LOTR RPS: Smack the Dog 11

Oct 12, 2007 10:43

Chapter 11: Complicated


For the second time in a very short period of his life, Sean felt his world come to a halt. He stared in almost incomprehension at Orli on the floor, before his mind managed to crank back into action.

” Orli!” Sean immediately hurried to his side, kneeling down beside the fallen youngster, his hand resting gently and nervously against Orli’s neck. Orlando coughed and groaned, which, although not confirmation of fineness, was at least better than nothing at all. The rain continued to pitter patter against the window in case either of them had forgotten exactly how cut off they were.

“ God, I’m sorry!” Sean’s distress was obvious. “ Are you okay?”

Orlando groaned again, and shifted himself into a slightly more comfortable position. “ Apart from the splitting headache?” He hissed. “ Oh, and the bruised lower back.”

Sean’s hand had now found a home on Orli’s chest as its owner stared at him anxiously. “ Can you move everything?”

“ I’m fine, Sean. Please shut up.” Orli was attempting to sit up, which was being hampered by Sean’s hand. Orli looked at the hand, then up at Sean. “ And please get out the way.”

Sean shifted backwards slightly. “ Should you be moving?”

“ I’m not staying down there all night,” countered Orli, hissing slightly as he pushed himself up to a sitting position. “ And you wanted to check everything moved didn’t you?”

” Well, in a .. passive way,”

Orlando shrugged, winced, and managed to pull himself up to sit on the sofa, Sean’s assistance being batted away. Orli shut his eyes and leant back against the sofa.

“ Orli, I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean-“

“ Sean. Belt up.” Orli’s eyes hadn’t opened.

But belting up was extremely elusive. Appalled by his own behaviour, Sean was desperate to make sure everything was fine, and this normally involved the power of speech. After all, this was what it was there for.

“ Do you want anything? Painkillers?” offered Sean.

“ No.”

“ Drink? Book?”

“ No.” Orli had opened one eye to look at him, a faint smile hovering on his lips. “ I’m okay, Sean. Stop with the servant act.”

“ Well what can I do?” he caught the look Orlando sent him. “ Apart from shutting up.”

“ Just sit down and calm down. This isn’t serious,”

“ Not serious?!” Sean stared at him. Orli had re-shut his eye and was currently making a large amount of silence. The blonde shook his head slowly, and raised himself off the floor, not certain of where he stood in the conversation. Should he go and leave him to his own thoughts? Or should he stay put to make sure there were no side effects of floorboards meeting head? His horoscope had said nothing about this. This was the last time he was reading Mystic Meg.

“ Sean?” Orlando said in a smaller voice after Sean had hovered around for about a minute in indecision. “ Just sit on the sofa will you?”

Sean was slightly more encouraged by this and perched himself on the edge of the sofa. The smile hovered once more.

“ You could sit back a little further,”

Sean obliged, which was only fair if you had managed to cause someone a head injury. Orli sighed.

” And no, I don’t.” he said quietly. Sean blinked at him.

“ Don’t what?” Sean was losing track of the conversation.

“ Want you to go.” Orli was silent for a few minutes, then shook his head. “ It’s all gone wrong,”

“ What has? And don’t shake your head like that,” Sean gently touched Orlando’s head, Orli batting his hand away swiftly.

“ The situation! I thought it would be easy. That all it would be was an additional person, nothing would change.” Orli said sadly. He glanced towards Sean, then back at the fireplace.

“ Oh.” Sean, working out the context, struggled to get back to their past conversation. He was about to comment that he could never count on anything staying the same but thought that was probably adding salt to the wounds. “ Couldn’t we .. well, try and get it back to where you wanted it?”

Orli smiled ruefully. “ Not after these last few days,”

“ I’m really sorry Orli, it was an accident-“ Sean felt the guilt trying to suffocate him again.

“ Not that,”

“ Oh.” Sean was losing track of the conversation. The question on the identity of the problem was desperately wanting to be asked, but Sean was sure he was going to look idiotic again.

“ It’s us sleeping together. As in fucking,” Orli added, in case Sean got worried about sleeping on the wrong side of the bed. Sean didn’t look any less confused.

“ But weren’t we sleeping together already?” Sean was also losing track of what to feel guilty about. Perhaps he should start making a list.

“ Not exactly. Certainly not without supervision.”

“ What is this, some sort of Adult Sexual Schooling?” asked Sean crossly. “ Why should it matter?”

Orli turned to look at him, the expression in his eyes unreadable. “ You weren’t supposed to fuck another man.”

“ What? Why not?” Sean thought this was slightly unfair. Was he destined to remain someone with aches in interesting places the morning after? Orlando smiled sadly.

” You might like it,”

Sean ran this through his mind again, and decided that it definitely made no sense whatsoever. Orli watched this expression cross Sean’s face, and smiled again.

” Viggo has a .. well, a phobia I suppose you could call it, of being the bottom guy. It’s due to something that happened a while back.” Orli settled back as though recounting some perverted version of Story time. “ He has to be the dominant person involved. If he finds out you’ve experienced it, he might feel .. pressured. And also it would affect that power structure I told you about earlier. So…,” Orlando shrugged.

Sean’s eyes narrowed. “ And you knew this?”

Orli had the grace to look uncomfortable. “ Well, yes,” he said finally. “ I was .. that is.. I wanted… uh…,”

The blonde waited patiently. Orli finally mumbled “ sorry,” and shut up again. Sean groaned and fell back against the sofa.

” So at the very best I’ve got another Look Whose In Charge session?”

“ Not necessarily. You could lie,” suggested Orli.

“ He’d find out after the first night. I’m hopeless about keeping guilt locked up.”

“ I could say I forced you?”

Sean looked at him. Orli shrugged in acceptance. Point taken. A moment’s silence was shared.

“ So, you were doing all of yesterday in order to .. what, get me into trouble?” Sean said finally, and not without the hurt. Orlando shifted on the sofa, staring at the fireplace.

“ Pretty much.”

“ You do realise I can get into trouble easily enough without your help, don’t you?” Sean remarked dryly, trying to hide the fact he was upset on the reasoning behind the romance. Orlando shrugged.

“ And you get away with it. Time and again. Hence the reason why I had to get you to do something he couldn’t classify as a small thing,”

“ This isn’t a small thing?” Sean looked slightly panicked. Orlando shook his head. Sean swallowed, and glanced at the window, his concern about the betrayal being masked by the sheer terror of what Viggo would do against things which weren’t deemed “small”.

“ Perhaps it’s going to stay wet like this for ages?” he said hopefully. Orli shook his head again.

” Weather’s improving. I would imagine they could be able to get helicopters in tomorrow,”

Sean’s terror increased ten fold. “ Helicopters?!”

“ Oh. Yeah. Flying,” Orli looked even more uncomfortable as he realised he had managed to make Sean’s night one filled with as many nightmares as possible, barring some horror flick. “ Well, it’s going to be a short flight,”

“ We covered the benefit of that one last time,” There was a paler shade of Sean on the sofa. “ It’s still off the ground. I don’t do off the ground well,”

“ You can hold onto me,” offered Orli.

“ I believe that’s the reason why I’m in trouble with Viggo.”

There was a pause.

“ It’s not going to be your day, is it,” remarked Orlando gloomily. Sean shook his head, his stomach still feeling queasy as hell. Orlando sighed, and put a hand on Sean’s thigh. Sean almost reacted as though it was a burning iron, but managed to turn it into a mere jump. Orli looked sorrowful and removed his hand.

“ I’m sorry,” he sighed. “ It all seemed a much better idea yesterday. You *sure* you can’t lie?”

“ Every time he gives me that look of his I’d confess most things,” groaned Sean, leaning his head back against the sofa. “ And can you imagine his anger if he found out two days later?”

Orli could. Another moment of silence was shared.

” Well, perhaps we should confess straight away?” suggested Orli. “ Then prove to him it’s no threat,”

Sean stared at him. “ How?” his voice was slow, in the manner of one who was certain he was not going to like what he was about to hear. Orli shrugged again.

“ Throw yourself on his mercy,”

“ How hard would I have to throw myself?” Sean was certain he wasn’t going to like this. The shifty look was back in Orli’s eyes again. Sean groaned. Hard enough to require brakes, no doubt.

“ We got any more wine?” Situations always looked better through an alcoholic haze. Orli looked wary.

“ Looking to use alcohol to get you through things isn’t too healthy,” he said softly. Sean gave him a look.

” Oh, but being beaten up as part of a sexual kink is *perfectly* fine!” he retorted, a little sharper than usual. Orli dropped his eyes. Sean sighed and put his head back against the sofa.

“ Sorry,”

“ S’okay.” Orli waved it off. They sat in silence, not even with the accompaniment of the rain with them. The pitter patter of tiny raindrops had finished during one of the arguments.

“ If it helps, he’s not happy with me either at the moment,” offered Orlando. Sean eyed him; obviously this was the part where a little more confession was added to try and get guilt off their respective backs.

“ Karl?”

“ How did you know?” Orli was shocked into sitting upright, staring at him. Sean was horrified to notice a flash of anger re-enter Orlando’s eyes. “ Did Viggo tell you?”

“ Er. No. But it wasn’t too hard to guess,” Sean relaxed slightly as Orlando sank back against the sofa. “ Don’t worry about it, Karl’ll leave you alone now he knows he can’t get anywhere,”

There was a long silence. Followed by another long silence.

“ He *does* know he can’t get anywhere, doesn’t he?” asked Sean slowly. More silence continued. It was obviously a wholesale time on the stuff. Orli shut his eyes again.

“ I may have .. flirted a little,”

“ How *little* are we talking?”

“ Don’t take that tone with me!” Orlando flared up. Sean tried to look more relaxed than he felt. Viggo was going to be a ticking time bomb even before they touched land.

“ Did you…?”

” No! We chatted! That’s it!” Orli was incredibly defensive. Sean decided to let things rest before they caused another chaos before it was scheduled.

“ Oh.”

A minute ticked by without much else being confessed. Orli sighed finally, and turned to Sean.

“ Wine then?”

“ Please.”


All in all, they weren’t as drunk as they could have been. Several crude and downright dodgy tales had been told through hazy memories. Songs had been partially sung before realising the third verse had been forgotten. Sean had been hit periodically throughout the evening to stop him professing his devotion for Sheffield United, which Orli maintained was far too dull for this type of wine. There was a brief scuffle as a result of insults against said football team, in which cushions were enlisted.

All in all, a bizarre night, thought Sean hazily as he tried to properly focus on his bed mate. Orlando was naked, draped across the bottom of the bed widthways, and refusing to get into bed in the proper fashion.

“ S’dull,” Orli was lying on his stomach, giving Sean what was probably classified as a hard stare. “ Why d’you want to do that?”

“ To allow my feet to be on the bed?” replied Sean, rather reasonably he felt. Orli laughed, and almost fell off the bed himself.

“ You curl up anyway! Like a mouse!”

“ I don’t!”

“ Do!”

“ Don’t!”

Orli finally dragged himself to the correct end of the bed, and collapsed in a giggling heap. He pulled Sean onto him, the blonde’s balance being hampered enough to fail to stop Sean crashing on top of Orli. Not that the younger man seemed to mind, or, for that matter, notice.

“ Hang on,” warned Sean as Orlando’s nails raked across Sean’s naked backside. Orli ignored this, and bit Sean quite hard on the neck. “ OW!”

Orli sulked. “ You like it when Viggo does it,”

“ Viggo’s not trying to be a vampire!” And thank the lord for small mercies. “ Nibble, don’t .. *eat*!”

Orli went for the sucking instead, which was a lot less painful. The small sensible part of Sean’s mind that had been paying attention to world events was being blatantly ignored as Orli pressed himself ever closer to Sean, his mouth and hands working overtime.

“ Should we be doing this?” gasped Sean as Orli’s hand grazed parts of his anatomy which were extremely sensitive already. Orlando, who had his mouth busy on Sean’s neck, didn’t answer. His hand tormented Sean further, whose groans were getting louder by the minute.

Finally Sean managed to grab hold of Orli and spin them into a position where he was in a little more control. Orli blinked at him sleepily as Sean leant over him.

” No.” Sean hoped he sounded more definite than he felt. Orli sulked slightly more, but the drink was already making its mark.

“ S’not fair,”

“ No, it isn’t,” agreed Sean. “ But at least we live,”

Orlando yawned, and gave a sweet innocent smile.

” You really are worried about him, aren’t you?”

“ You mean I shouldn’t be?” Sean stretched on the bed, and pulled Orli slightly closer in a moment of affection and side mission of additional body warmth collection. Orlando shook his head.

“ He’s a pussy cat,”

“ By that I assume you mean a creature who enjoys playing and tormenting weaker animals whilst always giving a pleasing purr?” Sean grinned. Orli sulked a little more and punched Sean on the arm.

“ Seriously! He’s no danger whatsoever,”

Sean yawned widely, and snuggled deeper into the blanket. “ If you say so.”

“ I do! Loudly!” Orli was being most insistent for this time of the night, and had even attempted to sit up properly. Unfortunately the alcohol had its own ideas about Orlando’s abilities to sit upright. Aspects of Legolas were nowhere to be found that night. Sean made a grumpy noise as Orli accidentally fell on him heavily.

“ Orli, for crying out loud, lie down!”

“ Not until you-“

Orli’s statement was cut off as his partner seized hold of his arms and forced him into a position that was Sean approved.

“ Orlando,” Sean said softly. “ just shush and go to sleep, there’s a good boy,”

Orli looked up at him, eyes shining. “ Or what?” he queried innocently. Sean shrugged.

” I dunno.”

“ Oh.” Orli looked thoughtful for a minute. “ Imagine the fun we could have finding out,”

Sean’s grip tightened slightly on Orlando’s wrists. “ Behave. I’m not cleaning up after you,” he warned. Orli grinned at him.

“ Anyone told you how much like Viggo you actually are when you get going?” he said cheerfully. Sean dropped hold of Orli’s wrists like they were red hot and sat back up instantly. Orlando suddenly realised that he had hit a nerve.

“ Well, you are,” he grumbled. “ All strength and sarcasm. You like being on top don’t you?”

“ Shut up,” Sean rolled off and turned his back on him. Orlando wobbled into a better position to look at him.

“ Honestly Sean-“

” Orli, shut the fuck up before …,” the sentence finally finishing with a growl, Sean tried desperately to ignore him. Orlando shrugged, and nestled back on the mattress, an arm draped over Sean’s side. The older man didn’t respond. Having taken no action as good news, Orli snuggled up closer and yawned widely.

“ You,” he said sleepily. “ are far too sensitive,”

Still nothing from Sean. Which was how they left it.


The helicopter finally landed, and not before time. Sean had spent the entire time with his heart thudding in his chest as though it was attempting to escape, a thin cold trickle of sweat down his spine, his hand gripping Orli’s knee as though this was the one thing that was saving them from plummeting down to earth.

As the blades whirred to a stop, Sean managed to shakily leave the metal prison and also managed not to immediately fall to the floor and kiss the ground. Orlando stuck close by his side in case his legs gave way, hand carefully and comradely on his arm. Taking a few deep breaths of fresh air, Sean focused on his surroundings.

There was a fair crowd who had gathered to see them in, which he was touched by. Viggo stood slightly to one side, watching them with one of his trademark blank expressions. Keeping the subtly firmly in mind, Sean resisted the urge to immediately walk over to him, exchanging a few words with cast and crew whenever an answer was needed. Most knew his fear of flying and kept the exchanges to a minimum whilst his skin colour was quite that pale.

Orli managed to get around the issue of subtly by hugging the hobbits first before turning to Viggo and almost leaping into his arms in a dramatic fashion. Viggo’s blank expression broke as Orli nuzzled against his neck, a genuine smile breaking through the ice.

” To the pub!” suggested Lij. This was almost taken up as a chant. Orli gave Viggo one last kiss on the cheek and bounced away. Sean watched the little procession for a minute or two, then looked back at Viggo who was watching him steadily. Hoping his legs were a little more steady than they felt, he made his way over in a casual fashion. Or what he hoped was a casual fashion anyway.

“ You okay?” Viggo asked softly.

“ Been better.” Sean tried a smile, which amazingly seemed to work. Viggo eyed him thoughtfully.

” I think you need to sit down,”

“ With a beer?” asked Sean hopefully. Viggo raised an eyebrow.

“ Oh, possibly,” he agreed. “ Shooting’s been halted for the wanderers’ return, by the way.” There was a brief pause as Viggo looked at him closer. “ You’re shaking,”

“ Sorry,” Sean didn’t meet his eyes.

There was a pause.

” How much of that shaking is to do with the helicopter?” asked Viggo carefully. Sean knew the returned expression was as guilty as hell. Viggo, for his part, did not look particularly upset at this point. Mind you, he didn’t look particularly anything, the expression as blank as a canvas. He put his arm around Sean’s shoulder briefly, and started to steer him away.

” Vig…,” Sean began, unable to think on how that sentence was going to finish but knowing he had to start it anyway. Viggo made a hush noise, as though Sean was a baby trying to get back to sleep.

“ Whatever it is,” Viggo’s voice was still extremely pleasant. Sean mistrusted this immediately. “ we can discuss it at home.”

Home was where the bedroom was. The gym. The leather whips. Sean felt his stomach quail even more, which was having an extremely bad time since that morning when the telephone lines came back on and the helicopter arrival was imminent.

“ Couldn’t we .. go somewhere else?” he asked desperately. Viggo paused, slightly surprised.

“ A walk?” he suggested.

A secluded spot, no one for miles, sticks within easy reach…

“ I could really do with something to eat,” said Sean hastily. The stomach rolled over just thinking about it. Viggo shrugged.

“ It’s your decision,” he agreed, far too easily in Sean’s opinion. They walked on again in silence, until they reached Viggo’s car. Sean glanced back towards the set.

“ Orli?”

Viggo waved his mobile at him.

“ Oh. Right. Okay,” Sean slid into the front seat. Viggo glanced at him again curiously, before backing the vehicle out and continuing towards the main road.

“ Did you want to head back to the house and pick up a change of clothes?” asked Viggo casually after a few minutes. The expression he found on Sean’s face made him pull the vehicle over to the side of the road and switch off the engine.

” Okay. What?”

“ What d’you mean, what?” Sean looked uncomfortable. Viggo shook his head.

“ You look like I’m driving you to your place of execution, Sean,” he said slowly. “ What on earth is the matter with you?”

Sean swallowed and said nothing. Viggo’s gaze, however, was not to be put off by uncomfortable behaviour.

“ I’m sorry,” Sean mumbled finally.

“ I gathered that. About what, exactly?” Viggo waited a few more minutes before turning Sean’s head to face him. “ Just say it.”

“ I … slept with Orli,” the voice was so low it could win limboing contests. Viggo stared at him incredulously.

Viggo stilled for a mere moment, a flicker of something crossing his expression. Then it was blank again, as though a mere memory. ” And..?”

Now it was Sean’s turn to look confused. “ Isn’t that enough?”

“ Well, no, quite frankly,” Viggo stared at him a few more moments, then began to grin. “ That was it, wasn’t it? Scared the life out of me, you did. I thought you were .. well.” He shook his head, and stared out the windscreen, an amused smile still playing on his lips. His eyes were thoughtful.

Sean stared at him. “ You’re not angry?”

“ For sleeping with Orli? Should I be?” Viggo raised an eyebrow. “ Did you break him or something?”

Sean was about to deny this, then thought about it. “ Er. Almost,” he said apologetically. Viggo shrugged.

“ In which case I shall reserve judgement for when I can assess the damage,” It was like he was discussing the borrowing of a cup. Sean wasn’t sure how to react. Viggo noticed the indecision, and laid a hand on Sean’s thigh. The younger man almost hit the car ceiling. Viggo made a hmmm noise at the back of his throat, and stared back out the windscreen.

“ Do you still want to go to this bar?” he asked, his voice flatter than usual. “ I can drop you off at your place. Time alone, that sort of thing.”

Sean stared at him, scared at the implications. “ You’re .. dumping me?”

Viggo didn’t stop looking through the windscreen. “ I cannot touch you without you trying to beat the high jump record,” he replied, still in a low dull tone. “ I can’t see that being much of a relationship for you.”

“ I’m sorry! It’s just that.. well, I was nervous.”

A ghost of a smile flickered across Viggo’s face. “ The classic British understatement there,”

“ Orli said you would be really upset,” mumbled Sean. “ I just.. well…,”

“ Did he now,” Viggo mused. Sean’s eyes slid sideways at him at the introduction of the steel, faint but still present. Sean swallowed again.

“ Something about .. you not wanting me to .. well,”

Viggo waited patiently. “ If you can do it, you can say it, Sean,” he said finally. “ To fuck other men? Or to fuck Orlando in particular?”

“ Just generally,” Sean stared at his hands clasped on his lap. Viggo made another thoughtful noise in the back of his throat and stared out the front. Several cars had already passed them, onwards to destinations probably less hazardous than Sean’s.

“ I can’t say I’m fond of the idea of you doing anything with other men,” Viggo said finally. “ I thought you were with us. Loyal to us,”

” And I am!” Sean was desperate to assure him. Viggo’s gaze had not moved from staring out the windscreen.

“ What else did Orlando say?” the tone was still polite, although slightly flatter than previously.

“ Nothing much.”

“ No explanations? You didn’t ask?” Viggo glanced to the side. His eyes narrowed. “ Thought not.”

“ He didn’t explain anything. Something about a thing in your past and that’s all he said. Honestly.” Sean stared down at his hands, which were curled up on his laps as though seeking shelter.

There was a Viggo produced silence. Sean stared at him nervously.

“ So..?” he prompted.

” So?”

Sean sighed. “ This is the part where you’re supposed to tell me the past story.”

“ Am I,”

“ Or not,” added Sean hurriedly. That tone was not something he wanted to mess around with. “ I’m sure I’ll find out in good time, yeah?”

“ Something like that,” Viggo reached for the keys of the vehicle and turned the ignition back on. The car
throbbed back into life. Sean managed to stop a sigh of relief escaping. “ So where did you want to go? Back home?”

Sean paused for a mere moment, eying Viggo cautiously. However, the mild expression seemed at least vaguely genuine. Viggo’s moods managed to change the entirety of the atmosphere, as though Nature herself had worked out the feel of things and wanted to vanish as soon as possible.

“ Yeah, that’ll be nice.”

Viggo smiled properly for the first time that car journey, and moved the vehicle for home.


By the time they actually got there Orlando was already curled up on the sofa, idly flicking through television channels. He glanced up as they entered., his eyes almost accusingly on Sean then sliding to Viggo.

“ Where were you?”

Viggo shrugged unconcerned, and sat down on the sofa beside him. “ Busy,”

Orli managed to ignore the hand that now rested on his thigh, sitting up straighter. Sean found himself a chair on the opposite side of the room, knowing he still had the guilty expression on his face and equally knowing he could do nothing about it. Guilty expressions had a home in Sean.

“ I missed you,” Orlando almost made this sound like an accusation. Viggo’s hand rubbed against his leg.

“ I know. And I missed you,”

Orli scanned his face. “ Really?” the voice was almost childlike. Sean’s guilt settled back to enjoy the ride. Viggo leant forward and lightly kissed the younger man beside him in a manner more gentle than any Sean had seen him with Orli. This apparently was the right thing to do, as Orli shifted closer to him, returning the kiss with several across Viggo’s throat and jaw line.

Viggo rolled them into a better position, continually caressing the man underneath him, casually licking and kissing him to indicate a distinct lack of urgency. Sean, who had been glad to have been forgotten and guiltily enjoying the sudden show in front of him, straightened his back in surprise as Viggo paused mid-strip and glanced at him in an assessing way. By the way Orli was still moaning and squirming he assumed that Viggo’s hands were not quite as passive.

The older man leant back, and gave Orli a stern look.

” Strip,”

The clothes vanished within seconds. There was a long pause as Viggo ran his eyes down the waiting and willing body underneath him, now trembling with anticipation under the scrutiny he was getting. Sean’s throat dried again, the blonde shifting in his chair in order to try to lessen the pressure of erection against painfully restrictive jeans.

Viggo glanced at him again. “ You too,”

Sean looked towards Orli, who seemed to have forgotten his presence entirely, and nodded. By the time Viggo was attacking Orlando’s nipple with the ferocity of one who had not eaten for a week, Sean was full naked and excruciatingly aroused, the texture of the chair’s upholstery rubbing against his bare skin. Orli was not assisting in lessening Sean’s discomfort, having taken wholeheartedly to moaning and groaning in such a fashion that Sean was amazed Viggo hadn’t come just from that.

Viggo paused to survey Orli again, a cocky smile playing on his lips, calm and controlled ice blue stare considering his next move in the manner of a James Bond villain. Except, presumably, without the exchange of vast amounts of cash, explosions and leather outfits, however..

Orlando was watching him eagerly, back to the dog waiting for a command. Viggo ran his hand along the younger man’s skin, tracing the outline of muscles and the occasional scar with almost rapt fascination.

“ Sean,” Viggo’s eyes never shifted from Orlando in front of him, but the voice left no hesitation in not obeying. Sean ran through the options this particular use of his name might entail, and stuck with the more probable, sliding off the chair and padding towards them, kneeling near Viggo’s end of the sofa. Orli’s gaze brushed on him briefly before his eyes shut at Viggo’s hand just gently brushing over his erection.

“ Good boy,” Sean wasn’t sure whether this compliment was aimed at him or Orli, but it was certainly an improvement on shouting. Viggo glanced at him again, obviously amused and obviously aroused by the hunger he saw nestling in Viggo’s eyes. Sean stayed perfectly still as Viggo’s gaze rested on his body, surprising himself by his lack of self consciousness.

Viggo met his gaze again, a satisfied smile on his face, then slapped Orli’s hip with a hand, his other one reaching into a trouser pocket and obtaining a tube of lubricant. Shares in KY Jelly must have sky-rocketed when Viggo worked out he was gay, Sean found himself thinking. Orli raised his hips slightly, on command, his eyes still shut and waiting. Sean watched the jump hungrily as Viggo’s fingers penetrated the younger man, gently prying and stretching but certainly with more haste than his kissing had been. Orli groaned against the fingers, trying to push them further into his body, biting his lip against encouragements to hurry up.

Sean’s view was near perfect at the point where Viggo finally moved into a position to rid himself of his trousers, lifted Orli’s hips as though he weighed less than a bag of sugar and thrust inside him. No pause nor hesitation marred the entrance, Orli’s head tipping backwards at the feel. Sean almost groaned himself, firmly keeping his hands to his sides, unable to stop watching the show in front of him and having the frustrating knowledge that he was unable to pleasure himself without getting into serious bad books.

After a few more thrusts, the bad books didn’t seem quite so bad. Despite the position, which seemed to require one hell of a sense of balance, Viggo seemed relentless in his pursuit to turn Orli into a shivering, shaking, highly sensitised wreck. Sean had watched as the older man made sure Orlando’s hands were pinned to his sides, unable to gain any further friction than that given by Viggo himself. Orli almost howled as Viggo obviously managed to hit the perfect spot inside him, his head thrashing slightly, a sheen of sweat formed across golden muscles which shone in the light of the room.

Sean could also hear Viggo’s breathing, hard, low, regular, but in such a way that Sean recognised breathing techniques at work. Sean whimpered at Orli’s scream as he finally came, the younger man’s back arching as though practising yoga. Viggo was not soon after, unable to keep a low groan from escaping as he reached completion. Orli was still gasp-groaning, flopping onto the sofa as the older man withdrew.

Viggo regained control of himself in a heroic fashion, and turned his attention onto the blonde still kneeling on the floor. Sean managed to tear his eyes away from Orli to watch Viggo cautiously, trying to see whether there were any orders that might not be indicated through speech alone. His cock throbbed agonisingly throughout this, making its own view on delays known.

“ Orli,” Viggo instructed, his eyes still on Sean. “ Floor.”

Orli managed to catch his breath, and almost slid to the floor obediently, kneeling down and keeping his head bowed. His eyes were still shut, his breathing haphazard, a look of satisfied exhaustion on his face. Obviously a much needed release.

Viggo smiled at Sean once more, a sweet and wholesome smile. “ Take him,” he instructed, nodding towards Orli.

Sean stared at him, uncomprehendingly, then at Orli who had also focused enough to understand the implications and was wide eyed. Viggo sat back on the sofa and stripped himself of his t-shirt, which until this minute had seen a lot more action than most t-shirts managed.

“ Do I need to repeat myself?” a low and dangerous voice.

Indeed he did not. Sean exchanged glanced with Orli, who swivelled round on his knees, head down, breathing controlled. The blonde ran his hand down Orlando’s back hesitantly, running over the substantial surgery scars as well as the darkening bruises from his tumble with the sofa. He felt the younger man tremble underneath him, an encouraging moan as Sean brushed against the soft firm rise of his arse with his hand.

Out of the corner of his eye he could see Viggo watching them, his hand casually stroking himself. Taking a breath, Sean gently positioned himself and pushed in, the warm heat enveloping him instantly. Orli groaned loudly, thrusting backwards onto Sean’s length in a manner that almost made him come there and then. Sean’s hands tightened on Orlando’s hips, trying to regain some control over the situation. However, the speed had been set, Orli making little noises of encouragement as Sean thrust harder and harder into him, the younger man accepting all that he had to give and seemingly demanding more. Kids these days. Never happy.

Sean groaned loudly as he thudded into him, harder than he had previously wished to go. Orli thrust back just as hard, his hands curling in the carpet, eyes firmly shut. The blonde desperately fought against his rising climax, hands tight enough to leave even more bruises on Orli’s smooth skin. However his efforts gained him very little extra time; with a shout he came hard into the young man, the release almost draining him entirely.

Withdrawing, Sean slid backwards. Orli rolled over like a dog, a self satisfied smirk on his face until Sean leant forward and swiftly captured his cock in his mouth. The look of surprise on Orli’s face was reward in itself. Sean carefully licked the come from Orlando’s erection like an ice-cream in danger of melting over a new and expensive floor, and took the younger man’s cock as deep as he could manage without choking. Less than half a minute later, Orli had exploded on Sean’s tongue, another scream issuing forth.

Sean sat back on his haunches and surveyed Orli thoughtfully, before glancing with some trepidation towards Viggo. The older man’s full attention had clearly been on them by the hungry look that met his own nervous gaze. Sean was slightly taken aback; after so long of closed controlled looks, the flames of desire so obvious in Viggo was a completely new territory.

Without speaking, Viggo stood from the sofa, his eyes meeting Sean’s steadily and in a manner that gave Sean no need to ask exactly what was needed. Viggo’s hand on the small of his back stopped his immediate leap at the cold touch of the lube against his entrance, Sean whimpering and quivering at the intrusion of fingers inside him. Viggo growled as he pushed into the blonde, Sean squirming back against him, the relaxation in his muscles due to his orgasm aiding Viggo’s entrance.

The relaxation was indeed necessary. Sean sobbed- groaned as the self control that Viggo was so obviously clinging to suddenly ran out, thrusting hard and deep into Sean again and again. Sean had to steady himself against the onslaught, having expected a distinct lack of mercy, but the sheer intensity took his breath away. Viggo pounded against him, his arms having to hold Sean steady; Sean screamed at a change of angle as incredible sweet pain flooded his system. The scream seemed to encourage Viggo further, slamming against him again for a few more times before collapsing against him, a growl finding it’s freedom.

For minutes there was a silence as control and breathing attempted to return to a normal level. Viggo had already stood, staring idly towards the television as though trying to remember whether there was a programme he wanted to watch on in a minute. Sean pulled himself up to a sitting position resting against the bottom of the sofa, watching Viggo.

Orli rolled over onto his stomach and groaned softly in tiredness.

“ Orli,” Viggo’s voice was still mild, without bothering to turn round. “ why did you make Sean fuck you the first time?”

And Sean suddenly realised the evening’s entertainments were only just beginning.
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