School Issues

Dec 28, 2020 17:33

Christmas was a success.  We had everyone over to our home this year.  Our first Christmas as a married couple.  They all stayed most of the day, some nearly a full 12 hours.  We started off with breakfast and then moved into snack food with some nacho cheese dip with sausage and hamburger.  Mostly desserts but who's kidding?  Isn't Christmas all about the dessert, anyway?  I was able to get Jeremiah a Nintendo Swtich which he is enjoying.  Perhaps I should have thought about the fact that he will be sitting and focusing on the game rather than conversation but it's okay.  I've been playing some but I'm not as good as he is.  I bought Zelda and some extra controllers for two player games.  My mom bought him a gift card to GameStop.  I went yesterday and picked up a new grip for the extra controllers at a store outside of my regular stomping grounds because my usual place to go had been ransacked of anything useful.

I'm still grappling with school issues.  I submitted my application for reconsideration of financial aid but they wrote back and said they needed more documentation.  I had no clue what they meant but when I called back, they said they needed proof that what I said happened actually did.  i.e. obituary from the newspaper, doctor's note about our having COVID and a letter from my former boss stating that I was laid off.  Two things: 1.  I understand needing documentation and that you can't take someone's word for the reasons behind poor performace. 2.  I am paying way too much, which I have to pay back with interest, to jump through hoops like these, in a time like this (2020), all because I didn't make a 3.0.  Nuts... understandable under normal circumstances.  I just got off the phone with student services who told me about a payment plan that I could do, starting immediately.  With a downpayment of $1400, I would still owe $332.11 a month for the next nine months.  Forget about without any sort of downpayment because that payment plan in the next nine months is as much as my car payment.  I want to finish but I don't want to go into so much debt with the possibility that I may not make the grades required to have my financial aid reinstated.  So, I suppose I'll be satisfied where I am for the moment.  I know it's not healthy to compare yourself with other people or to standardize yourself but ... and I know a but means forget everything I just said, here's what I really want to say.... I'm warn out with school.  I was running on nearly empty, anyway.

I'm going to have a new boss in January.  I've met him but have not spoken to him much.  It's going to be kind of strange in the beginning.  I don't know how much he knows about DWIs or the business we are in.  I guess that Gene has faith that he can run things pretty smoothly or he wouldn't have sold him the business.  We had a meeting before Christmas but it turned into a huge AA support meeting for a couple of my coworkers and I wasn't able to say much.

Forgive me if I repeat myself in this journal ... I don't always remember a lot of what I talked about in previous entries.  I know one thing I haven't talked about... our kitten, Cash,... he's a mess.  He's three months old now and wide open.  I've never had a male kit before so I'm not sure if his being wide open has to do with that or if he has some weird brain damage from being so sick as a kitten (Lol).  My friend just confirmed that it's normal for a male kit to be off the walls,.. so... looks like we're in for it for a while.  He can be sweet when he wants to be.
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