Fic: Barty Interrupted (PG13)

Jan 20, 2009 15:24

This was originally posted on 04/03/2006

Title: Barty Interrupted
Author: Jade
Rating: PG13 (for kissing)
Pairings: Barty/Tenth Doctor
Fandoms: Harry Potter/Doctor Who crossover
Archive: Yes, please
Summary: The Doctor returns to Hogwarts to see how Barty is coping with his resoulment.
Spoilers: Contains spoilers for the first five Harry Potter books and the Doctor is in his Tenth regeneration. Barty has had his soul restored to him and is slightly out of sorts. Set in Harry’s sixth year and is a sort of AU.
Author’s note: Written for the IMOBTUM challenge on [info]dw_slash and is a sort of sequel to ‘ Spanking Barty’, ‘‘ Kissing Barty’’ and ‘ Shagging Barty’.
Warning: Has slash and bondage so if you don’t like, don’t read. Oh, and did I mention it has leather!Doctor and leather!Barty?

Now on with the story...

The Doctor wandered the corridors of Hogwarts, looking for Barty. He hoped he had timed it right, he didn’t fancy being hexed by either Umbridge, Remus Lupin or even Severus Snape. Instead of his usual brown suit, the Doctor was clad in skin-tight black leather, with a black leather jacket over it, and was wearing black eyeliner around his eyes. The reason for his unusual clothing was that he had just come from nineteen eighty seven and he decided on a change.

He smirked as he remembered Rose’s reaction when she saw him in the outfit and she was lost for words. He was lost in a daydream as he imagined Barty’s reaction, that he didn’t see the similarly clad man walking towards him, until he bumped straight into him, knocking them both into a heap. The Doctor landed on top and found himself nose to nose with Barty. The Doctor smiled at him, ignoring the other man’s shock. “Ah, I’ve been looking for you.”

“Who are you?” Barty managed as the Doctor pulled him up. “Are you here to kill me? Is it because I’ve been restored?”

The Doctor sighed as he reached out, grabbed Barty on the collar and pulled him close to him. “How have you been? No, you idiot, if I wanted to kill you, I would’ve done it when you were soulless… I wouldn‘t have restored you, would I? Or I could‘ve drowned you in the bath on our first meeting but I didn‘t, did I?”

Barty’s eyes widened as he realised who the leather clad male was in front of him was. “Doctor?” he managed after a minute, “that’s a new look for you, isn’t it?”

“Well, I’ve just come from a concert and I wanted to blend in a bit more,” the Doctor replied, grabbing a hold of Barty’s arm and pulling him into the nearest room, which happened to be the Great Hall.

“So, you finally came back to see me? I thought you’d forgotten all about me.” Barty said, licking his lips.

“Will you put that bloody tongue away before I shove it where the sun don't shine!”

“Mmm, I think I'm going to enjoy this,” Barty commented, licking his lips again.

The Doctor fixed Barty with a look and raised eyebrow. “Right, how have you been?”

“Oh, you know, much better now that there aren‘t voices in my head anymore,” Barty replied, fixing the Doctor with a look. “Much better now that I’ve been hexed so I can’t hurt anyone anymore.” he looked around the empty hall. “You know, I don’t have an office anymore…” Barty said, looking sad.

The Doctor suddenly snorted with laughter. “But then again, would you want your office back?” he asked, with a wicked grin.

Barty looked confused. “Huh?”

The Doctor wrapped an arm around Barty’s shoulder. “Refresh my memory, who’s the DADA teacher this year?”

“Remus Lupin, why?” Barty asked, looking baffled at the Doctor’s expression. He looked closer at the Doctor’s face. “Are you wearing make-up?”

“Uh, yeah,” the Doctor replied, smirking at Barty’s expression. “Oh come on, I was in the eighties, all men wore make up in those days…”

“Name one male that wore make up in the eighties,” Barty insisted, “I mean apart from you.”

“Nick Rhodes.” the Doctor retorted, “he still does wear makeup.”

Barty looked shocked. “You mean he’s still around? God, I am out of the loop.” he sighed, sitting on the table. He reached out his hand and pulled the Doctor towards him. “Why are we talking when we could be doing other things?”

The Doctor raised an eyebrow. “Oh really, and what else could we be doing?”

Barty stood up and wrapped his arms around the Doctor’s waist. “Well, you know…” he replied, resting his head on the Doctor’s shoulder.

“You’re very affectionate today,” the Doctor noted, with a raise of his eyebrows but wrapping his arms around Barty’s waist too.

Barty lifted his head and looked in the Doctor’s eyes. “Well, I guess that’s what mood I’m in today.” He pressed his lips to the Doctor’s. “Now I’ve been a very bad boy. Would you like to punish me?” he muttered, against the Doctor’s lips.

The Doctor pushed Barty against the Gryffindor table and lifted him up, so he was sitting on the table. “Well, I could think of a few punishments.”

Barty raised an eyebrow in a perfect imitation of the Doctor, “Oh really?”

“Lie on the table on your back,” the Doctor ordered, smirking when Barty did as he was asked.

“So what do you have planned for me this time?” Barty asked, shivering in anticipation.

“I’m going to tie you up, unfortunately I don’t have any ropes on me, but I do have liquorice whips.” the Doctor, replied, pulling the said liquorice out of his jacket pocket. The liquorice, which was really thick, almost like a rope, was wrapped in a plastic bag. “Spanking doesn’t seem to teach you a lesson, so let’s see how being tied up works.” he said, as he climbed on the table and tightly tied Barty down to the table legs, so he was spread eagled on the table.

Barty groaned in pleasure. “That’s a new concept, isn’t it?” He tried to move but found he was restrained. He moaned when the Doctor straddled his prone body and gently ran his hands over Barty’s chest.

“Oh, my,” the Doctor said, with a wide grin, stroking Barty‘s face. “You are helpless, aren’t you?” He leaned forward. “Now what can you do when I do this?” he asked, gently kissing Barty, letting his hands wander under Barty‘s top.

Barty responded with a loud moan, as the Doctor touched a sensitive spot on his chest. “Please…” he moaned, whimpering when the Doctor’s lips were forcibly removed from his own.

The Doctor groaned loudly as he felt strong arms grab hold of him and pulled him back. He turned to face his assailant and came face to face with a very unhappy Remus. “What did you do that for?” he asked, angrily, slowly becoming aware that the previously empty room was now full.

“Mr Crouch, you know the rules. No assaulting anyone,” Remus stated, not really taking any notice of Barty on the table. Barty turned his head away from them so he could hide his amusement.

“I’m not Barty,” the Doctor protested, raising an eyebrow. “I can see your mistake but I’m not him.”

“Tying up a guest to the castle so you could torture him,” Remus continued. He turned to Barty, who was still tied up. “I’m dreadfully sorry, Mr…?”

“But I'm Barty. He's The Doctor..,” Barty replied, turning his head to face them, causing Remus’ jaw to drop. “He wasn’t torturing me.”

“You… and… him… look identical,” Remus managed, after a moment of shocked silence. He pointed his wand at the Doctor. “Who are you? Are you here to kill Barty?”

“If I was going to kill Barty, I would’ve done it when we first met,” the Doctor replied, “as it stands, I’m not going to. I’m the Doctor by the way.”

“Right,” Remus said, eying the Doctor suspiciously. “Are you two related?”

“We're like brothers, but with really different hair.” Barty said, from the table.

“Yeah, we may look alike but we really aren't. I'm definitely more likeable…” the Doctor retorted. “I don’t need punished.”

Remus turned to Ron and Harry. “Untie him.”

The two boys leapt to work, trying to untie the tight knots in what they thought was rope. Harry looked up. “He’s tied it too tight. We may need to use magic.”

The Doctor sighed, ran his fingers through his hair and swore loudly in Gallifreyan. He realised what he had said and turned to Ron and Harry, “Now don’t you repeat that.” he said, in English. They just looked at him blankly and he grinned. “Good lads,” he said to Remus.

“Barmy,” Ron muttered, shaking his head. Harry nodded in agreement.

“Being your usual pinstriped self, are you Doctor?” Barty said, with an amused smile.

“Just use your teeth if you want to untie him.” the Doctor replied, ignoring Barty. “It is just liquorice after all. Don’t you dare melt me liquorice!” he ordered, making Harry jump.

“You’re right, Ron, he is barmy,” Harry whispered back to Ron.

“But you were kissing!!!” Remus protested, watching as Ron and Harry attacked the liquorice with their teeth. “It’s a good job we got to you before you went any further.”

The Doctor wore an impish grin on his face. “Yes, well. How's your office, Remus? Desk alright?”

“Well, the desk wobbles a bit but other than that, it’s fine.” Remus replied, eying the Doctor suspiciously. “What did you do to my desk?”

Ron and Harry had finally bitten through the last piece of liquorice and Barty sat up and swung his legs so he was sitting on the table. “Well,” Barty interrupted, finally getting what the Doctor was referring to, “he didn’t do anything… to the desk, that is.”

The End (for now)
As always, comments are welcome. Go to the next one in the series Double Trouble? Try Quadruple Trouble (NC17).

character: barty jr, fanfiction, fandom: doctor who, fandom: harry potter, character: tenth doctor, series: spanking barty

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