
Dec 24, 2013 14:02

Title: Clumsy
Author: Jaceni
Pairing: Jaemin, minor Hosu
Rating: PG 13
Genre: romance, fluff, drama, slight humor
Warnings: slight song fic?, cliché
Length: Oneshot
Summary: Changmin stayed frozen in spot for a second, unable to move. Even though the guy he was currently struck frozen by was across the cafeteria, he felt as if he had him right there in front of him.

A/N: MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!!! \^o^/ Hope you like this fic. I’d like to dedicate this fic to Yunjaemania for waiting so impatiently on the Trangression fic. See, I had promised her that I’d update the last chapter the next day, but it turned into a full week, and I felt ashamed and gave her a ‘sorry for taking so long’ oneshot (which ended up taking long too >.<). Sorry bb, please forgive my delays. =D Anyway, in case I don’t see you guys before the year ends: HAVE A HAPPY NEW YEAR TOO!!! Enjoy! ♥

P.S. Italicized words are lyrics from Fergie's song named 'Clumsy".


First time.

Changmin stayed frozen in his spot for a second, unable to move even if he wanted to. Even though the guy he was currently struck frozen by was across the cafeteria, he felt as if he had him right there in front of him.

That I saw your eyes…

The object of his stare glanced his way and he couldn’t breathe for a second. The dark doe eyes belonging to the guy looked so intense, that he couldn’t break away from there stare. He was sure he looked idiotic, gaping wide with both eyes and mouth, but he couldn’t change his appearance to something cooler because he was simply paralyzed. He couldn’t change his facial features even when he noticed his now new crush frown.

Boy you looked right through me... mmmhmm.

With a dismissive roll of the eyes, the guy just glanced away and Changmin felt that he could move again. Too bad his friend didn’t get the memo.

“CHANGMIN!!!” Junsu screamed and Changmin jumped a mile high with a surprised shout, dropping his apple in the process (he was lucky he didn’t drop his milk or lasagna too), and promptly turning an embarrassing shade of red when he noticed his new crush laughing with his friends at his expense.

He quickly bent down to grab his apple and turned to leave the cafeteria to eat outside as gracefully as he could after the spectacle he made of himself.

Played it cool. But I knew you knew. That cupid hit me, mmmhmmm.


Changmin was sweating heavily. He was going to try to ask Kim Jaejoong out… in the school library.

Oh yeah, he’d found out the guy’s name, address, birthdate, favorite color, favorite band, favorite food, favorite hobby… Facebook was realllly helpful, you know?

He had yet to talk to him though.

Just as he was going towards the table that Jaejoong was in, he tripped over someone’s backpack, barely catching himself on the table top. He froze for a second, praying that Jaejoong hadn’t seen that.

“You okay man?” Yunho asked his classmate, a concerned frown on his face.

Changmin refused to look in Jaejoong’s direction and just answered.

“I-yes, I’m alright. Sorry about that Yunho.” He said quickly and turned around, leaving the room with a red face.

He could hear silent snickers all around the few library occupants, only silent because it’s the library.

He couldn’t face Jaejoong after that embarrassment.


Changmin nervously waited outside the showers in the gym bathrooms, near the lockers. Jaejoong was in there, Jaejoong was currently showering, and Changmin wasn’t prepared to see him like that yet. He got hot just thinking about it and no, no, no he couldn’t. He’d already gone through more embarrassing moments in this last week than he’d ever had in his entire twenty years of life. He didn’t need to add an unseemly bulge into the mixed while in the guy’s bathroom.

He was standing near some random lockers, waiting for God to have pity on him and for Jaejoong to go out fully dress out of the bathrooms when suddenly someone cleared their throats.

“Hi there. Can I get to my locker?” A voice he’d only heard from afar asked.

His heart stopped for a second, along with his breath.

It was as if he went in slow motion. His head turned in disbelief.

Yup, you guessed it.

Jaejoong was there, water dripping off his soaked hair and running down his sculpted muscles… sculpted muscles that he could see because he was freakin half-naked with only a towel hiding his unmentionable areas!!!!

“AH!” Changmin screamed as he stumbled back into the locker walls behind him. Jaejoong looked at him shocked for a moment, eyes wide and lips parted and Changmin didn’t think he’d ever seen such a beautiful sight. He nodded dumbly before he practically ran to the exit, his heart thumping in his chest as he tried to calm himself down.


Changmin could die of embarrassment right now. He couldn’t believe he’d done that. How was he ever going to ask Jaejoong out?!

He sat miserably in his dorm room for the rest of the day, unable to go out.


“Min! What the heck is wrong with you man?!” Junsu asked as he was dragged by his friend. “You’ve been acting strange lately and now this?! Seriously! Let go! I have an appointment!!!” Junsu squealed as he tried and failed to escape Min’s grasp.

“You have to help me Junsu-ah! And it has to be now.” Changmin said as he kept pulling his reluctant friend.

“Aish! What now?” Junsu asked as he finally gave up and let Changmin drag him.

“I need you to distract Yunho while I speak with Jaejoong.” Changmin said hastily as he got closer. He could feel his nerves spike up again and his palms get clammy. Today he’d find out once and for all whether he had a chance with Jaejoong or not.

He couldn’t go through this anymore. Every time Jaejoong would even glance his way he ended up destroy someone’s property with his clumsy ways. It had to stop and he hoped this was the way to end it.

“Hi Yunho.” He said a little too enthusiastically while shoving Junsu in front of him. He didn’t notice how Junsu turned pink once he was placed so close to Yunho.

“Junsu needs to talk to you over there for a little bit, can you go with him now?” He asked in a friendly tone and ignored Junsu’s embarrassed squeak as he shoved him towards Yunho.

“I-uh-no?” Yunho said shakily.

“Great! Junsu, are you going?” Changmin asked Junsu. He tried his best to not see Jaejoong because then he’d end up doing something stupid in his nervousness.

“I-uh-yeah…” Junsu said as he walked stiffly away from them, Yunho trailing behind him.

Changmin’s nerves got worse once he was alone with Jaejoong. He turned to him and found Jaejoong staring at him with a cold expression on his face.

He swallowed heavily, feeling sweat drops pool on his forehead and neck as he tried to speak.

“I-I-I…” He didn’t know what was wrong with him! He cleared his throat again and just went for it. “Jaejoong, would you like to go out with me?” He blurted it out as fast as he could and saw how shocked the other guy was.

“What?” Jaejoong asked. Changmin didn’t blame him. He’s pretty sure he probably didn’t make sense. He took a deep breath and finally just let out, “Would you like to go out with me… on a date?”

After the shock, Jaejoong just raised an eyebrow at him and then just shrugged.

“Sure.” He said while smiling briefly.

Now it was Changmin’s turned to feel shocked as he said, “Oh! Okay, thank you!” He said gratefully with a huge smile on his face.

And ran away. When he was halfway down the patio when he ran back, almost tripping over his own feet.

“I’m sorry, but what’s your phone number?” He asked sheepishly.

Jaejoong laughed and gave it to him.

“And what’s yours Changmin?” Jaejoong asked as he also started to program it into his phone.

“You know my name?” Changmin asked dreamily, unable to believe Jaejoong knew his name.

Jaejoong laughed again. “Of course I know your name. It’s kind of hard to forget the guy who almost dropped his lunch in the middle of the cafeteria while his friend yelled his name at the top of his lungs to get his attention. Plus, you happened to stare at me for so long I thought I had something on my face that kept your eyes glued to it.”

Changmin felt his whole face heat up as he realized Jaejoong remembered the first time they unofficially met. But he also felt butterflies in his stomach and warmth in his chest. Jaejoong remembered him from a month ago. He wondered what else he remembered and couldn’t wait for their date to ask him.

“Hahaha, yeah. That would be hard to forget…”

So in love with you.
So in love with youuu.

~The End~

oneshot, pg-13, title: clumsy, hosu, jaemin

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