Challenge #16 Announcement - Prompt: Rhys

Jan 25, 2009 22:47

This post is not for submitting drabbles, but feel free to ask any questions you may have.

The prompt for this challenge is the bane of Jack/Gwen shippers everywhere, Rhys.

Your drabble can be rated from G to NC-17, can be fluff or angst, or anything in between, as long as it's between 100 - 250 words, and it's Jack/Gwen we're happy (a connection with the prompt would also be nice of course).

If you write more than one drabble for the challenge, or start on one that just refuses to stick to the prompt, you're more than welcome to post it in the community as a regular drabble.

You have this week and the next to write your drabble. I'll post the submission entry next Friday (Jan 30), but the deadline isn't until the Friday after that (Feb 6), and then we vote.


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