(no subject)

Nov 06, 2007 12:56

I'm a geek. I can live with that.

So I was playing "Free Rice" while eating lunch (yeah, I know, I work with words for a living you'd think I could do something non work related, but see Point One.) And the word that came up was "sempiternity". Now, having (a) done Latin at school and (b)sung more Requiems than I've had hot dinners (see Point One)I know that semper means always (as in Sempiternam Requiem) and eternity is forever, so I kind of drew the right conclusion. But then I stopped and thought about it (see Point One). When did we stop using that word? Because its so cool. And this is also interesting for a look: http://en.citizendium.org/wiki/Sempiternity

Sempiternity. I'm bringing language back one beautiful word at a time.

ETA: If you one of you sweethearts who is better at that kind of thing than I (so that's like, everyone...) would care to make me a Gibbs Abby pic with the word Sempiternity, I'll pay you in a drabble/fic of your choice in my field. Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease?
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