Lolololol.....I Must Note Some 'Deity' 'Trolling' 'At' Me...... / Is It Time To Get Serious?

Feb 09, 2019 10:06


So remember my last post?

Remember how I talked about getting the most durable shovel I could find....for the sake of m*ning?

Remember how *stoked* I was...about seeking to achieve my dreams?

Well after that post....I made parm...with my hand-breaded tenders.

I did it to, too, celebrate the upcoming m*ning season & the new shovel.

I was so stoked and excited =^_^= I prepared for bed after the meal....., excited as I thought of tomorrow (the year to come).

..................... .

For those with an advanced wisdom stat, and a memory of my writings for the past couple years, what I am about to report next should be clear....before even reading the next sentence...?

Was I shown.., via vision, the location of the nearest.....largest Blue S*pphires?

Was I shown the location of the nearest and largest Wh*te S*pphires?

What about the location of the nearest...and gemmiest R*d R*bies?

(*Shakes my head*).

After lying down my head to strive for some rarely experienced sleep........, quite some while after lying down my head, my initial perception...involved me perceiving myself sitting jn something like an expanse of darkness. A...a phone was inexplicably at the palm of my hand???

Not even knowing any 'number' to 'dial', I heard at the phone automatically dialing up a strange number I have never seen nor *SOUGHT*.

Was a vision taking place? Or maybe even a fluid world event?

I do not know..., but as I peered forward at the strange subanime visuals...of some 'busy' 'subanime' 'house', I gawked in I viewed at a 'certain' 'brunette'.


Just like with the Japan trip (and after so much planning to), all my efforts... / them*ning shovel acquisition....culminated to......was me....viewing at the '2016' 'author' yet again.

But thus time I noted a 'dialing' 'phone' 'manifested' 'at' my hands by some unknown force.

????. A strange man picked up the phone........on the other end?

I heard at the man, as well as saw at 'him'.......from the vantage point of my dimension bubble / the darkness.

I gawked in horror, and tried to distance myself from 'the' 'phone'. 'It' 'was' 'a' 'setup'? 'A' 'nasty' 'one'.

Lol. Was some 'deity' 'having' 'fun'?

I had no intention whatsoever to speak to the strange man, and of course I did not seek to talk to the '2016' 'author'.

Because of that (my reluctance? my horror? my squeamishness?), I guess, I noted 'visuals' of the 2016 author / the Caucasian subanime brunette....'giving' 'the' 'Caucasian' 'XX' 'chromosome' 'type' 'gospel'....of 'victim' 'behavior'. The strange 'camera' 'view' that could 'see' 'past' 'walls'.....kept showing the '2016' 'author' 'briskly' 'walking' 'away'? Was the one 'avoiding' 'at' my shocked and confused gaze, or 'the' 'camera' 'source'? I didn't want 'anything' 'to' 'do' with 'em' I tried to turn around and face the darkness...., but the darkness was almost like a viscous fluid.... . I just kept facing at the 'strange' 'visual'......until disorientedly finding myself back to the mountain sanctuary...... .

'The' 'event' 'was' 'gross'.

I don't get 'it'.

'It' 'was' 'creepy'.

If I am going to have to ***SUFFER*** for decades to come....for the choice I made a couple years back, then so be it? But I will not let myself, my will, my hope, and my dreams be 'broken'. I will not 'become' 'someone' I am 'not'.

I *DON'T* intend to do any 'phone' 'calls'.

If I noticed the 'strange' 'event' was 'the' '2016's' 'author's' 'projection', I have a newsflash. I am not going to do 'that' 'chase' 'stuff'. There is no logical incentive within my perception / grasp, and no emotional incentive within my heart. Even if I *did* note a 'storyline' about the author 'being' 'held' 'hostage', I'm not even motivated to offer my help.

Only way I would make a move, even if for just emotionally detached research purposes, would be.....if I had a small (or large) research starship (which offers security & assurances for all of my research equipment), and massive boosted & readily available abilities (flight / controlled energy emissions / mana enhanced athleticism).... .

If the current trend holds up, I guess I'll just have to possibly witness '2060', and trudge on best I can.

Ugh...... .


Rather than dwell on 'the' 'AWFUL' 'vision', yesterday......I decided to acquire some more m*ning equipment for the upcoming season.

Maybe this new spade will last a while...and not snap? Lol..... .

In other news, I decided to get a St*hl saw......for the sake of taking care of all of the yard's fallen trees / limbs after the storm events of last year. I'll likely also use it to prepare firewood for the (???) upcoming year's winter season.

It came with a free hat (that won't fit on my head lol), and I also included some armored work shades with it (which I will also use with my rock saw in the l*pidary).

The chainsaw went through downed trees & limbs like a knife through butter....

.....but I am going to have to study small-engine mechanics so as to be able to properly take care of it (and maybe, someday, invent a mana crystal energized the process).

The rest of the day was spent chilling, chilling, and thinking about what I am going to do with my life (as it continues on this current trend / path).

That as I enjoyed the serenity.., and quiet..of majestic high-mountain views.

house maintenance, chilling, life goals, planning for the future

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