When they arrived back at the Haven Dean was surprised by the changes that had happened in only a few days.
A wall was going up around the settlement. Trees were being cut down in the surrounding area to build it, and keep strangers and creatures from sneaking up on them. Protective charms and wards were being etched into the wood and raised onto poles where the wall hadn’t yet been built. Lawns and yards had been dug out and planted for new gardens, and the settlement’s ancient well was getting a face lift and refitting to ensure they would always have a clean water source if they came under siege.
Every man, woman, and child was conscripted to fortifying the settlement in case of attack. Women were tending to newly turned gardens or cutting up fresh bandages. A few boys were herding a handful of cows through the streets, while girls were turning the center square into a giant chicken coop.
At the Church, Attendants were running supplies from one building to another while singing their devotions. Father Jefferson was directing the chaos at his Church from the front steps, his voice rising over the din of dozens of feet over the stone.
They had already delivered their captives to the local Justice to be jailed until they could perform a trial. And explaining just what had happened at the cemetery and why they had captives had taken up the better part of the morning.
Dean just wanted to sleep. And with the psychics loosening the wards enough to let Sam enter the Haven with Dean, Dean finally felt comfortable enough to actually rest in one of the little cells in the Church.
Dean waved at Father Jefferson as he entered the Haven and made his way to the cell he had been given while he’d been recruiting from the Priest’s flock. Sam followed him down the hall way, silent as always.
“It’s not over yet,” Sam said when Dean shut the door to their little room. “This is only one Haven. You’ll have to do the same thing at other ones.”
“Castiel is taking care of it,” Dean said. “While you were off checking out the wards and traps the psychics were putting up this morning, Castiel said he’d spread the word for us. We should get messages from some of the closer Havens in a few weeks.”
“Think it’s going to make a difference?” Sam asked sitting down on the floor.
Dean flopped onto the small bed and turned his head to watch Sam. “You’re the one who told me I had to do this,” he pointed out. “Don’t tell me you’re starting to doubt everything now.”
Sam smiled at him and laughed a little at that. “I’m not doubting you, Dean. This was the right thing to do. It was time you came out of hiding. It was killing you. I just don’t know if it’s really going to make a difference in the grand scheme of things.”
“Plan hasn’t changed,” Dean yawned and closed his eyes. :::
He was climbing what felt like a vertical piece of smooth rock. But each time he reached up, Dean found finger holds to grab and pull himself up with. His feet found purchase to push him forward. The sky was clear and a blue so bright it hurt to look at.
He wasn’t far from the top, having dreamed himself half way up the rock face.
Looking up, Dean saw someone peeking over the edge of the cliff above him, waving and encouraging him on. He couldn’t make out the person’s face or hear their voice. Sometimes that’s the way the dreams worked. Sometimes it just wasn’t important enough to be included in the details. So Dean kept climbing.
When he was close enough to the top that he could actually see the ledge forming, the person at the top backed away to give Dean room to climb up, grabbing hold of his hand when he flung it over the edge and pulling him up to safety. Dean flopped on to his back and stared up into the sky, panting from exertion. It might have been just a dream, but Dean felt his muscles aching like he had actually climbed the rock face.
The sky was just as bright and just as blue at the top as it had been while he had climbed. A gentle breeze came, drying the sweat on his skin. Dean could smell spring flowers on the breeze and closed his eyes against the sky.
Rolling over, Dean pushed himself to his feet and took a good look around.
It felt like he was standing on top of the world, looking down at rivers and mountains and valleys, settlements and people, the few cities left in the world, and all the people in it. Nothing could touch him this high up. Even Sam couldn’t follow him to wherever he was. But he didn’t feel the press of wards or charms.
Turning, Dean came face to face with the person he’d seen encouraging him up the cliff side.
He was about Dean’s height though he had a more slender build. Black hair and eyes a brown so dark his pupils were lost in the irises. He was smiling, teeth flashing white in his mouth. He looked familiar, in a way that made Dean’s skin crawl. It wasn’t until he spotted the Mark on the man’s throat that made Dean take a step back.
The man smiled wider and offered his hand to Dean. “Dean Winchester,” he said, voice softly accented. “I am Cain.”
PART 1 ||
PART 2 ||
PART 3 ||
PART 4 ||