Nov 16, 2007 03:18
oh yeah one large part of my life i neglected to mention is that i basically don't eat anymore. the dining hall is disgusting and i hate EVERYTHING about it, and i've unfortunately adopted the idea of 'no food is better than bad food'. i'll eat at the dining hall once, MAYBE but rarely twice a day (i think i've eaten all 3 meals there once?) and other than that i might eat a bit in my room but generally just like...not at all. i endured the dining hall for a while but then my hate and disgust became out of control, and i'm pretty sure the food also got worse, and i began the slow transition into pretty much not eating; at first it was just the fact that they stop serving breakfast at fucking 10 in the morning and on the few days i had class early enough to catch that i was usually too tired to get there on time (stupidly, breakfast is the only bearable meal they have there. you can make belgian waffles that are actually really good, plus there's cereal). then, when i had a lot of homework, i'd think, "i have too much to do so i'll just skip eating cause it sucks anyway". then my stomach shrank as the food got worse so skipping meals got easier. unfortunately i have an unhealthy aversion to water, so last week the combination of barely eating, amphetimines, no water and 2 hours of sleep led to me getting pretty severely dehydrated on thursday. it was awful. i'm never getting dehydrated again. since then i've had about 87 water bottles, but i noticed that even though i was drinking WAY more water than my body is used to i was still feeling not that great. then it occurred to me that usually my body is getting water and nutrients from food. so i've decided that even though dining hall food sucks to an unprecedented degree and has possibly secured itself a spot in my top 5 greatest hates, i'm going to eat there. yesterday and today i only had one meal there but it's really not that healthy to only eat pasta and cereal is it??? i figure if i work hard to find bearable sources of nutrition combined with my daily multivitamin and more water i can balance eating food barely fit for long-term human ingestion with not dying of malnourishment.
i'm basically a vegetarian now, not because of a shift in ideals but because the safety of eating virtually any of the meat they serve us is questionable...both times i took a chance on chicken breasts were unsuccessful, one time it was really undercooked (chicken should never be a pink meat) and the other time it was, prepare for disgusting description, basically an herb seasoned bag of falls a little short of mouth-watering. kinda sucks cause i get no protein now, i really miss meat too...chicken is the only meat i'd dare endeavor, i flat out don't trust their beef and the rest is just...not appealing. part of me wonders if this inedible meat is intentional, a plot to sway the credo of the few remaining porter college meat-eaters...either way it's made me less interested in vegetarianism than i've ever been i'd like meat in my life again please!
yesterday, the day of my triumphant return to the dining hall, i resigned to the usual pasta with alfredo sauce but the sauce LITERALLY looked like cum so i didn't eat it. instead i had vegetables and a bowl of pops. it didn't make for a great reunion.
another personal obstacle is my great fear of tainted food. like someone doing something to it. you know, spitting in it, touching it in some unclean way, my alfredo sauce looked like cum...the dining hall system offers the exact anonymity a disgruntled server would need as justification for something i'd rather not think about. i mean that's like a big concern of mine these days. you'll notice that at restaurants, even if they mess up my order, i'm REALLY nice about it. because why taint some nice girl's food when there's so much other food to taint? or to just not taint please?
i can't stop listening to this song, the beginning kind of makes me feel like chris is calling me and that combined with thinking about us and this song and the fact that it's so good anyway makes me very happy :) he's just so adorable and perfect. i love him so much. and i love the text messages he sends me in the mornings for me to wake up to about how much he loves me. i need to send him one of those tonight since i'm up.
so i'm not going to say "i'm exaggerating, the dining hall isn't THAT bad", cause it is, but not really in the way that every kind of food you eat tastes bad, but the general disappointment you find in everything they make there. if you only eat there a few times you're like, well this isn't that great and i'd be pissed if i went to a restaurant and got this, but it's definitely not as bad as people make it out to be. sure. but there's something about the constant mediocrity and mass preparation that gets to you. after a while you're eating the same things every single day, no matter what exotic sounding dish they have to offer. you find that even things like salad and cantelope are bad. the juice has sugar added so you might as well drink soda. sauces have that misplaced hint of spiciness normally associated with airplane meals. except instead of your flight, it's your 7 day meal plan that your parents have already paid for. it's like eating gloom.
thanksgiving next week. my mom bastes the turkey in butter and wine. it's SSSSSSSSSSOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO GOODDDDDDDDDDDDD. i'm excited but i think my tongue might explode.