(no subject)

Dec 29, 2007 11:23

Darling Flist,

How have I missed thee?

Let me count the ways!!

I hate having no net access at home, and no personal use at work. But I love my house (though the commute sucks), I like most of my colleagues, I adore my big bosses, both of whom seem to reciprocate (though there may be a potential ....thing with one, which may be awkward. And wonderful. I was giving her grief 10 minutes after we met and we haven't stopped since. *shrugs* ) Cards and texts from my darling lifeasanamazon and littleloonlost have taken the edges off my aloneness, so thank you for those, my loves. God knows how I'm going to catch up with all thats been going on with you all (did I mention Im in a pub having trailed my laptop in on the village bus?!! I have 40 minutes to do this and order my groceries for delivery) but know that I miss you lots, I love you more and my life is paler without you.

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