g*m mining), eat breadcrumbs in *deep* thanksgiving, love those mysterious hyperdimensional monkey being's existing / present in space and time / coloring space and tine with their existence, strive to protect & nurture said sweet little monkey akin beings, and boom. Surge events & surge event manifestations take place.
(*Rubs my head in sudden confusion*).
Are surge....events based on love (????).......???? Are they manifestations that happen when you experience, and act on love?
Are surge events generated of love based prayer, prayer-saturated love? Is prayer love in action?
(*Remembers last month's surge event*).