LOTR RPS: Smack the Dog 10

Oct 12, 2007 10:43

Chapter 10: Reflections in mud


Having had the day off whilst the others were filming, Sean had ended up on the sofa, the television softly blaring in the background whilst he dozed. He had managed, in a odd moment of homesickness, to discover an old episode of Eastenders on one of the cable channels, and the nasal twang of Londoners - the Mitchell family in particular - seemed to allow him to relax a little more. He normally couldn’t stand the programme, but his eldest daughter had a thing for it. What kids had to answer for…

The sound of the front door slamming brought him out of his doze, his head rising slightly from where it was resting on his forearms. He glanced towards the clock, which proclaimed it to be the time that he was expecting them back. However, the argument that they were obviously having was indeed less welcome.

Sean shut his eyes again and pretended to be asleep. The last thing he wanted was to get involved in a fight that had different rules than the ones he knew.

This was obviously not going to happen as Viggo stormed into the living room with more visible anger than normal, followed by a not entirely repentant Orli. Sean sighed, and opened his eyes slightly to watch the unfolding drama that had more underlying violence than anything that the BBC could get away with. Eastenders was switched off with a click, as Viggo bypassed the remote and went for the power button.

“ What’s going on?” Sean felt this was possibly the only chance he got to make a contribution to the conversation without difficulties. A possibility floated to him. “ It’s not Dom, is it?”

Viggo stood in front of the television, controlled fury etched on his face.

“ No.” he said shortly. Orlando shuffled to the sofa next to Sean and perched on the edge. Sean looked from one to the other in growing incomprehension.

” So…?” he raised an eyebrow. There were more moments of a silence so solid it could be sliced and buttered. Orli was apparently now desperate not to make a peep, which was all very well for survival but not assessing Sean’s general knowledge of the scene in question.

“ Those two we met at the bar,” Presumably Viggo had now managed to work out that something needed to be said, even if it was “arrrrgggh!”. Sean nodded his knowledge of said two at the bar, although the puzzled crease of his brow had not disappeared.

“ They’re part of the film,”

Sean looked baffled. “ What, crew?”

Viggo shook his head. “ Cast,”

Sean shifted himself to a sitting position, his eyes firmly fixed on Viggo. “ Who are they?”

“ Karl Urban and David Wenham,” Orli had finally managed to speak. Sean ran the cast list through his mind. “ Eomer and Faramir,” offered Orlando helpfully.

Sean shook his head. “ What were they doing at that sort of place?”

“ That’s a good question.” Viggo had started pacing. “ One that they also appeared to have for us.”

“ Oh.” Sean reviewed this. “ Shit,”

“ Oh shit indeed.” Viggo sat in his chair. “ I don’t think we have any problems with David. He kept his head down and out of our way as soon as he recognised us. Karl, however..,”

Here another particular look was aimed at Orli, who declined to respond other than a look at his feet. Sean glanced between them, his level of puzzlement only slightly decreasing.

“ Karl what?” Sean reviewed Viggo, for whom thankfully the black eye seemed to be the only addition to his features.

“ He appears to have .. ambitions,” Viggo almost spat it out.

Sean assumed that wasn’t to be taken as the Walk On The Moon variety. He glanced back at Orli, who still had not finished with his fascination of his shoes and feet in general.

“ What, he tried it on?” Sean hazarded a guess. There was a snort from Viggo.

” In a manner of speaking.” Viggo shook his head. “ Neither of you are to speak with them outside of necessary small talk and scripted lines. You,” he stared at Sean. “ I don’t expect to need to speak to them at all.”

“ Hang on a minute,” protested Sean. “ I can’t just ignore two cast members!”

” Oh, you can and you will.” Viggo had that look on his face that spoke of definite obedience in his immediate vicinity. Sean thought about arguing the point but settled for a scowl instead. Satisfied, Viggo turned his attention back onto Orli.

“ Do you understand, Orlando?” the voice was sharp enough to cut steel.

“ Yes.”

“ Good.” Viggo finally sat back so his back was resting against the chair. “ With any luck this will blow over,”

Sean managed not to comment on what his particular brand of luck was bringing him at the moment. He eyed Orlando again, who was still looking as though he had been caught pilfering biscuits from the local orphans. Sean’s eyes met Viggo’s, whose own were hard and cold, their morning moments of romance currently a mere footnote in the Book of Total Obedience School of Thought.

Possibly not the best time to query. He liked having the ability to walk.

Sean coughed. “ Did you want some food?” he said, trying to get the conversation back away from Karl and onto more mundane matters. “ I went shopping,”

“ I’m not hungry,” Viggo replied, his eyes falling onto Orlando thoughtfully.

“ Not even something simple? Pasta?” Sean pressed, anxious to get out of the atmosphere which was threatening to engulf him entirely. Viggo paused, a signal that his refusal was merely a formality born in tradition.

“ Hmmmph,”

Sean elected to take that as a yes, and moved to his feet. “ I’ll have it ready for the pair of you in ten minutes or so,” he promised in a moment of cookery enthusiasm. Not that boiling some pasta and warming sauce was particularly culinary of him, but it certainly beat the leftover remains of yesterdays’ food.

“ Do you want help?” that was Orli.

“ You stay here. I want to talk to you,” Back came the no nonsense tone of Viggo, a voice that promised what will happen not what might. Orlando nodded, and Sean made his escape.

Reaching the kitchen, he had to stop for a few moments just to calm down a bit. Viggo normally was a bit of a strain on his nerves. Viggo in that sort of mood attempted to do Stephen King attacks on his insides. He only hoped Karl had had a little too much to drink that night and had now worked out exactly what type of beast lurked in the waters he was so happily paddling in.

Fat chance though.

Sean grabbed the saucepan and rummaged around one of Orli’s impeccably neat cupboards for the pasta, which turned out to be one of the squiggly ones he could never remember the name of. Pasta was pasta. It was a nice uncomplicated thing.

Five minutes since he left the room and pasta was bubbling away merrily, obviously unaware of the probable - if somewhat silent - thunderstorm in the living room. Sean’s curiosity was beginning to gnaw at him. What if Orli was getting beaten around again? What if it got serious? What if it was all just about forgetting to cancel the milk?

Sean growled to himself and located the sauce. In times such as these, all you can do is hope and concentrate on your pasta. Although that line probably wasn’t going to go down in history.

Seven minutes down and Sean was pacing the kitchen. The living room door had been shut, and there was no telling what was happening. This was .. well, it was rude. Having lowered the heat on the cooker, Sean had another meeting with his courage and his bravery, and decided on frontal assault. Just a very very quiet one.

He wandered towards the door, and managed to hear the last mumble of conversation before the door handle started to turn. Startled, he managed to control the sheer look of guilt on his face to one of casual indifference to anything but pasta, which was quite a feat.

“ It’s almost ready,” he said to Viggo, who had a particularly blank expression on his face. Viggo nodded, gave a glare back into the room, and continued out. Sean looked after him, then back at the living room.

“ Orli-“

“ Isn’t coming. He’s not hungry,” Viggo hadn’t paused to slow down. Sean gave another doubtful look towards the living room. “ Sean!”

Come! came the unspoken order. In the nicest possible way.

Rolling his eyes, the blonde retreated back to the kitchen and the Wonderful world of Pasta, his mind still unhappily considering exactly what had put Orlando off his food.

If anything.

God, it was complicated.


Life became even more terrifying the next morning. Having managed to get to the film site ridiculously early, Sean had checked the sheets at the set and realised that flying was required. Even Viggo’s stern presence wasn’t enough to keep the butterflies from his stomach, his heart from his throat and his legs to take on the consistency of jelly.

Orli, whom he hadn’t seen again until bed last night, was trying to give him moral support.

“ It’s okay,” he soothed. “ It’s only a short flight.”

“ There’s an important word in that sentence, Orli,” Sean was still white around the gills. “ and it wasn’t the word *short*.”

“ Calm down, Sean,” Viggo was watching them, his arms folded. Sean glared at him.

” Thanks! I’d never have thought of that one,”

“ Sit down,” instructed Viggo, pushing Sean firmly but gently to a seat. “ You’re only going to hyperventilate.”

“ Oh, the fun to be had!” Sean nevertheless allowed himself to be seated, trying to regain control of his breathing which was threatening to overtake him. He took the glass of water that Viggo passed him and tried to concentrate on that instead. Water, however, was not that interesting. Oh, where was the pasta when you truly needed it?

Orlando watched him worriedly. “ If he’s that bad,” he murmured to Viggo. “ I could take him in the car?”

Viggo shook his head decisively. “ It’s too long.”

“ Well, he’s going to be no use on set if he’s like this,” Orli turned back to view the still shaking Sean, who was managing to drink the water. “ Boromir’s going to look like he’s about to faint. They have to bring all the props and stuff up there anyway, takes ages. Go on, it’ll be for the best.”

“ Hmmmmph,”

They both viewed Sean silently. Finally Viggo gave a sigh of defeat.

“ Fine. I’ll go have a word with Peter.”

“ Hear that, Sean? We might be able to get you in a car instead!” Orlando knelt by him, speaking to him as though he had suffered a blow to the head. However, the look that Sean gave him was touchingly grateful. Orli grinned and ruffled the shortish blonde hair. “ You’ll have to put up with me and my singing,”

“ That I can do,” Sean smiled, and tried to sit up in a more .. well, dignified position. Viggo had already vanished to seek out directorial approval, not that either of them doubted the man could get it. Viggo had a knack of being able to persuade anyone to do anything, even when the anything was not entirely reasonable.

Sure enough, Viggo soon returned with confirmation. “ I want no trouble from either of you,” he warned.

But of course, mudslides cared not for the words of mortals. Not even ones as scary as Viggo.


Three hours later Sean and Orli were viewing their new surrounding from the relative safety of the farmhouse that had been kindly opened to them by a local woman who was apparently sympathetic to those trapped by mudslides. Having left them with some food in the larder and, more importantly, wine in the cupboards, she had left them to it. Sean stared gloomily at the storm that was raging outside, and which had been raging pretty much since they started the journey.

“ Do you think this counts as getting into trouble?”

Orli shrugged, and sat back on one of the slightly threadbare couches. “ I’d say more a Natural conspiracy against us,” he said cheerfully. Sean continued to stare out at the rain pouring down on them.

“ Well, it’s bloody rude,”

“ And wet,” Orlando stretched himself out, having been driving for the past two hours. “ And cold. And depressing. But at least we have each other!”

Sean eyed him. “ You’re not about to start singing are you?” he asked suspiciously.

“ Hadn’t planned on it.” Orlando lounged even more on the sofa, although making sure his feet were off it in a moment of politeness. “ I’m not really the musical type,”

“ Thank god for that.” Sean returned to the view and sighed. “ Viggo’s going to kill us. Peter’s going to kill us. In fact, there’s far too much killing in my future than I’m happy with.”

“ Stop worrying,” Orli had his eyes shut.

“ Well, that makes it all better, doesn’t it,” Sean rolled his eyes. Orli turned over and fixed his gaze on Sean thoughtfully.

“ If I take your mind off it would that help?”

“ No singing,” warned Sean, who had had enough of it on the way there as it was.

“ Okay,” Orli slid off the sofa and wandered to stand by Sean, glancing idly at the rain. He hummed something under his breath, his eyes innocently away from Sean as he almost rocked on his heels. With a sudden realisation, Sean noticed that Orli was, in fact, very, very close. He attempted to look nonchalant, uncertain of exactly what Orli was after. The hand suddenly sliding across his jeaned thigh assisted slightly, Orli's chocolate brown eyes turning on him hungrily like a half starved tiger finding a full feast in front of it.

" What are you doing?" asked Sean finally and slowly. An entirely wicked look was aimed at him.

" Surely you must know?" Even the tone was low and seductive. Sean laughed uncomfortably.

" We've only just got here and you want a shag?" his voice was deliberately light. Orli shrugged.

" Pretty much," his body deliberately pressed against Sean. Sean attempted to shake off the growing heat through his body. However, this was easier said than done, especially with Orli's hand still exploring Sean's leg. Sean had to stifle a yelp as the hand reached his inner thigh.

Orli studied him, amused. " What's the problem?"

" Problem?" the room temperature was definitely rising. Sean attempted to think of anything apart from Orlando's warm, slim and undeniably willing body pressed against him.

" Yeah," Orlando drawled, slowly grinding his hips against Sean in a circler fashion, grinning at Sean's indrawn breath as firm Orli rubbed unbearably against sensitive erection. " Problem."

" No .. problem," Sean gasped again as Orlando decided to press against him again.

" Then why are we both still clothed?" Orli watched him. Sean swallowed, and would have shifted uncomfortably if it wasn't for the fact that such a movement would cause even further torments on his flesh.

And why the hell were they still clothed anyway? he thought desperately. After all, they slept together anyway, just with an additional partner. An additional partner who might not like the fact that Sean was fucking his little pet, regardless of what he did with Sean himself. An additional partner who wasn't someone that Sean wanted to fuck off.

Orlando watched the indecision in amusement. Taking the initiative in hand, he moved away. Any relief Sean received from this was halted at the fact that Orli immediately stripped himself of his shirt and trousers, dumping the clothes in an untidy pile on the floor, safe in the knowledge that Viggo was miles away. Of course underwear had been completely ignored when he was dressing that morning.

" Need any help?" he teased. Sean glared at him; Orli ignored him and had his hands on Sean's belt immediately, beginning to unbuckle it.

" Orli, stop," said Sean wretchedly, with no real emphasis underlying it. Orli continued, finishing with the belt and starting with the jeans fastening. Sean's breath stopped as warm hands touched him, gently stroking him into more life than was featured on the average Star Trek program. It was deliciously agonizing.

“ Come on Sean,” murmured Orli, his eyes scanning his lover’s. “ I know you want it. I can feel you want it. Just once. She won’t be back tonight, she said so.”

“ You never want it just once,” Sean was glad his jeans had been opened, else he was likely to have been castrated at this point. He gave a strangled gasp as Orli increased the pressure before giving Sean’s trousers a helpful yank downwards.

Sean felt the moment when he realized all the helpful thoughts in the world were not going to assist him in resisting such a temptation on his doorstep. Released from his indecision, he stepped forward, capturing Orli in a long kiss, his hands running behind Orli’s head moving downwards to press his body into him.

Sean paused in his explorations, allowing the younger man to retreat if he so wished. He could feel himself so very hard against Orli, his own body confirming what he had really wished was unconfirmable, aching and needy for the young, hard and undeniably *male* body. This wasn’t persuasions or one night stands or drink related. His reactions were his own, automatic and welcoming, bearing no heed to the thoughts that their owner had considered himself completely straight until recently.

Orli snuggled against him, scattering light kisses over Sean’s neck and under his chin, his hands resting on the smooth firm skin of Sean’s chest like some romantic heroine in one of the BBC’s many costume dramas. The younger man’s own arousal was pressed up against Sean’s leg, attempting to behave itself.

“ That’s more like it,” Orlando had a grin the size of New Mexico on him. “ So is there more?”

His arousal ground against Sean’s, causing waves of frustrating pleasure to go through the blonde. His body had already firmly decided there was to be no chickening out of this one, and he felt he was far too old to go and wank off in the bathroom. Sean kissed Orlando again with more emphasis on tongues. Orlando was a willing partner; as soon as he had worked out what Sean’s next moves were, he was constantly supporting him, allowing Sean the lead whilst injecting his own enthusiasm into the movements. Sean could see the additional appeal that kept Viggo to him.

“ There is,” confirmed Sean in a husky whisper. Orli’s eyes slid down to Sean’s boxers, then back up in excited query. At Sean’s lop sided smile, Orli grinned happily, all trace of boredom vanished.

“ You’d be better off without these,” Orlando murmured, a finger playing with the elastic of the underwear before carefully sliding them down Sean’s hips. After very little deliberations, Sean stepped out of the clothing, kicking them towards a corner where they huddled with Orlando’s cast offs.

” Leave it,” he instructed as Orlando glanced at them automatically, Viggo’s training kicking in. Orlando grinned again and nodded, pushing his body hard against Sean’s again. Not willing to get railroaded into positions, Sean immediately used his strength to push Orli against one of the walls, which thankfully wasn’t too far away.

“ You okay?” panted Sean, his hands still roaming Orlando’s body. Orli paused in his squirming against Sean to give him a blatantly obvious look. Sean chuckled.

“ Okay. Bad question.”

Orli kissed him again, his hands running through Sean’s short blonde hair to pull the man into a harder embrace. Sean knew he must be flattening his partner against the wall , but his focus on this failed as Orlando ground himself against him even harder, quicker, nipping at Sean in excitement. Sean groaned softly, one of Orlando’s hands having moved from head to gripping Sean’s arse hard, trying to get even more pressure against him.

Orli met Sean’s gaze levelly.

“ You want me?” he said in a low voice, hungry eyes flickering over Sean's. Sean hadn’t a clue what the boy would have done if he pulled away now, not that he had any desire to do so whatsoever. Sean kissed him again.

“ Silly question,” he murmured back. Orlando gave a cocky grin, and ground himself slowly against Sean’s erection, grinning even wider at Sean’s hissed moan.

“ So get on with it, old man,”

“ What, here?” Sean looked uncertain. This position suggested more knowledge than he was entirely comfortable with, and he had a horrible feeling he might accidentally hit one of their heads on the wall. An unconscious lover was not the first thing on the romance list.

Orlando gave a dramatic roll of the eyes. “ I suppose we could move to the sofa if you can’t cope with it,”

Sean growled against him. “ I think you’ll find I can cope with most things,” His hands had managed to navigate themselves round to gripping Orlando’s bottom, his thankfully short nails raking across the sensitive skin. Orli was about to respond when the words caught in his throat as Sean experimentally ran his hand over the cleft of Orli’s buttocks.

“ More,” instructed Orli, the words thick. Sean hesitated briefly, his limited knowledge being pushed already. Orlando sensed the indecisiveness, and pulled Sean towards him.

“ That’s good,” he murmured, little more than a whisper. “ Now just stroke lightly .. that’s it .. ,”

Sean carefully followed Orli’s instructions, his light touches swiftly turning into harder, teasing strokes, interlaced with Orlando’s approving moans and groans and occasional whimpers. Orli pressed back against the fingers, urging Sean to enter him. Sean hesitated again, hating himself for it but knowing he would hate himself more if he felt like he was kebabing the poor - if willing - Orli.

“ Don’t we need ..?”

Orli came out of his trace, and focused on Sean. He nodded, and leant well over to the right like an acrobat, seizing his bag which was far too conveniently placed. Sean felt his mouth drop open at the production of a half used tube of lubricant.

“ Hey, I wasn’t sure whether we’d have time for hobbies,” grinned Orli. Sean gave him another look, then shook his head slightly, retrieving the bottle from Orli. He glanced at him in query.

” As much as you want,” Orli was apparently a natural at guess the question. Sean took him at his word and applied a generous amount to his fingers, Orli trembling eagerly against him. When his finger finally breached the tight muscle, Sean felt the younger man jump against him, a noise that could only be pleasure issuing from his lips.

” Please, more,” begged Orli almost immediately. Sean inserted another finger, knowing full well that Viggo would not have been so gentle. He experimented with finger movements inside Orli, some working a lot better than others, trying everything from circles to thrusting to almost a biology lesson, probing as far as he could get. Sean managed to insert another finger, Orlando groaning and moving against him, his head tipping back to rest on Sean’s shoulder.

Sean had no idea how Viggo managed to keep such an expressionless face; the combination of eager naked sweat coated body against him, coupled with the moans and other such approving noises, was beginning to take a serious toll on him. He could feel himself throb with every moan, ache whenever Orli moved against him - which was almost all the time - the frustration building up inside him until it was all the willpower he had to stop himself shoving Orli round and burying himself to the hilt inside him. Viggo was definitely unnatural, Sean decided with a moan as Orlando rubbed against him again.

Orli also seemed to feel a similar way, as he twisted away from Sean and placed his hands firmly on the wall, looking back at Sean over his shoulder. Smooth buttocks were waggled at him encouragingly.

The encouragement was sorely not needed; Sean pressed himself against Orlando’s back, managing to position himself against Orli’s tight opening with the minimum of fuss, feeling the younger man trembles throughout his body, his own echoing in kind. He took a deeper breath, and slowly pushed into Orli. The younger man gasped and arched his body against Sean, whose plans of slow penetration were somewhat destroyed as Orlando pushed hard against him, Sean’s arousal buried deep within the tight velvet heat.

Sean groaned against Orli’s back, trying to control himself. The feeling of being so completely surrounded was attempting to overwhelm him; his nails raked over Orli’s side and hips, almost trying to find purchase. Orlando was obviously waiting for him to adapt, although Orlando’s breathing was short and shallow, his flanks trembling like an overridden horse.

Sean pulled back, and thrust into Orlando again. Orli met the challenge, meeting every one of Sean’s thrusts with a backwards one of his own, causing the careful nature of Sean’s actions to turn into something entirely more primitive. After the fifth thrust, Sean felt the entirety of his self control trickle away; he slammed back into Orlando, who had to brace himself harder on the wall, groans meeting every thrust, his head thrown back.

At the feeling of Orlando’s body shuddering hard against him, Sean captured the last of his conscious willpower and moved his hand round to roughly stroke Orli’s erection in time with his thrusting. Orli’s groans immediately grew louder, his body shaking so much that Sean almost expected to crash to the floor any second. Suddenly he felt Orli pause; Sean was gripped even harder by Orli’s clenching muscles, something that completely doomed him. Sean cried out as he came in the young man, Orlando not really noticing much in the face of his own climax that covered Sean’s hand.

After a few seconds breather, Sean carefully withdrew. Orlando almost flopped to the ground, his muscles seemingly calling a strike, their harsh panting competing with the noise of the rain drumming down on the house. Orli finally laughed, sliding down to sit on the cool floorboards with his back to the wall, looking up at Sean cheerfully.

“ See?” he said. “ I knew you had it in you,”

“ And it’s almost out of me as well,” Sean felt as though someone had drained him dry of energy, which he supposed someone almost did. Orlando looked at him in speculation, and in a way that Sean wasn’t entirely sure he liked.

” No more,” he warned. A pout immediately formed on Orli’s face.

“ Why not?”

“ Because,” Sean had managed to regain control over his breathing.

” Didn’t you like it?”

“ That’s not the point,” Sean waved a slightly shaking finger at him. Orli looked at him innocently.

“ Well,” he replied. “ we’ll have to see,”


The rest of the day and night went past very quickly, considering there still being very little to do. The night had passed remarkably uneventfully. Sean had been worried that Orli would not accept him in some manner, but the young man had fallen asleep with his arm tight around Sean, so tight in fact that it felt like Orlando was worried Sean was going to wander off at night. The blonde was thankful to note no further demands on his sexuality were going to be forthcoming this night at least; his body was still trying to get over the shock of the living room jaunt without another experience to add to the madness.

The next day several thousand games of patience were played on the elderly table, Sean occasionally glancing around to check up on Orli who was well known for doing anything if bored. Lunch had come and gone, the sun was growing lower in the sky, and it was scarily, uncannily, silent.

Orlando was perched on the elderly sofa arm, rocking gently back and forth, staring out the window. Sean watched him for a few seconds then went back to his cards.

“ Do you love him?”

The question was so out of the blue Sean wasn’t entirely sure he heard right. He stared back at Orli, who hadn’t changed his expression or taken his concentration away from the window. The pattering of the rain outside was the only thing heard for several seconds.

“ What?”

“ Do you love him?” Orlando repeated in the same strange casual voice. Sean frowned slightly, the waiting card drooping slightly in his grasp.

“ Who? Viggo?”

“ Hmmm,” agreed Orli. The window continued to be stared at. Sean frowned at him, then at the card in his hand as though that magically managed to have the answer to everything.

“ Uh.” It was not really a question he had thought about. Or rather, it was a question he had thought about in the manner of one not wanting to focus on it too closely. Something to be put off for another day. “ I guess,” he struggled. “ Do you?”

“ Of course,” Orlando still had the conversational tone of one talking over a polite supper of tea and biscuits, his gaze never shifting from the window.

There was another silence. The card in Sean’s hand continued not to be played. Thoughts of their casual conversations and .. uh.. other activities from yesterday filled Sean’s mind, trying to find something that might have sparked this sudden change. His mind kept flickering back to the lovemaking he and Viggo had enjoyed on a private basis, the guilt flickering up for another hello.

“ I was just wondering,” Orlando began again, in the tones of an interested schoolchild. “ what you were getting from all of this,”

Sean hesitated. “ I don’t understand.”

“ Really? Oh. Sorry.” Orli sounded anything but. There was a continuation of silence.

“ Orli, I… uh…,” Sean finally put down the card before it drove him nuts. “ you know we’re not shutting you out or anything, don’t you?”

Orlando finally looked at him, his frown deepening. “ And why would I think that?”

“ Uh. No reason.” Sean felt unsettled under the steady look and glanced back to his cards. The cards stared unsympathetically back. There was another hmmmm noise from Orli, but nothing further was said. Sean managed to let out his breath without being noticeable.

Orlando finally slid from the sofa arm, his bare feet padding on the bare floorboards. Sean’s eyes slid sideways cautiously as Orli placed his hand carefully on Sean’s shoulder, almost massaging it, before sliding it round to start rubbing Sean’s back.

“ You know,” he said dreamily. “ I don’t think you know what you want,”

“ Possibly,” Sean was still trying to focus on anything except the massage.

“ Either that or you like screwing people up,” Orli thought about this. “ In the mind, anyway,”

Sean swivelled round to stare at him, again caught off guard. “ What does that mean?!” he snapped. Orli seemed completely oblivious to any sort of anger aimed in his direction, although the hand had to move back to a shoulder, the massaging carefully continuing

“ Well, it’s true isn’t it,” he replied. “ How many marriages, Sean?”

“ That’s not the point,”

“ Really? Your succession of failed relationships is nothing to do with the current situation?” Orlando mused on this idly. “ I’m sorry, but I rather think that it is,”

“ How?” Sean growled, feeling his unnerved feeling melt into annoyance. Orli gave him a look that queried why he had to be so dense.

“ Surely it’s becoming a habit now, isn’t it?”

“ For fuck’s sake, Orli, no one got screwed up.” Sean snapped back. “ And no one’s going to be screwed up either.”

“ Really?”

“ Really,” Sean almost slammed the card onto the table. Orli watched him quietly, his hand still on Sean’s shoulder. There was a long silence.

“ So-“

” For crying out loud, Orli!” Sean’s temper, fuelled by not a small amount of guilt, was in full force already. “ Nothing’s happening you don’t know about! Just leave it, will you?”

“ I was,” replied Orlando shortly. “ about to ask whether you wanted anything to eat.”

“ Oh.” Sean growled, unable to entirely halt the anger. “ Right. No. Thanks.”

Orli didn’t seem to be moving for any sort of nourishment. Sean finally pushed back and stood from his chair, the cards pushed into the centre in a cardboard mess. Orlando withdrew his hand, his eyes watching him carefully.

“ Have I upset you?”

” That’s what you set out to do, wasn’t it?” snapped Sean, making his way to the sofa and away from the immediate presence of Orli. Orlando shrugged.

” I wanted to know whether you would laugh or get annoyed. Now I know.”

“ Happy now?”

“ Not really.” Orli folded his arms. Sean glared at him but managed to stop himself retorting anything back. It was getting far too heated as it was, and it was less than a minute since the argument started. Orlando watched him coolly, his eyes still unreadable, his position bordering on the hostile.

“ Why does he treat you differently?”

“ I don’t know,” Sean snapped back, sitting on the sofa and glaring out the window. Orli’s eyes narrowed.

“ So there is a difference then?”

“ For crying out loud, Orli!” Sean’s temper had completely freed itself from the chains and was more than raring to go. “ If you say he’s treating me differently, he’s treating me differently! You know him better than I do in that context!”

Orli again ignored the outburst. “ But why?” he persisted. “ Did you ask?”

“ Did I ask what? To be strangled?” Sean stared back at him angrily. “ To be growled at, shouted at, held down and almost-,” He broke off and glared towards the window again. “ No, I bloody well didn’t! Whatever he’s doing, it’s happening on HIS timetable.”

Neither of them referred to the fact that Viggo had suddenly been reduced to a He. Orlando stepped closer, his body straight and alert, his eyes flashing.

“ You must have done something.”

” Not run out the fucking door like I should have!” roared Sean back at him, furious green eyes focusing angrily on the younger man. Orlando responded in kind, which Sean would later consider slightly odd from a submissive. However, he was never good at thinking or noticing things when the rage clouded his mind, as it did when Orli immediately countered Sean’s statement with one of his own.

“ But you did! You turned and ran like a scared child!” shouted Orli, his hands turning into fists at his side. “ Some fucking hero you turned out to be!”

“ I’m here now aren’t I?” growled Sean dangerously. Orlando snorted his derision.

“ For how long? Long enough to fuck over everyone else, and THEN you’ll move on, say you’ve changed your mind, and by that time you’ll have changed him for good!”

Sean moved from the sofa and started to pace the room; he needed to be doing something, even if it was just to let out some anger. Orlando watched him.

“ You want me gone then?” Sean finally turned to face him, his arms folded, the anger still clearly present.

“ Would you go?” It was delivered in a matter of fact question. Sean hesitated.

“ Do you want me gone?” Sean repeated eventually and dangerously softly, staring at Orlando steadily. The younger man studied him in silence.

There was a long, long pause, broken only by the soft patter of light rain against the window panes. Both men stared at each other like cowboys, waiting for the other to make the first move. Finally, Orlando dropped his gaze and stared angrily towards the fireplace.

“ Orli..,” Sean said finally. There was nothing from the said man in question, who was still giving the fireplace one of the hardest looks it would probably experience. Sean sighed in frustration, and stepped forward, grabbing on to one of Orlando’s arms to try and force his attention. Orli snatched it away.

“ Orlando,” Sean’s growl could almost exactly fit Viggo’s tone. Orli suddenly glared at him, eyes too bright in the available light that suggested as yet unshed tears; immediately a swift punch aimed itself at Sean who automatically blocked and, without thinking, shoved the younger man back hard.

Orli stumbled backwards, hit the sofa arm, and crashed heavily to the floor, his head striking the floorboards with a hefty thump.

Where he lay, unmoving
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