Pictures of all that water

Jun 12, 2008 18:10

Images of Flooded Cedar Rapids on Yahoo News

CNN news story

I went down to the road that goes right next to the river near my house (down a very steep hill, so I'm dry), and the water has gone up over the rail road tracks and past the boat launch and flooded the buildings up to the roofs on the edge there and has flooded the entire road.

They say that the river is at about 28.5 feet and still getting higher to crest at some point tomorrow (in theory). There's another storm coming through with severe weather and it's just like...there's no words for what's going on here. So many historic and important buildings downtown are being flooded - the public library, the Paramount Theatre (where the symphony plays), the Theatre Cedar Rapids building, the Science station, the Czech Museum - so many places are just underwater and it's getting higher. Words really can't express how sad it makes me that these buildings are being damaged by all the water.

So many people have been evacuated, the water plant is only operating at 25% capacity and it's just - basically a mess. I'm sure if a lot of you watch National News tonight we'll be on there.

The next couple days are going to be hard, but the cleanup after all of this is going to take weeks. As soon as there are more roads open I'm going to be volunteering to help clean up my city.

Here comes more rain.


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