Transgressions (Epilogue)

Dec 15, 2013 18:32

Previous Chapter

Italicized: Translated lyrics (at end of chapter) are from Prince Roy’s song “Darte un Beso”. Warning: PWP/SMUT scene for whole chapter. Enjoy. ^_^v


**15 years later**

Jaejoong slowly came out of unconsciousness when he felt the light feather touch of lips he’s known for years dance on his naked skin as he lay facing down on the bed.

When light touches began to travel up his thigh he groan, the tingles the touch produced causing his skin to heat up and electricity to spark his fast beating heart, making him come out of the pleasant dream he’d been having.


Changmin couldn’t help but smile as Jaejoong’s body stretched lazily; admiring every lean muscle on displayed for him. Jaejoong’s milky skin fully displayed from the waist up, and till this day he still couldn’t believe that he was allowed to touch such perfection.

Changmin allowed his fingers to run down Jaejoong’s spine, lowering his path to draw down the white sheets covering his ass. He heard Jaejoong’s breath hitch once the cool air hit his exposed flesh, observing how he slowly turned around to look at him with love and lust in his eyes. Changmin brought his hand up, trailing softly the plump lips of the person he loved more than anything in the world. He leaned down to give him a soft kiss on the lips, trailing his lips to his chin, then to his jaw, then to the sensitive area behind his ear.

Even after all these years, his forbidden love never fizzed out or wavered. He still loved Jaejoong just as strongly as he did in his youth.


Jaejoong moaned as Changmin’s kisses went lower, touching his clavicle briefly before moving lower until he took one of his nipples into his mouth. Jaejoong’s hands couldn’t stay still any longer and he trailed Changmin’s body reverently, just as delicately as Changmin was touching him. Changmin’s thigh slid over his leg and Jaejoong groaned louder at the feel of Changmin’s arousal. He could feel the electricity Changmin’s touch produce start to blind his senses, where sight and sound started to get impaired. The only thing that made it to his senses was Changmin’s touch… sounds… taste. He wondered why it never felt strange to be so blinded by one person, how it never felt overwhelming to focus on just one being. Whatever it was, Jaejoong was grateful for being allowed this heaven on earth… because that’s what this felt like to him.

When Changmin prompted him to open his legs wider, he did so without thought. Body already trembling in anticipation of what would happen next, thin sheet of sweat already coding his overheated body. When he felt Changmin’s hand sneak down his abdomen to gently cradle his manhood, he welcomed the touch and arched his back to get closer. Sensing Changmin’s arousal heightened his own and he cried out when he felt the first touch of a finger circling his swollen entrance. He could feel himself blushing as he remembered yesterday. It had been their fifteenth year anniversary and it happened to land on a Friday. They’d both asked for the day off and had spent the day together. They’d spent the whole day making love and their bodies weren’t as young as they use to be so he was still a little tender and recovered slower. He supposed that’s why Changmin was going so slow today.


Changmin’s lips went lower, traveling down Jaejoong’s abdomen with a clear destination. He licked around Jaejoong’s navel and heard him cry out, feeling a pleasant shiver run down his spine when he felt just how good Jaejoong felt. Pleasant shiver to him due to the more intense sensations they experienced, but he’s pretty sure it’d be more than just pleasant to anyone not use to the sensations Jaejoong and him experienced on a daily basis.

Jaejoong whimpered and Changmin shushed him gently as he stopped a second to collect the lube he had besides the nightstand from last night and to coat his fingers in a generous dose. When he went back he looked Jaejoong in his desire glazed eyes as he gently opened his sore legs wider. He saw the redden entrance and with his eyes asked permission to continue. If Jaejoong was too sore to do this again so soon, he’d stop and they’d just skip the penetrative step or maybe Jaejoong would like to possess him today? When Jaejoong nodded and opened his legs wider, Changmin knew he could continue.

He continued where he’d left off, once again kissing the taunt abdomen below him and going lower towards the red swollen flesh of Jaejoong’s cock. It glistened with precum and Changmin couldn’t help but lick his lips. Jaejoong whimpered again and Changmin glanced up, seeing that Jae was trembling even more with his mounting desire as he watched Changmin’s moves attentively.

Changmin lowered his head, gazed still locked with Jaejoong’s dark eyes, as he took Jaejoong’s hard hot length fully into his mouth. The long drawn out moan and the blinding sensations of pleasure that assaulted him temporarily left him breathless, but once he recovered from the wave he began to bob his head up and down. Slowly, he introduced one finger into the extremely tight passage and heard Jaejoong’s hiss of pain, but then he immediately groaned in pleasure as Changmin sucked the hard organ into his mouth harder for a second. He tried to distract Jaejoong from the pain and he worked to loosen Jaejoong’s swollen passage. By the time he had three fingers inside of Jaejoong’s hot heat, Jaejoong was whimpering as if in pain, sweat droplets glistening in his milky white flesh as if he’d taken him for hours instead of just preparing him for ten minutes, his body writhing in need begging to be taken.

“Changminnn…” Jaejoong moaned out as he writhed more aggressively. Changmin felt sweat dripping down his back and couldn’t hold himself back anymore. He tried to withdraw as gently as possible in his haste to get between Jaejoong’s legs as fast as possible. He quickly coated his cock in lube before he rushed to get in position. He was trembling with their combined desire, making him clumsy even in his 35 years of life. Jaejoong eagerly accommodated him, bracketing his waist as soon as he got in position and getting him closer to kiss him passionately. The way Jaejoong’s tongue battled for dominance with his every time made him shaky and left him gasping for breath.

He groaned when Jaejoong got a hold of him and guided him into his passage, shutting his eyes tightly as lights flashed behind them as he felt that hot tight heat suction him closer. He panted, out of breath once he bottomed out and waited for the pain signals he was receiving from his brother to lessen, all the while kissing Jaejoong gently all over his sweaty face, licking down his neck, suctioning skin anywhere his mouth landed on. He ran his hands down the slick body beneath his, enjoying the shivers he produced in both of them until finally he felt Jaejoong raise his hips in silent permission to move.

He panted with his mouth open as he began to move as slowly as he could, savoring every blinding flash of light and pleasure that traveled between them making them tremble with every stroke Changmin took. The heat was unbearable, but they’d gotten use to it after so many years of practice.


Jaejoong mindlessly moved against Changmin’s body, trying to make him go faster than the current pace. He raked his short nails against Changmin’s back, sure that he’d already gotten a collection of red lines from last night and that he shouldn’t be adding more but at the same time he didn’t care as the pleasure almost became too intense for his extra sensitive body. He knew he wouldn’t last long… never seemed to last long whenever he was with Changmin this way. He moved his legs, hooking his ankles together before he roughly groaned, “I swear Changmin. If you don’t move faster I’ll- ughhhh…” He lost his train of thought as fireworks exploded in his mind as his hips undulated instinctively when Changmin’s pace increased. Jaejoong shouted out something, he didn’t know what, when Changmin hit that sensitive, abused spot inside of him that caused him to become a mindless being. It was now a race to who climaxed first.

Jaejoong wasn’t even bothered by the fact that he always won that race.

With a scream Jaejoong’s body tensed and arched, thighs clamped down as tightly as he could around Changmin’s waist, nails digging more harshly and out of control against Changmin’s back as his body was overloaded with so much sensation that it shut down for a second, air rushing out of his lungs.

When he came back to, he panted heavily, body sizzling and shaking with after effects of the intense orgasm he’d just experienced, Changmin’s full weight on him. It seemed that his brother also lost consciousness for a second along with him again. Changmin groaned as he came too and Jaejoong just held him close as he came down from the sex high that Changmin always gave him. He could feel all the places he’d be sore in, but didn’t care. This was one of the best post anniversary sex they’ve had. It was always better when it came to be on weekends. It also gave them time to recover.

“Wow.” Was all he could pant out as he relaxed and tried to get his body under control. The happy buzz was taking longer to dissipate today it seemed.

“Yeah. I’ll never get tired of that Jae.” Changmin said as he lazily lifted his head and gave Jaejoong a quick peck on the lips before tiredly getting off.

“Ah… well, I don’t think I can walk for today. Thanks a lot Min.” Jaejoong mock scolded as he let Changmin bring him closer to himself once he’d adjusted on his back. Jaejoong went willingly, cuddling against the man he’d grown to love more than anything in his life.


Changmin caressed Jaejoong’s back, ignoring the pleasant tingles it created for both of them, and just basking in the afterglow.

He still couldn’t believe they were here now or how they’d gotten here. It seemed surreal that they’d fled the country that was once their home. He still sometimes couldn’t believe that they took on new identities so that their blood relation wasn’t known. Was still amazed that he was now a Shim Changmin while Jaejoong was Kim Jaejoong. That they could so easily cut ties with everyone they’d known all their lives after their father died ten years ago to escape to this paradise on earth for them. A place where they didn’t have to hide their love from others. A place where they were strangers and had built a new image of themselves. A place where people were opened minded enough to accept their relationship (even if some still frowned at the fact that they were in a same sex partnership).

It had been hard to develop this plan. It had been hard to gather enough money to go through with it, but they had finally accomplished it. Sometimes Changmin wondered whether he’d somehow fallen asleep and was just waiting to wake up. To discover this was all a dream, that Jae didn’t love him. That he couldn’t and would never know this paradise on earth, which was the only type of paradise they would ever get. They knew were sinners went, but didn’t care as long as they could enjoy this momentary peace.

He unconsciously held Jaejoong closer, sighing when Jaejoong cuddled closer. He worried for his brother. He really hoped that in the afterlife there really was no heaven or hell because even if he could suffer through eternal torment he didn’t want Jae there along with him.

He shook off his gloomy thoughts. If this was a dream, he never wanted to wake up.

In the end, they might pay for their sins when dead. But for now, they’d enjoy the respite they could get and bask in their unending love… together.

To love like I love you is complicated...
To think the way I think about you is a sin…
To look at you the way I look at you is prohibited...

But in the end our love is worth it.

-The end-

This photo art was given to me some time ago by Tiaral from asianfanfics for any purpose I so choose. ^_^ I choose it as my photo for this fic (that’s why it doesn’t have the name of the fic like all my other posters) but I think it goes with the overall story. Loved it and finally get to use it! THANK YOU TIARAL!

A/N: Well that’s all folks! =D That’s what I could come up with and hope you guys enjoyed it. I know some of you got pissed off at Changmin or Jae, but really, I couldn’t just have them jump in the sack as if they weren’t related. Totally not my style of writing and I wanted to make at least some sense out of the struggle incest relationships might go through (remember, to me this how it could happen.) Okay, as promised, below are the prompts from the two plot givers I got the plot from. I combined these two and wala, the above is what I got.

LeeRen- (I’m translating her plot very loosely) Minjae, I’d like something that develops from infancy. With all the innocence that children have and a strong bond that unties them. So for them it wouldn’t be something ‘bad’ more of a secret. I wouldn’t want excuses for their behavior such as separation since childhood or the adoption/get together of their parents, even though if this changes due to the plot it’d be fine. Whatever happens afterwards, such as a separation or whatever, is up to you.

Yunjaemania- Jaemin, Min on top, Plot like “Twins” (Yunjae fic) from ko_bands ( in Lj), Min being innocent, but Jae not too bitchy. (Background information on the Yunjae fic, apparently the twins are apparently not close to each other, one hates the other for being perfect, one can feel the other’s feelings (ie. If one can’t sleep the other can’t either), one takes advantage of the other and the one taken advantage and you know what I’ll just stop the reciting of the fic’s plot since the only thing that was applied to mine was the telepathic tendencies.)

So that’s how I got my plot. I decided to blend Leeren’s innocent image of the siblings with Yunjaemania’s telepathic twin bond and this fic came out. I didn’t much care for the other aspects of the fic Yunjaemania mentioned because I’m not really good with making my characters that mean (at least to me they seemed mean in the beginning O_O) and the only thing that I can think to use was the twin bond thing. I do think the yunjae fic has an interesting plot and I wouldn’t mind reading it if it were a minjae fic, but at the end of the day it’s just not my writing style and I apologize for those who expected something else to happen in my fic. I’m sure you’re now familiar that if you don’t have patience with my character’s, you’ll never get through my fic. ;D But thank you so much my loyal readers!!! Silent and otherwise vocal in your thoughts of my fics. Ya know who you are!!! \^o^/ I appreciate all of you and wish I could do fics for each and every one of you. T_T But I can’t. I just hope I could hit the mark and do fics you like as a thank you for reading my crummy fics (well, crummy to me but many have said they’re good so that must mean I’m my worst critic, even if I know not all of you are shy with showing your dislikes. ;D ). Now to concentrate on CUII. I’ll finish that damn fic this year, but depending on my beta I’m not too positive you all will see the end this year. :( No worries though, I’ll try to finish something else if that’s the case. See you guys soon!

nc-17, other pairings, jaemin, title: transgressions, length: chaptered

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