The Winners of the 15th Challenge Are... (Without Banners)

Jan 25, 2009 22:32

1st Place - radiotardislive

Tosh Knows

They were sat in a bar, voices loud, competing against the pump of the music. They had to avoid their previous selves, if that made any sense, whilst Captain John caused havoc in Cardiff, until time was set right again, and they could slip out and resume their lives. Until then, they had a whole night ahead of them, and an unlimited supply of cocktails to keep them going.

Lights flashed in the darkness, glancing off of the empty shot glasses, crowded onto the table. Gwen was laughing at Ianto’s pathetic attempt to down a martini in one gulp, and Owen was objecting to Jack’s disgusting story.

Only Tosh was quiet, locked away in her own thoughts, hands clasped around her glass.

Tell Jack I -

She kept replaying the scene over and over in her head. She couldn’t forget it. She couldn’t forget Gwen’s face as she had delivered what she thought would be her last message; it had been utterly blissful in that storm of chaos, joyous as the truth spilled from her lips at last.

And then she had been cut off, and it had been forgotten. But not by her. Tosh had always had her private speculations about the relationship between Jack and Gwen, but now she knew. She glanced across at them, as the two chinked glasses, smiling at each other over the edges of their drinks, before throwing them down their throats, mirror images.

The only question was, how long until everyone else did too?

1st Place - bellebet

Bedside Manner

No, I did not go back to the Hub to check on Jack after Gwen’s wedding. I was there to play Halo on Tosh’s computer after a day of playing “wedding fairy.” It’s not like I could have had a good night’s sleep or anything.

So there I am, booting up the machine when I hear someone crying like a little girl in Jack’s office. I draw my gun and make my way up there, expecting anything but what I saw.

Mind you, I’ve seen Harkness good and pissed twice before. This one had them beat. I can’t even smell anymore, and I knew the alcohol was just seeping out his pores.

“You’re such a fucking cliché, Jack,” I said, lifting him out of the puddle of puke and tears he was sitting in. “The girl I love is married to someone else. Boo fuckin’ hoo. You had plenty of chances to tell her.” I don’t even think he knew I was there as he puked onto my good shoes. “I really hope you’re hung over in the morning so I can mess with your head.”

I dragged Harkness towards the showers, hoping to rinse some of the funk off him. The poor bastard finally realized he wasn’t alone and looked up at me. “He makes her happy. I want her to be happy.” If my heart still beat, it would’ve broke just then.

“You could have been happy together, arsehole.” And with that, I turned the spray on him.

2nd Place dryler

Living History

When I first saw him I thought maybe I was seeing things, or maybe he’d had a son... grandson at this point probably. Then he smirked. He wasn’t a son or a grandson, he was Jack fucking Harkness himself, looking exactly the same as the last time I saw him. Of course that was in 1954.

Why do I have to look all of my seventy-seven years? Son of a bitch broke my heart and now he’s standing around outside of my house looking all... attractive. That’s just rude. He was always fucking rude.

You’ve got quite the mouth on you as well, he used to say with a smirk that would make me melt. I was twenty-two and in love, there wasn’t much about him that didn’t make me melt.

His eyes glide right over me as he takes in the crowd on the other side of the yellow tape. Fifty-five years does a lot to a person, I know. Sometimes I’m not sure I recognize myself in the mirror. His gaze comes to rest on a woman standing next to him. He smiles at her the way he used to smile at me, but... not. It was never quite like that for me, never quite that sweet, never quite that... loving. She turns away from the PC she was talking to, and Jack catches her eye. She smiles back. Maybe she deserves that smile; I don’t think I ever could’ve returned it quite like that.


Thank you so much for participating guys, and congrats to those who won! Hope you try again next time!


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