Fic: Double Trouble? Try Quadruple Trouble Chapter 3 (NC17)

Jan 20, 2009 15:44

Title: Double Trouble? Try Quadruple Trouble
Author: Jade
Rating: NC17 (Overall Rating) (This Chapter is rated 'R')
Pairings: Barty/Tenth Doctor/Casanova/Peter Carlisle
Fandoms: Harry Potter/Doctor Who/Casanova/Blackpool crossover
Archive: Yes, please
Summary: The Doctor returns to Hogwarts to see how Barty is but he brings along two extra people to cheer Barty up.
Spoilers: Contains spoilers for the first six Harry Potter books and the Doctor is in his Tenth regeneration. Barty has had his soul restored to him and is slightly out of sorts. Set in Harry’s seventh year.
Author’s note: Written for nokomis2877 and is a sort of sequel to ‘ Spanking Barty’, ‘‘ Kissing Barty’’, ‘ Shagging Barty’and' Barty Interrupted .
Warning: Slash, of course! And a bit of boot!porn and glasses!porn (Not in this chapter, that comes later). I totally blame Noko for this plot bunny. She wanted a Ten/Barty/Casanova fic and Peter just crept in afterwards. I have never written Peter or Casanova before so excuse me if they are out of character.

Chapter 1
Chapter 2

Now on with the story...

Chapter 3

Barty, Peter, Casanova and the Doctor raised their glasses in a toast , while grinning at each other. “To peace and long life,” Peter said, with a smile.

“To peace and long life,” the others echoed.

“Some of us have a longer life than others,” the Doctor added, as he sipped his drink. “I’m all for peace though.”

Casanova sipped his drink too. “So what’s this drink called?” he asked, pointing to his glass. “It’s good. It just slides down the throat.”

“That’s called Gillywater. It’s a wizard drink,” Barty replied.

“And this is?” Peter asked, holding up his glass.

“That’s redcurrant rum,” Barty answered. “I’m drinking fire whiskey.”

“And I’m drinking a banana daiquiri,” the Doctor added. “Bananas are good.” he sipped the drink. “Perfect!”

A few drinks later, Barty looked at Casanova and smirked, “Want a mint?”

“Sure. Are you saying my breath smells?” Casanova asked, looking a little worried. Barty shook his head to which Casanova breathed a sigh of relief. Casanova held out his hand for the mint.

Barty showed Casanova the mint between his teeth. Casanova gave Barty a cheeky smile before leaning in and kissing Barty on the lips. Barty's lips were surprisingly soft and parted willingly under Casanova's. Casanova lightly touched his tongue to Barty's, who shyly responded at first but his kisses soon grew hungry and he ran his tongue along Casanova‘s lower lip, tasting the alcohol on his lips. That simple action sent chills down their spines. The mint fell out but they paid no attention to it.
Barty tangled his hand in Casanova's hair as he kissed hungrily back. Barty's other hand wrapped itself around Casanova's waist and pulled him near.

The Doctor and Peter silently watched the two other men with identical smirks on their faces. “I’m not that drunk,” Peter commented, with a sidelong glance at the Doctor.

“Don’t worry,” the Doctor muttered, “I’m not about to jump you… well, not yet, anyway.”

Peter smirked as he watched the goings on. “Not yet? How much does it take to get you drunk then?” he asked, downing his drink in one go. He walked over to the bar and poured himself another drink. “Doctor? You want another drink?”

“Sure. Another banana daiquiri would be nice,” the Doctor said, standing up and walking over to stand next to Peter. “Do you think they’ve forgotten us?”

“Yep, but I don’t mind,” Peter replied as he watched the other two men. “So you and Barty were… close?”

“Yeah, we had a thing. Of course we both found someone else, but we still meet up now and then.”

“Well, that‘s good,” Peter said, sounding slightly jealous.

Casanova pushed Barty against the wall roughly, causing the shelves full of books to fall down and land in a heap, nearby and trailed his hands down Barty's body, causing the other man to shiver. Casanova reached up and ran his hand through Barty' hair and pulled him close for a kiss. “I've never done this before.” Casanova confirmed, with his lips pressed against Barty‘s. “Well, I mean, I haven‘t kissed anyone who looks like me before.”

“That's okay, I have…” Barty replied, trailing off as Casanova kissed him again.

“Mmm… Let me guess, the Doctor?” Casanova murmured as he pushed Barty towards Barty' sofa. “I don't want to get crushed by your weight.”

Barty mock-glared at Casanova, “Are you calling me fat? And yes, it was the Doctor. How did you know?”

“No of course not, it's just if you weigh as much as I do, you'll crush my legs... Now shut up..” Casanova ordered, as he pushed Barty on to the sofa and started removing Barty‘s leather coat. “And I guessed.”

The Doctor looked at Peter, who gave him a wary look. “Don’t panic, I’m not about to jump on you and kiss you without your permission,” the Doctor said with a sly grin.

“I’m not drunk yet,” Peter replied, sipping his drink. “Although, when I’m drunk, you can do whatever you like with me,” he added and blushed at what he blurted out.

“Is that a promise?” the Doctor asked with a wry grin.

Barty sat up, “Oh no! I'm not having you crush my legs…” He protested as Casanova pushed him down again. Barty sighed and unbuttoned Casanova's jacket, while kissing Casanova's neck. The featherlike kisses causing Casanova to harden. Casanova moaned and shifted, the friction, causing Barty to also harden.

Casanova, by this time, had taken off Barty's leather coat and was now working on his shirt. The buttons were a little difficult, but Casanova persevered and managed to get it off, trailing a hand down Barty's chest, pinching and teasing Barty' nipples, causing Barty to moan in pleasure. Casanova kissed Barty, effectively silencing him.

Barty sat up and faced Casanova and looked him in the eye, “This is really strange… Well, not strange as in ‘I‘ve never done this before’ but strange in the ‘I want to keep going’ way.”

“You're not kidding…” Casanova replied, kissing Barty, biting his lower lip. Casanova pulled Barty to standing so he could take off Barty' trousers. He fumbled with Barty’s belt and pulled it off, throwing it in the general direction of the Doctor and Peter.

“While that’s nice to watch,” Peter interrupted, startling the kissing couple, “I hope you two haven’t forgotten about us.”

Casanova and Barty untangled reluctantly. Casanova grinned at the other two, as Barty sat down on the sofa again and tried to look innocent.

“What was that all about?” the Doctor asked, with a grin as he poured himself another drink.

"Well Barty was just giving me a mint." Casanova replied, with a slight smile.

Barty leaned back and smirked, “Are you feeling left out, Doctor?” Barty asked, flashing a cheeky grin.

“Me? I never feel left out,” the Doctor replied, with a smirk. He gave Casanova a once over, as Casanova sat down on a chair that matched the sofa. “So, do you do it with your boots on?”

“Wouldn’t you like to know?” Casanova replied, lounging on the chair, draping his boot-clad feet over one of the arms.

“Um, that’s why I’m asking,” the Doctor replied, sipping his drink. He picked up a bottle and squinted at the label. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his glasses and put them on. “Mm, fire whiskey,” he muttered. He looked up to find the other three staring at him in shock. “What?”

“It’s just… I’ve never seen you with glasses before,” Barty replied, his tongue flicking out to lick his lips.

“Ah, what’s the big deal? So he wears glasses, so what? So do I,” Peter interjected, reaching in his pocket and pulling out his glasses as well. He put them on and grinned at their stunned faces. “See?”

“It’s times like this, I wish I wore glasses,” Casanova commented, reaching out and grabbing the nearest glass of drink and downing it in one, with a cheeky smile. “Oh, and you should leave the glasses on. They’re very… they look good on you two.”

Peter walked over and sat next to Barty. He picked up a glass of drink, not caring who it belonged to and downed it in a single gulp. He turned to look at Barty with a smirk. “I’m not quite drunk enough, but…”

The Doctor sat on the other side of Peter. “I’m sure…” he was cut off by Peter pressing his lips to his. The Doctor could taste the alcohol on Peter’s lips, as Peter gently licked the Doctor’s lips, shyly asking for access. The Doctor opened his mouth and gently kissed Peter back. Peter ran his fingers through the Doctor’s hair and down his chest. After a few minutes of kissing, they pulled apart. Peter’s deft fingers slowly undid the Doctor’s tie, and threw it into a corner.


Comments are loved!!

Go to Chapter 4 here.

fanfiction, fandom: harry potter, character: peter carlisle, series: spanking barty, character: barty jr, character: tenth doctor, fandom: doctor who, fandom: blackpool, fandom: casanova, character: giacomo casanova

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