Something in a Coin Toss

Jan 05, 2014 13:27

Title: Something in a Coin Toss
Author: jaceni
Genre: Romance, Fluff, slight humor, drama
Pairing: Minjae/Jaemin
Rating: PG-13
Length: One-shot
Warning: Yaoi, Seme!Min, Uke!Jae, part of Coin Toss Verse (aka Plan vs Instinct & Lucky Coin Toss), AU, NO BETA so sorry for any misspellings and such (please let me know of any you find), fluffy moments with random ass plot written for fun ^_^

Summary: Jaejoong was irritated. He was beyond irritated as yet again their neighbors played loud music in the middle of the night… ON A WEEKDAY NOT WEEKEND… as they completely disregarded the peace and quiet around them.

A/N: Hi there. Don’t mean to anything by the mentioning of the song in this story. It’s just for the purposes of this fic and I personally don’t have anything against it. :D Just couldn’t think of another one. XD Hope you guys enjoy another glimpse into the lives of Min and Jae. ^_^ I wanted to write something carefree and these characters allow me to do that so here it is. It’s short, no porn this time, and really, just something so that I can post. =D Enjoy! (Sorry Epi, couldn’t produce the smut I kinda implied I promised you, but hey, hope you like it anyway. ;D)

*Two years after Lucky Coin Toss (porn video XD)*

Jaejoong was irritated. He was beyond irritated as yet again their neighbors played loud music in the middle of the night… ON A WEEKDAY NOT WEEKEND… as they completely disregarded the peace and quiet around them. It’d been two months…FREAKIN TWO MONTHS… since they had to move to this apartment complex and Jaejoong was already sick of it. He didn’t care whether they had to pay for getting out of their pre-signed contract, he wanted out and he wanted out NOW. He unconsciously almost pulled out his hair when he again heard that dame song from Crayon Pop (Bar Bar Bar) played once more. He couldn’t take it anymore!

“MIN!” He screamed because he had to. The song was that strong and his landlords didn’t care to keep order as long as the rent was due on time. As usual, his boyfriend kept on merrily sleeping away. Jaejoong swears that Min could get raped during sleep and he wouldn’t even wake up to realize it. Sometime he found it adorable, but not when he was the one stuck being awake, loosing precious sleeping time while Changmin just slept right through the noise as if it wasn’t happening RIGHT NEXT DOOR!

“Min!” He slapped him this time right on his shoulder, getting only a light disruption to his snoring. Sometimes Jaejoong really couldn’t believe him!

He pushed Changmin onto his back, he’d been spooning him, and straddled him while violently shaking him awake and screaming his name.

Changmin was so startled that he accidentally bumped his head against Jaejoong’s and now Jaejoong not only had a headache because of the music but also because of the collision of their craniums.

“Ow!” He complained irritated, rubbing his head while leaning back and still straddling Changmin, only now he was a little further down on Changmin’s thighs.

“Wa-?” Changmin said, confused, in pain, and still unsure of what was going on while also rubbing his forehead. “Jae? What’s going on?”

“You wouldn’t wake up! So I had to shake you awake you… you… you hibernating bear!” Jaejoong said agitatedly. His nerves were shot. Lack of sleep could do that to you.

“I can’t take it anymore Min! We have to move out!!! I can’t take this anymore!!!!! I just can’t!” Jaejoong screamed nervously. Seriously, when he’d heard the phrase ‘his nerves were shot’ he didn’t think he’d ever get to experience that feeling first hand. And it didn’t help that Changmin was still somewhat dazed and not all that there yet. He always found that trait of his boyfriends cute, but now it just irritated him to no end.

“Sshh, shhh, it’ll be okay Joongie. Just, calm down okay? We’ll talk about this tomorrow, okay? Here…” Changmin trailed off and reached into the drawer closest to him and pulled out ear plugs. “Put these on so that you can get some sleep and we’ll talk about this tomorrow, okay?” He soothed and rubbed Jaejoong’s thighs to relax him.

Jaejoong wanted to argue, but he was just so tired… like all the time… and decided to just try to get some rest. He hated ear plugs, but it was the only way to block out the sounds outside. Sighing, he got them and put them on, still irritated but somewhat calm now after his irrational outburst.

“There, all better.” Changmin said sleepily, his eyes mismatching in his attempt at smiling while still half asleep and making him look younger than his actual age once more. As he said that he also cupped Jaejoong’s jaw, caressing his cheek with his thumb. Jaejoong smiled back and leaned forward to kiss his lips softly, sighing at the warmth the caress their lips brought. He was so sleepy.

“Come on, let’s go to sleep.” Changmin coaxed and gently maneuvered Jaejoong back into the spooning position they’d been in before Jaejoong’s breakdown. This time Jaejoong was able to ignore the loud annoying songs playing at their neighbors party and somewhat get sleep at last.


The next day was a Friday, thank God they don't have anywhere to be, so as soon as Jaejoong got up -feeling refreshed- he quickly got his daily ritual out of the way and their infamous lucky coin out of it’s safe location, preparing for an argument. When Changmin finally made his way across the threshold of their kitchen he stopped and said, “Uh-oh. What did I do this time Jae?” Jaejoong wanted to laugh so badly, but he held it inside, when he saw the wary look Changmin sent to the precooked breakfast with all his favorites. He’d be trained already to know that if he was received in this manner there was something to be discussed and he was normally at a fault so he was conditioned to be wary.

“Nothing. We just having a pending discussion is all.” Jaejoong smiled brightly. Changmin had been running away from this discussion - as always with that boy- for a week already and Jaejoong wasn’t going to let him anymore.

Changmin sighed. “I know I know.” He heavily sat on his chair and began to eat the offered breakfast plate. “But Joongie, you know that the rent is cheap here and that we could save up better if we stay for-” Changmin stopped abruptly and Jaejoong frowned at him. What was Changmin about to say. Changmin cleared his throat and continued. “Anyway, we need to save up.” Changmin nodded and continued eating.

“But Minnie, I can’t sleep with that loud racket and who knows what kind of problems neighbors like this will bring. I don’t want to live here anymore.” Jaejoong pouted. He didn’t care how childish the act was, pouting relaxed him.

“Jae… awe, don’t do that.” Changmin averted his eyes and Jaejoong huffed out a breath. Okay, plan B.

“Okay, look. How about we do this another way? Let’s do a coin toss? And whatever it lands on we’ll do, okay? Heads we move to another apartment complex, Tails we keep living in this god awful arrangement until the end of the lease. I’ll deal with four more months of sleeplessness and mental stress. You agree?” Jaejoong asked while smiling.

Changmin looked at him dubiously, but nodded his head in agreement. Jaejoong didn’t understand why Changmin was so attached to this place. Sure it was cheap, but should his sleep and peace of mind count more than a few lousy dollars? Jaejoong sighed. Changmin was acting weird lately. He shrugged and carried on.

“Here we go.” He said as he flipped the coin. He didn’t realize how much was being placed on the line as the coin tossed up into the air. Didn’t know that Changmin was holding his breath looking at it, hoping it would land on tails. He really needed this money. He was so close to what he’d been dreaming about since they were teenagers.

As the coin landed Jaejoong glanced at it and almost broke down crying. It landed tail… TAIL!!!! He was so distressed that the bright smile Min was wearing for a brief second didn’t register.

“Why!!!!?” He dramatized and then fell limply on the table. The rotten neighbors didn’t listen if one requested for peace and quiet. They’d tried that first week to get them to lower it down and almost had the living crap beat out of them. So, in essence, he had four more months of torment were in store for him and he couldn’t go against the fate of the coin. It could bring bad luck.

“Ah, Joongie. Don’t worry. We’ll buy better sleeping aids, okay?” Changmin tried to consol. It was hurting him to refuse Jaejoong this, but in the long run it was worth it. After these four months they’d be set and he had everything planned already. They would finally have what they’ve always wanted. The extra job he was taking was doing wonders.

“Come here.” Changmin coaxed. After these four months, Jaejoong wouldn’t have to worry about petty things like this anymore.

Jaejoong reluctantly went to Changmin and allowed him to maneuver him onto his lap. Changmin had made him straddle him and Jaejoong sighed into his neck, getting more comfortable on top of his boyfriend as he skulked a little more at the fact that chance wanted him to stay in this awful apartment complex. The gentle stroking hands of Changmin on his back were relaxing him so much he almost fell asleep.

“Hm, maybe I need to massage you before going to sleep Joongie. Seems it relaxes you.” Changmin chuckled and Jaejoong swatted playfully at him, kissing him softly underneath his jaw.

“Maybe you do. A full body massage, right Minnie?” He said huskily as he felt himself respond when his boyfriends hands wandered lower until he was cupping his ass cheeks. He bit his lip to prevent a moan from escaping when he felt Changmin drag him closer.

“Full body massage ay… I like the sound of that…” Changmin whispered against his ear, sending shivers down Jaejoong’s spine and straight to his cock.

“I like the sound of that too…” Jaejoong whispered too as he crossed the distance separating their lips and kissed Changmin tentatively. Jaejoong supposes he could be okay with staying here if that’s the price Changmin paid. He smiled into the kiss.

As he melted into Changmin's caresses he thought, 'Yup, I wouldn’t mind that one bit.'

oneshot, verse: coin toss, pg-13, title: something in a coin toss, jaemin

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