How Great Men Are Made

Jan 20, 2009 18:01

Many would argue that today was a "pivotal moment in United States history"... I would have to disagree.

All I've heard from people today is how awesome things are going to be now that we have our first "black" President. I find that remark to be very racist and very idiotic. Firstly, when did race ever dictate whether or not someone was able to function in a political office? Today was a "historical moment" like any other Presidential Inauguration. This one isn't any more special than the previous 43 have been. What makes this one so "historical"? RACE. Now tell me that doesn't just fit the bill of racism right there?

Merriam-Webster's online dictionary defines racism as a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race. So what that says to me is Barack Hussein Obama is just a regular guy but the moment people factor race in their point becomes skewed. Are you voters out there sure you voted for him because of his policies and not because of the colour of his skin?

I was always brought up to believe that great men were made because of their actions. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., for example, was a great man. He proved it by his passive resistance in the civil rights movement, his doctorate, his eloquent speeches, and his martyrdom. Likewise, Albert Einstein could be considered great as well for his vast and historical achievements in Science, among other things.

What has Barack H. Obama done to prove he's a great man?

So far, Obama has been setting records and an extremely fast-pace. His cabinet selection has succeeded in taking the title of "most corrupt cabinet" prior to his even being inaugurated. Don't tell me he didn't know about it either. I find that difficult to believe that he didn't know the character of persons he was choosing for his cabinet after reading an article where he co-picked players for a fantasy football league. Crazy as the tangent is, while campaigning Obama had time to look up statistics on the players in DETAIL. (Article) This was more research than the football-savvy reporter had even expected. If Obama can do that much research about a fantasy football league, then why can't he do that for his Presidential Cabinet? I find his lack of preparation choosing his cabinet garish. Apparently, fantasy football is much more important than knowing whether or not your Cabinet-- the people who will be advising you for the next four years-- is trustworthy. Obama has only just started his role as President today and there are already scandals aplenty.

What else has he done to be called great? Little else than be elected to a position of power, which corrupts absolutely (at least according to George Orwell). He's made promises left and right to give people this or that. I dare to be so bold as to call them empty. Do people really think they are going to get something for nothing without pissing off the working class? I can't bare to think about the endless and depressing possibilities.

Obama hasn't done much yet and people are already saying he's "the best President ever". COME ON, PEOPLE. Grow a brain if you can. There's nothing yet by which to judge his capabilities in office. Until that time, no one can say whether or not he is doing well in his elected office.

Personally, I'm holding my tongue. I can't say I like how he won his office or how he's done with his cabinet selection-- Janet Napalatano, for example, who put Arizona in severe debt with some of her crack-pot programs was a BAD choice for cabinet. (I find her promotion laughable at best; though, I am secretly grateful that Jan Brewer is now Governor of the state.)-- I can't even comment on how the DOW dropped +400 points today....

So... let's see how Mr. Obama fares in 4-years.

My only desire is that my feelings are unwarranted and he does an okay job of things.

u.s. election, racism, greatness, president, obama, politics

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