I guess some potentially big stuff....took place today after all~~~....... .
I was about to go back to sleep soon, but I heard at a 'knock'.
Going to the door, I witnessed 'A__________'?
He wanted to go look for work tools for his business?
(*Exhales in a swooned manner...as thinks about the loaded hardware stores...around here*).
After having snapped so many digging tools......, I decided to look for the most rugged m*ning shovel I could find.... .
Click to view
OoooooooooooooOoooooooo.......... .
I found at a working cat's ***DREAM***.... .
Is this...work shovel...going to be the shovel that unearths my destiny...in this motherland of mining?
I AM ***SO*** READY TO ***DIG***...=^_^=!!!
(*Swoons in ecstasy*).
Will this be made into a shovel of prophecy...that unearths record-setting S*pphires and R*bies?
Will it be able to withstand the thermoelectric / telekinetic energy that I generate...and not shatter?
https://www.homedepot.ca/en/home/p.d-handle-round-point-shovel.1001026369.html ................... .
Only...time.......will tell....... .
An unexpected find in yet another heavy equipment...and tool...store.........revealed a (!!!) machine with a silicon carb*de blade that can slice g*mstone boulders...*in* *the* *field*!!!!!!!
Something to think about for my future? (*Nods*). (*Wonders how much replacement blades would cost, and wonders if there is a D*amond option..........*).
Hmmmmmmmm....... .
I noted the 'pet' pay '500$', and get a Stihl... .
As soon as I note the m*ning vehicle, I am gonna go digging on a mountain that is famous...for gemmy R*bies. I am going digging on the private land which 'A________'s' 'mother' 'resides' at...... .
Since I will be by myself, I am going to have to dodge 'rape' 'by' 'a' 'mortal' 'blonde'. Yes, but that is okay.....?
I expect another lonesome and yet fun & educational....mining season... .
I will be all by myself in these rivere, streams, gulches, and valleys....?
The 'flat-a**ed' 'Caucasian' 'millenials' will be 'sitting' 'inside'......, 'putting' 'on' 'pounds' 'in' 'all' 'the' 'wrong' 'places', 'rotting' 'their' 'mouths' 'out' with 'soda', 'chronically' 'staring' 'to' 'screens', 'and' 'wasting' 'their' 'extremely' 'brief' 'youth'?
Hmmmmmm.......... .
Someday when I see a truly better world..., a world with truly better people, I hope...and pray.....that I could observe......incredibly beautiful and feminine.....hyperdimensional ladies....who, rather than 'squandering' their youth / health / sanity / immune systems....in 'filthy' '&' 'degenerate' 'clubs' '/' 'rave' 'scenes'......, joyously.....take to the rivers & streams in search of gems. Gemstones laden with the delicious energy of the elements..... .
(*Swoons*). I dream of seeing hyperdimensional ladies who have that long...and wavy...colorful hair, expressive eyes, and soft...and yet......taut...bodies honed by mining? (Mining naturally involves a lot of squatting...., squatting, as well as lifting). Huggable...and fit...bodies?
Yes........ .
I yearn...to observe & study such beings.
Beings..who have those.....full......and lush thighs..... .
Beings whose round behinds almost explosively take shape....below their waist...... .
I want to actually experience actual....mental and visual...stimulation...... .
I want to know what it is like?
Someday, hopefully, it will be so.
But I certainly won't expect it this year.
And of course...I'd likely ***NEVER*** witness that '2016' 'author' digging for g*mstones in these bounteous fields, rivers, valleys, and streams