I Refuse At The 'H*ll' 'Wifey' 'Skit' 'Script'.....

Feb 09, 2019 17:12

Trigger Warning:

Unh Unh. If I note 'S*mmie' 'reading' 'at' this post......me must give a refusal.

Finky should go watch toons instead.


I need to speak my mind.


I've stood atop mountains..... .

I've crossed oceans..... .

Living in Japan for half a month? No problem.... .

I am able to adapt, find & eat yummy foods, keep training, keep learning lessons...about life.

It seems safe to say that I am not burdened by the 'operational' 'limits' of grafted....subanime Negro hardware / a grafted Negro body.

With free will, I could say no at the ghetto, say no at 'a' 'doomed' 'fate' 'of' '7' 'illegitimate ghetto chirren in da hood, say no at 'crack', 'alc*hol', 'p***y', and (*cringe*) 'a**l' 's*x' (*gags in deep....nausea......*) (*reels in sickened digust IRL*).

But even with all of that..., and even with all the equipment needed to make a fortune by way of locally-sourced R*by and S*pphire c*bochons.....

..the visions do not come.

Instead .......I just witness 'subanime' 'D*wn'.....again, and again, and again, and again.... .

I am going to go ahead and hold with using the term " '2016' 'author' "....to refer at the one.

I will now use the term 'h*ll' 'wifey'...... .

Maybe I will get lucky with digging, with mining with no leads, but I am *not* going to expect any helpful visions.....regarding that endeavor. (*Shakes my head*). I'm just going to limp into hurricane season later this year, and see about making some g*ms along the way.

I clearly note a 'cursed' 'world'.... .

I do get to reside in a mountain house for now, but I haven't slept......regularly (if that even *was* sleep) since noting '2003' '/' '2004'. (That's when the dimension dives and fluid world events.....became a nightly / daily thing).

But I guess I'll just have to suffer...until I awaken more energy.

I'll have to keep dodging the 'h*ll' 'wifey' that 'hunts' at my dreams / prayers, and 'reaches' at my arm for 'cuddle' 'seeking' 'purposes'?

I'll have to keep dodging 'h*ll' 'wifey's' 'attempts' 'for' 'int*rcouse' (*blinked and checked behind me as I experienced a mysterious caress sensation*).

(*Shakes my head*).

Glad I am depression-proof.


I'll just grit my teeth and bear it.


Maybe if I make it to the next surge event (which I have waited for since October), some chance, *some* glimmer of hope......will open up for me.

Until then, I just have to suffer.

Suffer, and try to make myself as comfortable as I can.

Yea.... .

If an Infiniversal Routing G*m trial is like a proverbial.....ultimate triathlon marathon, then I know how to run, swim, and ride a bike. I may get weary amidst the marathon, but I always strive for my goal.

Well..., that said, I note 'h*ll' 'wifey' is like someone 'who' wants to 'imitate' at what I do.....but can't ride a bike, 'can't' swim, and can't walk long distances (due to 'self-inflicted' 'leg' 'wounds'....'that' 'got' 'infected'). The one just wants to 'watch' 'cartoons', 'binge' 'on' 'sweets' 'that' 'make' 'em' 'sick', and 'shirk' 'at' responsibility. Even as and if.....I stand just leagues away from the marathon completion point.

My only chance....is if the real Starry Maiden, the real Dawn, is either not trialing, or trialing..and absolutely better (in every stat and category) than the 'clone' 'at' her existence..... .

fake dawn, planning for the future, shock

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