LOTR RPS: Smack the Dog 9

Oct 12, 2007 10:41

Chapter 9: Tiger, Tiger, Burning Bright


It had taken Sean a while for his heart to calm down and had had to have a shower to rid himself of the cold sweat that a visit from Viggo tended to produce automatically. The water was warm at least, and for several minutes he just stood in the shower, head tilted back, allowing the relaxing patter of the water to calm him at least slightly.

This was somewhat ruined by the door opening. Sean almost jumped a mile, which was never a good idea in a slippy shower with a bar of soap lurking somewhere in the steam. He looked round to find an entirely unharmed Orli watching him in the manner of an antelope uncertain whether the log in the river was an innocent piece of wood or attached to a reptile with a lot of teeth. Sean stuck his head back under the shower for a few more seconds, then found that simply ignoring him was not helping.

“ Okay,” he sighed, picking up the shower gel and squirting a fair quantity into his palm. “ What can I help you with?”

He eyed the younger man, feeling the relief that at least the anger seemed to have been directed at himself rather than Orlando. Orli was bloody difficult to protect, not least because the large majority of the time he seemed to enjoy the situation. Sean never knew whether he was being noble or whether his assistance was not needed at all. However, all was obviously not well with Orlando by the troubled expression on his face.

“ I hear we’re going out,” Orli said slowly.

“ I heard that too. Hence the shower.” Sean started to smear the nicely smelling goo onto his arm, being one of the few places which wasn’t likely to encourage anything. He glanced back at Orli who seemed, for once, lost for words.

“ I also heard,” Orli sat back on the toilet seat lid. “ that you and Viggo had a little .. uh…,”

“ He’s good with his little uh’s.” replied Sean grimly, the bubbles were progressed around his body. Orli looked anxious.

“ So.. what did he do that needed…,” There was a gesture towards the shower. Orli’s expression had taken on a horrified tint to it. Sean stared at him for a few seconds, trying to work out the exact question. He shook his head.

” I haven’t the faintest idea what you’re on about, Orli.” Sean started to rinse off the bubbles and looked round for someone’s shampoo he could swipe. He really ought to start bringing his own given the amount of time he spent here, but actually buying toiletries suggested more than his mind wished to admit to. A sense of .. well, permanency. There was nothing so binding as a bottle of Head and Shoulders, which was unlikely to make it to any Shakespearian sonnets.

Orli would have shuffled his feet if he was still on them.

“ So what did he do?” he asked finally.

“ Talked, mostly,” Sean had located a bottle of shampoo.

” You don’t need a shower as a result of talking,” replied Orlando gravely. Sean stopped rubbing in the shampoo in order to stare at him properly.

“ You don’t think…?” Sean shook his head again, a grin on his face. “ Did it never occur to you that I might just stink?”

“ I know how much of my shower gel you use. You don’t stink.”

“ Orli, I appreciate the concern. But nothing actually happened.” Sean got back to the rubbing.

“ Strangle yourself did you?” Orli’s tone had not moved from one normally associated with undertakers. Sean paused in mid-wash again.

” Well, okay, there was a bit of .. uh…,” Sean struggled to find a suitable word. “ .. roughness, but that was it. Just the neck,”

“ Your wrists look a little sore too.”

“ And the wrists,” amended Sean.

“ The bruises on the right hip?”

“ I don’t have … oh. Okay, I do have those, but I think those were yesterdays.” Sean rinsed off the rest of the suds, and switched off the water. Orli threw him a towel as he stepped out. “ Why all the questions? You know what he’s capable of and what he’s not.” Sean started to furiously towel dry his hair. Orlando watched him solemnly.

“ I do. And I also know what sort of mood he was in when he left.” Orli’s voice was meaningful.

Sean sighed, the towel drooping slightly. “ Okay,” he said finally. “ Yes, he was bloody angry, and yes he scared the shit out of me. I’m probably going to be jumping at shadows for the rest of the week,”

Orli watched him. “ And you’re not disturbed by this?”

“ Damn right I’m disturbed by this. But at least I’ve found out the worst it can get, which there’s some grim satisfaction in,” Rub rub rub went the towel.

“ He’s never tried to strangle me before,”

“ I wouldn’t recommend it.” Sean touched his neck gingerly. “ If nothing more than the fact that polo-necked jumpers will have to be worn.”

“ You must have seriously pissed him off.” Orli’s voice was almost in awe.

“ It seems to be one of my natural talents,” Sean patted the rest of him vaguely dry, and grabbed his boxers. He eyed Orli who was still giving him a most unbelieving look, and sighed again. He held out his hand; the trembling was evident to both of them. Sean met Orlando’s gaze steadily. “ Don’t think it didn’t affect me. It did. Lets just hope the strangling stays out of your punishment list, eh?”

“ Oh it will,” Orlando sounded very confident of this matter. Sean paused.

“ How do you know?”

Orlando shrugged, tilting his head back so it was resting on the wall. “ I don’t need that sort of .. training,” he said finally. Sean frowned even further.

” What sort of training?” he said dubiously. Orli looked at him in surprise.

“ Well, you know…,” he said hastily.

“ No.” replied Sean shortly. “ I don’t.”

Orlando went back to looking uncomfortable. “ Well,” he said again. “ there’s no point in proving Viggo’s stronger than I am. I know it. He knows it. It’s one of those things that we don’t need to discuss,”

“ Yes?” Sean’s expression wasn’t entirely back without its frown. Orli waved a hand in his direction.

” Whereas you’re .. well, it’s more uncertain who would be successful, isn’t it.” Orli looked at him. “ You push, he’s gotta push back otherwise the level of power is different. You can’t be master over someone who knows he can just ignore you when he feels like it.”

“ Rubbish,” Sean folded his arms.

“ Hmmm? You try it sometime.” Orlando’s gaze was steady. Sean shook his head, and reached for his trousers.

” So what does he use on you then?” his voice was cynical. “ I’ve seen him beat you enough times. All that just games was it?”

“ Yeah.” Orlando shrugged, unashamed. “ For the most part.”

“ You’re not answering my question.”

“ I know.”

They eyed each other in silence for a few seconds. Sean growled finally, and finished dressing. Orli’s gaze went down to Sean’s t-shirt, which was looking a little sorry for itself after further abuses today.

“ You want to borrow something?” he offered.

“ I’d never fit into your stuff, Orli. It’ll finish the strangling job,” Sean found it seemed easier to joke about the damn thing than to actually focus on it too much. After all, this was only a few days on. What else did Viggo need to prove to him after a month’s time? Shaking himself mentally, he focused back on Orli just as the younger man had finished protesting that not everything was skin tight.

“ Come on, I’ll show you,” Orli stood and gave Sean a gentle push out the door. Sean looked nervously up the hallway towards the living room, where the faint sounds of the television could be heard.

“ He’s reading his book,” murmured Orli in understanding. “ He’s going to be absorbed for a while.” Orlando gave him another little nudge towards the bedroom, when Sean suddenly slammed on the brakes.

“ I’ll wait for you out here?” his tone was slightly pleading. Orli shook his head slowly.

“ Come on. You need to do this.” Sean still had a stubborn look on his face. “ For me?” Orli suggested.

Sean sighed. “ You’re going to flutter your eyelashes at me, aren’t you,”

“ Can do if you want,”

Taking a slightly deeper breath, Sean walked back into the bedroom.


Amazingly, within the hour they had managed to get to the destination, which seemed a cross between a drinking hole and dancing club, most of the dancing being kept to a lower room to the back of the building. The music was loud but not ear-splitting, and neither was it particularly up to the minute. The occasional classic rock slipped past the DJ, but the gyrating figures seemed not bothered by this.

The car journey itself had been uneventful as things went. Viggo was driving, already stating that he was not likely to be drinking anything, and the - well, club or whatever it was - was some distance from the town. Orli had managed to re-bounce himself, and was talking nineteen to the dozen in the back seat, Viggo’s patience apparently restored to good mood tonight. Heaven knew what that would entail later on.

Sean had sat in silence in the front seat, dressed in one of Orli’s more forgiving tops, idly watching the darkened scenery as they buzzed past it. He was aware of the occasional glance in his direction by Viggo, but Orli’s chatter seemed to manage to withhold any serious conversation other than references to the music blaring from the car radio.

Sean followed Viggo gratefully to one of the booth tables when they entered, and sank onto the fake leather bound chair, watching Orli vanish into the club to grab some drinks. An energetic body apparently had some advantages.

“ I feel tired just watching him,” he commented without thinking to Viggo. Viggo nodded thoughtfully.

“ He’d probably sleep for two days solidly if I let him,” he said casually. Orlando managed to make it back in a ridiculously short period of time balancing a couple of pints, plonking them in front of them - albeit Viggo’s somewhat gentler - and disappearing off again into the crowds. Sean waited for a thunder burst that never came.

Viggo grinned at Sean’s bewildered expression. Sean shook his head slowly.

“ I’m never going to work out what goes on in your head, am I?” he said slowly. Viggo took a sip from the pint.

” Unlikely,” he replied. “ Oh, and snap by the way,”

“ So where d’you think he’s gone?”

Viggo shrugged. “ Hopefully somewhere he can burn off a lot of the energy,” he replied. “ I’m not really in the mood for a Full Orlando Treatment tonight. Getting old,”

Sean never knew how they managed to get back to a casual conversation, but they managed it, and with a remarkable minimum of fuss. It helped that Viggo seemed determined to lose the afternoon’s “training” session to the dark recesses of his mind and was acting as though nothing more taxing than tea had passed their lips. Not a flicker of an eyebrow nor a hesitation of words. All in all, if it hadn’t been Sean’s neck and arse on the line, he would have found it incredibly impressive.

After ten minutes, it was almost like old times; throwing comments back and forth, the odd laugh and musings against the more baffling things that the younger cast members were doing at this point in time. For the first time since Viggo barged through the trailer door with his tool kit on standby, Sean felt the flickering of pure relaxation, which was not the first thing he would have considered in a club.

After a further ten minutes Sean finished the last of his beer he had been carefully nursing and looked regretfully at the glass as though the emptiness was just an optical illusion. He could see the queue at the bar already, and that was not a pretty sight. Orlando must have managed to duck and weave his way through to be able to have got the drinks quite so fast in the first place. Orlando himself had completely vanished in the crowds, no doubt wooing some audience with his dancing abilities, tight t-shirt and even tighter jeans. Sean hoped the young man didn’t want any children.

“ Where’d you think he’s gone?” he asked Viggo casually.

“ I assume the dance floor,” Viggo had finished his own drink a few minutes previously and was equally playing with the glass. He caught Sean’s expression. “ What, am I supposed to keep him on a lead?”

“ Cause not,” Sean really wished for another drink at this point in time. He succeeded in finding something to occupy his hands. A beer mat was sacrificed.

Viggo eyed him thoughtfully but didn’t say anything. After a few more uncomfortable seconds, Sean abandoned the beer mat which was too late to save. He glanced across the room idly. Through the crowds in front of him he thought he saw a familiar figure with his back against one of the walls, which was an odd position for Orli to be in willingly. In front of said Orlando - if it was Orli anyway - was another man, heavier set with dark hair, who seemed to be talking at him in an.. well, unusual way. Orli looked everywhere except the person in front of him, an anxious expression on his face which he was attempting to hide with a laugh or two.

Sean frowned as two annoying passer-bys crossed his line of vision, and moved slightly to get a better view. Yep, that was Orli. Viggo caught the movement, assessed the expression, and followed his gaze. His eyes narrowed slightly. Obviously he could tell first glance without the ducking and diving. Sean glanced at him.

“ Vig, calm down.” He said warningly. *Not here* said his tone. Viggo ignored him blatantly. Sean growled to himself and followed swiftly as Viggo stalked towards the pair by the wall, almost entirely ignoring the other patrons of the bar. In typical Viggo fashion, the crowds seemed to melt away as soon as he drew near and manage to get back in time to cause annoyance to Sean.

The stockier man - although it never took much to make anyone deemed stocky next to Orli - gave the arriving Viggo a lazy glance up and down. His eyes flickered towards Sean, who stood behind Viggo’s right shoulder, feeling all the world like a bodyguard.

” Can I help you?” the stranger drawled. Orli looked beseechingly towards Viggo, who had stopped like some pirate captain, firm stance and arms folded.

“ And you are?” Viggo’s gaze slid slowly to Orli, who shrugged, then back again. The man laughed in a casual manner, and stepped back from Orlando, who immediately took the initiative and moved behind Viggo, using the older man as a make shift organic shield.

“ Me? What can I say. I’m a mystery,”

“ Odd name,” Viggo’s voice was level but both Sean and Orli could recognise the steel inserted in it. The stranger cocked his head to one side in what was usually deemed a sizing up manner.

“ And you?”

“ Oh, I would imagine I classify as being extremely fucked off,” said Viggo sweetly. The man raised an eyebrow.

” Do you now?” he said softly. Sean groaned. Apparently there were more idiots in this world than he had considered.

“ Look-“ Sean said hastily. Viggo shot him a cold and unmistakeable glare. The rest of the sentence died in Sean’s throat, which was always uncomfortable. Viggo’s gaze returned to the new and unwelcome addition silently.

The man viewed Sean in amusement.

“ He’s got you well trained hasn’t he?” he commented. Sean gave him a look of ill-disguised hatred. Seemingly oblivious or at least not caring, the stranger turned his attention back onto Orlando, who was now obviously feeling a lot cockier with an angry Viggo between him and unwanted attention. Orli had an obvious disgust expression on his face which could have won awards by itself.

“ I take it that’s a no then?” the stranger drawled, unabashed by such measures.

“ You take it correctly,” replied Viggo, not bothering to find out what the original question was. For all Sean knew, it could have been Do you know the way to the Toilets.

“ I was asking the boy,” this was the first time that Sean had detected some level of anger in the newcomer’s voice, and it spoke of quite a bit of it simmering under the surface. Great, thought Sean. The first night out in ages and we’re going to get barred.

“ And I answered. You have a problem with this?”

Sean rolled his eyes. Any more of this and it was going to turn into a bad remake of a John Wayne movie, although the possibility of Viggo in tight trousers and shiny boots was … Sean shook himself mentally and tried to focus a little more on the conversation. Which was just as well as suddenly and without warning all hell broke loose as the stranger struck out at Viggo.

It was lucky it was quite so unexpected, at least for the stranger. He managed to catch the artist on the left eye, knocking him backwards into Sean, who automatically managed to steady him. He could hear a gasp of surprise from Orli, and someone else shout something that was lost through the music.

Viggo regained his balance almost immediately, stepping back towards the stranger who had managed to acquire a red-gold haired friend. Sean half recognised him as another drinker who had been lounging by the wall, watching them in interest. Said man had his hand up in a defensive lets-get-on pose, positioning himself between the stocky man and the cold rage that was Viggo.

“ I’m sorry, my friend’s obviously had too much to drink,” the red head was saying in a soothing manner. “ Isn’t that right, Karl?”

“ Get out the way, Dave,” growled Karl, who had managed to lose his customary cool in less time than it took Orli to bounce. Dave gave him a particular look back, and smiled winningly at Viggo. Viggo was obviously not in a winning mood.

“ I would suggest you move,” replied Viggo, his attention finally fixing on the human roadblock. Dave sighed.

“ Well, at least you’re agreeing on something,” he began to say when Karl placed his hands on Dave’s arm and firmly shoved him out the way with no further ado. Sean immediately stepped beside Viggo, folding his arms. Karl’s eyes flickered towards him.

“ Can’t handle your own fights?” he murmured at Viggo. Viggo’s eyes narrowed even further.

“ Sean.” There was a low growl from Viggo. Sean looked at him in bemusement, but stepped back grudgingly. Karl’s smirk followed him.

“ Good doggy,” he heard the murmur. Sean managed to control the evil look that flashed across his face.

“ You can’t fight in here!” That was Dave again, sensible thinker extraordinaire. He had obviously given up his attempts to insert himself between the two men, no doubt a survival instinct turning up there, but was close enough to judge exactly what was going on. The staring match had already started.

Sean felt Dave’s hopeful gaze rest on him. He turned his eyes away, knowing full well that Viggo’s anger now was going to be nothing compared to the fury aimed at him if Sean started getting involved. There was a frustrated sigh.

“ Karl, lets go,” David placed a warning hand on said man’s shoulder, trying to steer him away. Karl glared at Viggo for a few more seconds, then glanced towards the persistent tugger at his shoulder. Looking back at Viggo, he gave a snort of amusement, then relaxed slightly.

“ It appears I am required elsewhere,” the lazy smile had returned. “ So I will have to wish you a pleasant evening,” Sean had never heard pleasant evening have quite so much venom attached to it. Sean placed a hand on Viggo’s arm in warning as the artist moved forward slightly. This did not go down well, but at least stopped him following. For now.

Dave nodded some sort of goodbye, or whatever acknowledgement you gave in such situations, and pushed his friend away through the watching crowd. Viggo watched them leave, then almost suddenly came to life, startling Orli and Sean somewhat.

“ We’re leaving,” There was no hint of a query in it. Thankfully, neither wished to argue with such a decision.


Sean lay in bed, still almost painfully awake. Viggo’s arm rested across his stomach, the owner breathing lightly in his sleep, only the top of his brown hair showing with his head rested against Sean. Orli was curled up against Viggo, the occasional moan escaping from his lips during whatever unsuitable dream he was having.

Normally their sleeping arrangements never bothered him. Having had so long without another’s arms around him, his sleep now came quicker than normal, the warm of the other bodies doing more than any packet of Nytol could achieve. Ordinarily Orli’s body was the one curled up to him, Orlando’s head more often than not resting on Sean’s chest, his hand resting just above Sean’s crotch in a way that almost guaranteed him waking up with a hard on.

Tonight was something different. After the threats and the patronising look that Karl had given him, Sean felt tired of the whole business. Sure it tackled some weird deep perverted thing in him, and sure it often felt nice and quite often bloody wonderful, but his self esteem felt like it had gone through several mincers. The dig of being called a dog was also getting to him; he wasn’t the pet, the one who behaved himself. That was Orli.

The rest of the evening had been almost disappointingly calm. Having expected tempers and punishments, Viggo hadn’t mentioned much about it at all apart from clarify with Orlando exactly what was said before they arrived. As expected, the toilets hadn’t been mentioned. After that, it was simply a case of watching television before drifting off to bed. Incredibly .. mundane. And extremely unnerving.

Sean fidgeted. Viggo grumbled something in his sleep and moved his arm, rolling over and presumably transferring his sleeping attention to Orlando. Sean sighed and stared up at the ceiling.

It was fine.

Definitely fine.

The fact that he was still awake at two o’clock in the morning was obviously nothing to do with it. He was probably overtired or overstressed or over something, he told himself firmly. Sighing again, he glanced over to view Viggo’s smooth back which was now facing him, not that a great deal could be seen through the blanket. It was odd how quickly he had adjusted to the fact that he was now seemingly in a relationship with one of his best mates, let alone one man and his puppy. The whole aspect of Viggo being the wrong gender seemed to have slipped his lust by, which was annoyingly sneaky of it.

Viggo moved again, his features peaceful in sleep. Sean was mortified to discover his groin ached slightly just at the sight of him. There was lust and then there was being desperate. If he was going to do this, at least he was going to do it with a bit of dignity, or as much dignity you could get whilst being fucked against a tabletop by someone who wore a sword about like it was normal dress.

His groin ached again lightly at this image. Sean groaned to himself. Damn his inner pervert.

He rolled to his side, head resting on his hand. On the basis that nothing else got done at this time of night, he might as well try and get something clear in his own mind. He continued to watch Viggo, still wondering whether half of his feelings were something he had been told to enjoy rather than his body work it out for itself. After all, he was damn sure he was straight. Straightish anyway. Straight with a bump.

However, the prospect of exploring such things were unlikely to be popular at two o’clock in the morning. Even Orlando had his limits. And then, of course, it would turn into another great Power Struggle. Honestly, this lifestyle was bloody complicated.

Sean shifted to his back and tried shutting his eyes again. Sleep was still being extremely elusive. At least he didn’t have any scenes tomorrow, which was something. Most of the cast of the Two Towers were being introduced in some general piss up and a few shots, which he had elected to avoid. They didn’t need him, and he much preferred meeting people on a casual basis without the fear of being expected to be bright and cheerful at 7 in the morning. Bugger that for a game of soldiers.

Finally, after much tossing and turning, he drifted into an uneasy sleep.



Sean almost jumped out of bed at the noises being made from the kitchen, where it appeared that some creature was hell bent on turning the set of pans into a large drum kit. He groaned and flopped back onto the mattress, yawning as he did so. Sleep had bothered to remember him at half three that morning, and hadn’t made up for forgetting him yet.

With Orli up, about and making more noise than the entire hobbit pack put together, Sean was startled again when he glanced to one side and realised that Viggo, Lord of the Early Rising, was still very firmly present in the bed, the majority of him still hidden in the depths of the duvet. Only scruffy dark brown hair was visible.

Was he ill? Sean sunk lower in the bed and eyed the duvet mound with suspicion.

The mound formally known as Viggo still failed to move as another pan made an ear-splitting crash. Heaven knew what Orli was attempting to do, but it sounded.. well, moody. Or the largest breakfast banquet this side of Valhalla was being prepared at least.

Sean groaned softly to himself, sinking even further down in the bed until the edge of the blanket rested half over his face. Was this a good time to … investigate? Was there *ever* a good time to investigate?

“ Something the matter?”

Sean jumped out of his thoughts. It was nothing short of a miracle that he hadn’t managed to pull a muscle yet given the amount of exercising he was having. Viggo stretched lazily, like a large cat, and pulled himself slowly into a better position. Sean watched him, wide eyed.

“ Morning,” Sean said helplessly. Viggo turned blue-grey eyes onto him thoughtfully.

“ You look tense already,” he remarked, finding a comfortable spot on the bed. Sean shrugged in what he hoped was a matter of fact way. Viggo raised an eyebrow, then slid his gaze down Sean’s body in what could only be deemed predatory. Sean found himself looking embarrassed under such a scrutinising gaze, which thankfully was short lived as Viggo finally shut his eyes again, yawning and settling back against the pillows.

Sean sat watching him in silence for several minutes. With Vig resting his eyes, Sean felt finally able to properly run his eyes over his lover’s body without fear of offending. His gaze rested on Viggo’s bare chest, the majority of which could be seen due to Viggo having readjusted his position. The room was warm enough for the necessity of being buried under blankets to vanish. Sean’s eyes studied his friend’s face thoughtfully, allowing him to fully comprehend what it was that made him find him so attractive, despite the hard words and quick temper. And the increasing black eye of course.

Testing his luck - and indeed partnership - Sean gingerly rested his hand on the smooth hardness of Viggo’s chest, anticipating the angry words automatically. A smile flickered onto Viggo’s lips, but no announcement of damnation made an appearance. Sean hadn’t a clue what had driven him to do such a thing this time in the morning, but it felt oddly right, if not a mini adventure in itself.

Encouraged by the lack of argument, Sean moved himself closer, his hand sliding across Viggo’s body so that Sean’s whole arm curled around him. Sean gently pressed himself closer to Viggo’s warmth, resting his head on the same pillow. Viggo made what could only be described as a pleased noise, cat with the cream, but did not open his eyes. Neither did his body pull away. All in all, something that could be regarded as a good thing.

Sean could feel his lover’s heart beat under his arm, be close enough to hear the light breaths. He snuggled closer, resting his head against Viggo, his arm drifting lower to get in a comfortable position, which turned out to be nicely across Viggo’s stomach.

He rested there for at least five minutes, simply savouring the feeling. Sean pressed a soft kiss to Viggo’s neck, feeling braver. The tension he had in most areas of his body had vanished, save for the usual area, which was unlikely to get relieved any time soon. Viggo, after all, was not one to have sexual situation sprung on him. A springer rather than a springee.

Sean nuzzled the soft skin of Viggo’s neck, running his hand approving over the flat stomach. He paused; the nuzzling hesitated as he registered exactly what was under his hand. The heat itself was more than enough information.

“ You seem surprised,” murmured Viggo as the hand stayed exactly where it was, Sean uncertain on the approval. “ What were you expecting to happen?”

“ I… sorry,”

Viggo didn’t say a word, his eyes remained shut. His expression was one of total relaxation. Sean hesitated for a few seconds, still uncertain whether a blow would suddenly materialise in his general direction. After half a minute, he started to relax.

Viggo yawned, and shifted position slightly under Sean’s hand. The pressure was increased against it.

“ Well, hurry up. My patience doesn’t stretch *that* long,” A smile at the corner of the mouth, which increased as Sean began to hesitantly stroke him, the touches becoming more confident. Viggo gave a lazy sigh-groan as Sean continued, sounding for all the world like he was getting a world class massage. Which, Sean decided, he supposed he was.

It took a few more minutes of general foreplay before Viggo decided he wanted a little more control over the action. He seized Sean’s hand with his own firmly, and shifted himself so he was rolled onto his side, his eyes finally opening to assess the younger man in front of him.

“ So what has brought this sex drive on?” mused Viggo lightly, his eyes scanning Sean’s curiously. “ I would have thought you would be tired from all your pacing last night. Perhaps you have more energy than I gave you credit for,”

Sean shrugged, uncomfortable under the scrutiny. Viggo gave a snort of laughter, then pushed Sean back onto his back, moving to straddle his thighs. Viggo ran his hands over Sean’s body, leaning over him, enjoying the shiver that ran through Sean’s body as Viggo’s body rested against his own arousal, Viggo’s lips centimetres from his own.

“ Beautiful,” murmured Viggo, before resting his lips on Sean’s. Sean sank into the embrace, his eyes closing, allowing Viggo whatever he wanted. Hands roamed over Sean’s body, and he suddenly jerked as fingers pinched one of his nipples hard.

“ I’m not doing all the work here,” warned Viggo, as Sean stared at him uncertainly. “ This is your little game, remember? I was happy with a lie in,”

The hot length pressed against Sean managed to prove Viggo otherwise, but Sean thought it was probably wiser to shut up about that. Sean nodded, and pulled Viggo back into the embrace. Tongues fought for dominance over the kiss, which Sean allowed Viggo to win. His own hands were drifting over the muscles in Viggo’s back, running them over the smooth skin.

Viggo stiffened as he felt Sean’s hands on his hips. “ No further, Sean,” he growled. Sean, startled by the ferocity of the tone, stopped immediately, his eyes wide. Viggo didn’t give him any time to assess this peculiarity by moving back in for the attack, his tongue playing around Sean’s.

“ So…?” Viggo moved back slightly to study the younger man underneath him with cool detachment, only his eyes betraying his hunger. Viggo leaned over and opened one of the bedside table drawers, retrieving a tube of lube in a manner even lazier than his earlier movements. Sean, still not used to the prospect of anything going near his more sensitive regions, swallowed as the lid was popped and Viggo regarded him thoughtfully.

“ You want to go anywhere?” he drawled. Sean shook his head, the ache in his groin still making him painfully aware of exactly what his body deemed suitable to take. Viggo smiled and moved in a more comfortable position between Sean’s thighs, brushing against Sean’s aching arousal as he did so. Sean almost screamed.

Viggo seemed to have a timetable that was more suited to the British railways. Agonisingly slowly, he smeared some lube onto his fingers, seemingly finding his own pleasures in the prospect of making Sean squirm for any sort of action. He raised an eyebrow at the blonde underneath him when Sean’s hips bucked slightly to see if any sort of friction could be gained from the body above him.

“ You want to take charge over the speed?”

Sean hesitated, his rational thought almost completely smothered by the red hot desire that was busy flooding his systems. Viggo threw the lube onto Sean’s stomach with an amused grin.

” Just one rule,” his eyes suddenly grew serious. “ I ride. You get ridden. Understand?”

Sean nodded uncertainly, his plan of action not entirely clear to him, but he was sure he could work something out. Seizing the tube of lubricant, he managed to wriggle out from under Viggo, the older man rolling to the side and onto his back to watch Sean. Saturating his fingers with a good layer of lube, Sean settled himself into position and gently began to stroke Viggo’s cock again, his hands coating it well. Viggo, who had obviously decided that he was unlikely to be silent through this, gave approving groans every so often, so much so that Sean’s inner pervert was threatening to come just from that.

Shining and ready for anything, Viggo’s erection was proud and willing. Sean hesitated slightly, knowing what he should do to make himself more comfortable but finding it hard to break through the automatic repellent in his mind. Viggo watched him, making no invitation to help.

The mental block won. Deciding that he had put enough on Viggo, Sean moved to straddle him, Viggo watching him with an expression that seemed to imply that the older man hadn’t quite realised Sean was going to have the nerve to go through with it. Having positioned himself carefully over his lover, Sean took another deep cleansing breath as it were and started to push down on Viggo.

About two seconds in he realised that he really should have focused on his own arse, mental block or no mental block, as the feeling of splitting returned in full force, this time with friends. Not willing to back out now, Sean gritted his teeth and continued to push, feeling the satisfaction of Viggo deep inside him which was not enough to cut out the pain.

“ Relax more,” Viggo’s voice was cautious, his hand running up Sean’s thigh and began to stroke him into full hardness once more. “ Breathe.”

Any further on this path, thought Sean wildly, and someone in a surgical mask was going to offer him gas and air. For one of the few moments in his life he began to entirely appreciate what his wives had gone through to give birth to his children. And Viggo, nice as he was, was nowhere near the size of a child. Thank god for that too

Viggo’s hand on his arousal began to help; the desire began to burn again in full force, the feeling of need and speed returning. Sean groaned helplessly as he finally managed to push all the way down to the hilt of Viggo, feeling a spark of further satisfaction at Viggo’s indrawn breath, the little whimper that came from the older man. Now this was power.

He shifted in Viggo’s lap, trying to adjust to the invasion. This only served to make Viggo more frustrated, not that the man didn’t have a damn good stab - as it were - at staying completely sane.

” You going to move anytime soon, Sean?” he growled out finally when Sean’s breathing was back down to bearable levels. Sean grinned at him and shifted again, causing a hiss from the other man.

“ Why, am I boring you?”

Viggo fixed him with a look, which wasn’t all sternness. “ Keep this up and there’s going to be more than one reason why you can’t sit down tomorrow,”

Sean moved again. “ Promises, promises,”

Viggo was about to retort something back when Sean decided that enough was enough and began to move properly, his shaky start growing in more confident as he worked out a rhythm. His hands helping him keep himself steady, his face was one of concentration.

However, this apparently was too slow for Viggo; once it appeared that Sean was tiring, he timed his withdrawal and slid out of the blonde, immediately rolling him over onto his back and positioning himself between Sean’s thighs, his hands cupping Sean’s buttocks to raise them slightly to assist his entry. Sean allowed himself to be manhandled without anything more than a sulky noise when Viggo had withdrawn, their gazes meeting in acknowledgement before Viggo thrust back inside Sean. His lover groaned, the size still unsettling, his head falling back as he tried to meet at least some of Viggo’s rhythm.

His mouth and teeth playing on Sean’s skin, Viggo continued to pound into the man underneath him, changing the angle once in a while to provoke the almost yelp from Sean as cock brushed prostate. His hand was stroking the blonde’s arousal with tormenting gentleness, just enough friction to keep him on the edge without encouraging release. However, Sean needed very little encouraging; Viggo could feel the body surrounding him begin to tense even further, the groans issuing from Sean becoming more and more frequent, along with a distinct increase in the occasional cursing.

Viggo thrust in as hard as he could, squeezing his hand harder in time. Sean cried out, his back arching, his muscles causing Viggo to reach his own climax seconds afterwards.

There was a short period whilst partners tried to get their minds back in order. Viggo withdrew and flopped with as much dignity he could muster onto his front, his arm resting across Sean’s now slightly sticky stomach.

” And for the encore..,” grinned Sean weakly. Viggo growled at him. Sean was about to add something further when movement caught his attention. Orli was watching them from the doorway with an unreadable expression on his face, their attention so caught up in their lovemaking that the door’s movement had gone completely past them. A flash of guilt immediately crossed Sean’s face and he nudged Viggo. Viggo raised his head in confusion, then followed Sean’s gaze towards the door.

” Oh, there you are,” he said casually. Orli’s expression was still unreadable; even the usual excitement that always played behind his eyes had vanished. Viggo either did not notice or did not care.

“ Did you want something?” he continued, moving himself round to sit up against the bed frame.

” Breakfast is ready,” Orlando’s voice was perfectly normal and cheerful, which made Sean relax slightly. However, the bounce was still missing from the young man. Viggo nodded.

“ Right. We’ll be through in a bit,”

Orli nodded, his eyes slid to Sean’s for a mere moment, then he disappeared through the door again. Sean groaned and shut his eyes.

“ Now what’s the matter with you?” Viggo eyed him briefly before sliding off the bed.

” I think we’ve upset him,”

“ I can’t see why. It’s not as if we were either doing this behind his back or he didn’t know about it.” Viggo had a brisk tone to his voice. However, the denial that Orlando was upset was noticeably missing. Sean watched him pick up a fresh towel and disappear towards the bathroom without saying another word. Once Viggo had his mind on something it tended to stay there.

However, he still thought he might owe Orlando something in return.
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