That Was Fast......

Jun 07, 2020 03:06 "warm up"..before noting "Tr*als Of M*na", I decided to witness a 'new' 'anime' 'series'.


Well here are some of my illustrations.... . Long documented / saved on this journal. are some screencaps....from today .

I am not even going to 'play' 'victim', and claim someone 'plagiarized' 'at' this journal's contents.

Oh. I even note the anime...citing someone 'reborn' into a ' " 'video game world' " '...., one based on the game the one played preceding a 'reincarnation' 'event'.

Again, I am not going to claim 'plagiarizing' 'J*panese' 'subanime' 'artists'.

Ok, now that that is done, let's move on.


Yea. That was fast.

Okay, just to make things clear, I never claimed to be a Goddess / a divine lifeform.

I do not know what the beings who watch over me would call me / do call me, but I am not going to...., by choice, make the same mistake as so many foul, rotten, stinking, and diseased entities.

I will strive / will continue to strive for no less than providing the ultimate protection, the ultimate sanctuary unto those I strive to nurture and protect.


But I will *not*, and I pray....I will *never*...*CLAIM* to be a "Goddess".

That said, what now?


I need to report some events from back when I witnessed 2001-2002.

(*Does a quick search*).

The only time (??) I noted Seiken Densetsu 3 in the past, actually the *initial* time even, it was on account of noting an invitation for a 2 player emulator linkup.

A dude from 1999-2002 MUDs, one with weird powers....that later popped up at fluid world events, sent a emulator invitation?


The guy, S*jhama, acted weird, and asked at what I thought about 'the' 'game's' 'XX' 'chromosome' 'types'?

Now that I think about it, I noted '*he*' was the one that broke kayfabe around 2002 / 2003, and started weirdly claiming *I* (?!??!!) was a "girl" (!???!!!????).

I am not even sure if that emulator ROM was translated....., and connection sync issues took place since I noted a PC with low specs / low RAM..... .

The dude claimed to be from M_chigan, and *also* claimed to be a 'wolf'.

He acted like an anime dude...... . He was brash, and stupid =^_^=!

He fell off though? Like usual for weird superpowered mortals that used to pop up a couple months or years before predictably 'vanishing'?


My point is this. Did I note that Ssjhama dude '*know*' at the sprouting event subject matter that I ***JUST*** discovered / discovered about last year?

Yea. He was a messed up dude, because he used to show N*na video game pictures at me? Back before I awoke fluid world and dimension diving events, back when I actually used to sleep...XIX years ago / almost II decades ago, he used to say strange stuff about anime level B*F 4 'N*na' looking like a 'boy'?


I had no clue about 'what' 'he' 'meant'.

He '*enjoyed*' breaking kayfabe?

And 'mocking' at me....(*cackles*).

I would just laugh? I never tried to even 'defeat' 'him' '/' 'fight' 'him'.


Well........., as for now......and the notation of this software, I will still move forward with managed expectations.

But I still consider it very relevant that I only decided to view the software *after* having emergency field electricity generation supplies on hand.

Hmmmmm......... .

plant physiology matters, chilling, permanent surge event matters, yggdrasil tree form

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