Drabble: Diary of a Chronic Secret Keeper - January 24th, 2009 (Part 23)

Jan 24, 2009 22:01

Title: Diary of a Chronic Secret Keeper - January 24th, 2009 (Part 23)
Author: dryler
Pairing: Jack/Gwen, Gwen/Rhys, Jack/Ianto... you know canon.
Summary: Gwen starts a blog as an outlet, because she really needs an outlet.
Part Rating: PG-13
Timeline: I once read that Torchwood was set a couple years in the future, but I’m not sure if that’s true or not, so it’s set in 2009.
A/N: Inspired by reading the blog Belle de Jour: diary of a London call girl, although this is very different.

Other parts are here

Jan 24th, 2009

J took me out to lunch this afternoon. I think he feels guilty about the whole me nearly dying thing. He’s also a little pissed that I refused to take time off, but sitting around my apartment all day isn’t going to make me feel any better. I don’t really feel that bad about it in the first place, although I am a little jumpier than usual. Anyway he hid it well, the pissed off part not the guilty part, that was glaringly obvious.

After lunch we walked around near the water. We talked about when I got shot. I don’t seem to be able to get it out of my head now. I had the most intense dream about it last night, intense and really odd.

J: [My work] will pay for a therapist if you want to talk to someone.

Me: And I go and talk about what, exactly? My nondescript job in special ops? I’m pretty sure the point of therapy is to tell your secrets not dance around them.

J nodded, and looked out over the water.

J: Well... you can talk to me.

Me: Even about [H’s name]? Yeah that conversation would go really well.

J: groans If you wanted to. Pulls me against his side with an arm around my shoulders. I’ll always listen.

I buried my head against his shoulder, and we stood like that until I foolishly mentioned that my hands were numb from the cold. Frostbite would have been worth it.

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!drabble^, writer: dryler

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