Jun 13, 2008 10:57
The Cedar River still hasn't crested, but it's expected to do so some time this afternoon at just under 32 feet, which is about 13 feet higher than the flood of '93. Coralville and Iowa City are fairly well under water, but it sounds like the Marriott hotel is all right and shouldn't impede AnimeIowa in a couple months. The Iowa River isn't expected to crest until early next week at about 33 feet.
One of the bigger issues right now is that our water supply is operating at 25%. We're supposed to restrict water usage to drinking water only. This means no showers or toilet flushing if at all possible, so it's pretty hard on the whole community. It's probably going to be like this for a long time, too.
I just heard that people who are outside of the 100 year flood plain can't even buy flood insurance for their homes, so a lot of people aren't even going to be able to have insurance to cover all the damage done. It's sort of dubious how many homes are even going to be salvagable.
My dad has to get on a plane to fly to France for a business trip today, so we'll be driving him down to the airport (which is past downtown) later today. I'll be going along and taking pictures of flooded downtown out the car windows, and then I'll get those up later.
Luckily I've still got internet access @_@