God in the Midst

Aug 21, 2021 20:14

Something happened Thursday of last week that I would have never expected.  It has taken me a while to process things and I think I'm ready to post about it for record.

Jeremiah and I went to the gym in the evening.  We were on the way home and decided to stop for bread at the local Dollar General, about four miles from the house.  I'm in the car, he's in the store.  A man comes up and asks me if I have a lighter.  I say, though glass, I don't smoke.  He turns away like he's going to leave and then jerks back around, opens the driver's side door, opens the passenger side door and tells me to get the **** out while pushing me out of my car.  He takes off, I'm in the parking lot with only my crutch, which he decided to push out, too.  I yell for someone to call 911, that my car has been stolen and my husband is in the store.  Jeremiah comes running out, two people call the police.  The cops show up, take a description and ask me what was left in the car.  I tell them I have my purse and my cell phone.  They ask if it's an iphone or android.  I say iphone.  This is when the cops tell me they can track my phone through the FindMyIphone app.

Let me preface the rest of this story by saying I give God all the praise for what happened that night.  God is in the details.

To make a long story shorter, I find out this man... well, boy really, (20 years old) is wanted in another county for murder.  He left that county in his mother's car, which was in the parking lot with me, idoling.  That car was about out of gas, so he chose my car to steal in order to continue to flee.  He sends the police on a high speed chase, running stop lights along the way, 85-90 mph on side streets, 115 mph on two-lane HWY 220 going back toward the scene of the crime.  Finally, the police are able to stop him with stop-sticks.  He is completely out of gas at this point.

The two men in the store who came and called 911 for me, turns out, are my cousins.  My grandpa's brother's son and grandson.  The lady in the store who paid for our bread and groceries after Jeremiah left, a lady he knows from Rual Hall, at least 45 minutes from us.  No one got hurt, we were able to get our car back with only minor scrapes from the police trying to stop him and two busted front tires.  We had to pay for towing and two new tires.  A couple of days later, I decided at my grandpa's behest, to get the oil changed in the car.  I went to pay for the oil change and was told no charge, someone else had paid.

I can't say it enough.  If you don't know Jesus, get to know Him.  God is so good to me.
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