Title: Servatis a Periculum
Author name: Jade jade_1459
Artist name:
asm_z & Tammi
Genre: Wincest. AU, Angst, Dark, Dean-with-power(s), Future Fic
Pairing: Dean Winchester/Sam Winchester
Rating: R
Word count: 12,600
Warnings: Past (non-graphic) Het, Character Death (except they aren't really dead and they aren't a zombie... it's hard to explain)
Summary: The world has changed in ways Dean had never expected. After the near end of the world, Supernatural creatures and events were recognized by the world at large, and Hunting became a religious calling. But after so many years things have gotten lost or been forgotten. Dean had watched the changes and slowly withdrew from the world and society, becoming less involved and less aware of the shifting currents of change. But when he has a prophetic dream about the Devil’s Gate being opened, Dean finds himself coming out of the shadows and making himself known to the world again.
Art: Art can be found at
Master Art Post PART 1 ||
PART 2 ||
PART 3 ||
PART 4 ||