(no subject)

Nov 12, 2007 01:29

I have the keys for the new house.

All 6 of them. (I know! And that's not including the missing key for the external garage door. Though the internal one needs two different ones, one to open and another to lock. Huh?? Plus there's one for the side door, one for the interior kitchen door (plus a spare), one for the rear garden door, and one for the front door. Comes as a bit of a shock when I've just been carrying one around for 5 years....

The house is great - apart from the central heating not working. (I know; I should have turned round three times and spat, lifeasanamazon) But that's the agents responsibility so they better deal.

Exterior - front

Awww. Pretty house.

Big fir tree standing sentinel.

Exterior - side

Look at all those leaves I have to sweep!!

Exterior - driveway

Agammemnon wants to get in the garage.


Not quite sure why I took this, but here is my many doored hall.There is also two doors down the corrider to the left, one door at the right and left, and one behind.


Very small, but big enough!

Bedroom One

The curtains are prettier than they look. And my inflatable mattress on the floor is pretty uninflated.

Bedroom 2

Overlooks the back garden, and has wardrobes and shelves you can't see.

Bedroom 3

Smaller than the other 2, but see the pretty early morning sun! Overlooks the driveway.

Living room - front

Looking out into the front garden. If you look closely, you can see the huge pile of leaves I'm going to have to sweep up.

Living room - back

See the pretty sliding doors to the patio where I will sit with a glass of wine and watch the animals come to play in the garden.(There was a cat last night, but not quite what I was hoping for).

Living room - back 2

With the huge fuscia bush.

Fireplace - Living Room

Will need to brush up my pyrotechnical skills....and in case you were wondering, on the mantlepiece are 1)a pic of one of my sisters, 2)a welcome to your new home card from the owner (how sweet!) and 3)my Brave Moo cow from littleloonlost.

Diner -Kitchen

My "curl-up-with-a-book-and-a-buny-on-each-knee" chair will be in the corner you can't see on the left. And my new kettle goes blue when you turn it on and pink when it boils!!!!!


My Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge kitchen. And a pretty view out over the garden. See that big space where there are no units, by the door? That's where Toby & Claudia's pen is going to go.


The culprit of all those leaves.

Back Garden

Taken from the back door. I don't know what on earth kind of tree that is, but it's very scary!


The little round seating area. Tight in the corner where the two hedges meet is a chunk of log perfect for sitting on.


Under the scary tree is a pond! The fountain in the sculpture needs activating somehow. And the other sculpture is a hedghehog driving a car. Don't ask.


Look at the pretty! Leads from the rear door into the garden, down to the seating area. And note the greenhouse just in shot.

Bower 2

Halfway along the bower. I feel like a Shakespearean heroine.

new home

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