Transgressions (10/14+Epilogue)

Nov 27, 2013 10:58

This photo art was given to me some time ago by Tiaral from asianfanfics for any purpose I so choose. ^_^ I choose it as my photo for this fic (that’s why it doesn’t have the name of the fic like all my other posters) but I think it goes with the overall story. Loved it and finally get to use it! THANK YOU TIARAL!

Title: Transgressions
Author jaceni
Pairing: Minjae, minor onesided yunjae appearance, OC pairing
Genre: Angst, Romance, humor, drama, AU
Rating: NC-17 (some parts just PG-16, but since it’s an incest fic I’ve labeled it NC17)
Warning: ACTUAL INCEST(don't say you weren't warned. If this offends you, please don't read.), yaoi, smut, reluctance, Min!seme, Jae!uke, might be unbelievable?, in a world where innocence can be preserved at a later age than today's youth, minors, etc. Corny?, definitely doses of fluffy moments… Oh, and it only really has 2 scenes that could classify as smut scenes or something as close to it as possible. I’ll let you guess at when it happens. XD Think that's it. ^^
Length: Chaptered (10/14+Epilogue)
Beta: enragedsilver
Disclaimer: I don’t own the characters of this story or profit from this story. Any similarity to a story already created is accidental. Please let me know if this story is too much like another you might have read, that way I’m aware of it. ^.^ Ya know, there’s only so many plots out there that won’t clash with other stories from other fandoms, so bare that in mind when reading.

Summary: Who said loving your brother like this was bad? Who were they to draw the line to what was good or bad? They'd shared a womb and so much more... so why couldn't they... no, it was wrong. He shouldn't be thinking this...

A/N: Here's another chappie. ^_^ I'll post the third shortly, but probably won't be able to post until most likely Sunday after this. Enjoy! =D

Previous Chapter

-Chapter 10-

Jaejoong sat in his room in his pajama's debating on whether he should look for Changmin or not. It was pretty late already and he was getting more nervous as time passed. All his determination was seeping down the proverbial drain and he was left a nervous mess. Maybe they shouldn't do this? Maybe there was another way? What if they weren't thinking straight? What if they did this and everything got worst? What if-

There was a knock on his door and he froze, along with his thoughts.

"Jae?" Changmin's voice said hesitantly. Jaejoong could feel that he was also nervous, but determined to get through this. This gave Jaejoong a little more courage and he inhaled deeply before expelling the air and going to the door.

His fingers shook slightly as they hesitated on the doorknob. This was it. Today they would cross a line that normal siblings never crossed, but it was necessary. He grasped the doorknob a little harder than he intended and opened the door slowly.

Changmin looked awkwardly to the floor and Jaejoong felt a rush of warmth to see that his older brother was just as unsure as he was. They could do this. They would both get through this together.

"Min?" He asked as his brother just stood there staring at the floor. He seemed startled by his voice and quickly looked up. "Aren't you going to come in?" He asked in a whisper.

"Y-yeah. Of course…" Changmin said with an awkward chuckle and then promptly rushed into the room as if he was being chased.

Jaejoong laughed a little at that and closed the door. A little of the nervousness left him once he realized that this wasn't a stranger he was doing this with. It was someone he dearly loved and that he knew as much as he knew himself… even with the short years that they weren't as close as they once were, he still knew Changmin.

"What?" Changmin asked him curiously as he sat down on the bed as if nothing, seeming to feel the newfound relaxed atmosphere.

"Nothing. I just realized how silly I was being. I've known you all my life Changmin, this shouldn't make me nervous or anxious. It's just something we're working through, so no big deal, right? We'll find a solution to this and then we'll laugh at how dumb we behaved while trying to find it." Jaejoong said this more relaxed and calmed than he'd been in a while. Seeing the big smile that Changmin gave him, the one that made his eyes shine with mirth and look mismatched, made him extremely pleased. Especially when he also saw that his words elicited the desired effect, his brother finally seemed to relax in his presence and they seemed to connect once more as they hadn't in so long. He almost forgot the reason why Changmin had come to his room, that is, until he sat down on the opposite side of the bed.

"O-okay… um, how will we…" Jaejoong's throat suddenly got dry and he trailed off. He had to swallow hard before he could continue. "How do we start this?"


Changmin swallowed hard too and didn't know what to tell his brother. How should they start this? He could feel the awkwardness coming back full force and tried to think of a way to start that wasn't just going to increase the awkwardness, but really… was there even a way?

He cleared his throat and said finally, "I guess… um, lie down?"

He could feel himself getting nervous already. Never before had he done this with someone else in the room and it felt weird that that person happened to be his sibling. He stiffly began to recline in Jaejoong's bed and laid down as straight as a board.

He saw, from his peripheral vision, that Jaejoong mimicked him in just as stiff a manner. It seemed that even though moments ago the atmosphere had been relax, now the tides had turn once more and they were both nervous. He heard Jaejoong's uneven breathing and felt his nervousness more acutely than he ever had before. So… apparently having this close contact did heighten their sensitivity towards each other… he took a shaky breath in.

"I-I think we should... who goes first?" Changmin asked as he felt his heart rate pick up slowly. This was actually going to happen. He was about to masturbate with his brother scant inches away from his body. At least they didn't have to look at each other yet. They said they'd go as quickly as they can, but that was too quick. Heck, they couldn't even be naked at this point yet and even when he masturbated alone it usually didn't involved nakedness… well, when he was showering maybe, but he didn't actually-

"Changmin. Did you hear me?" Jaejoong's raised voice brought him back from his rambling mind and he automatically turned to see his brother's face facing him. He could see Jaejoong's flushed face, as if he had had trouble stating what he had and couldn't help the little shiver that traveled down his spin as he stared at Jae's dark intense eyes so focused on him and felt his warm breath on his face.

He seemed to stay in a small trance as he gazed into those dark doe eyes, until he felt Jaejoong touch his hand and that contact did things he never thought it'd do. As soon as Jaejoong's fingers lightly grazed his own to gain his attention, his breath hitched and he felt as if sparks ran from the point of contact to his spine and up his brain. He could feel himself getting hard and his heart beat increase ten-fold along with his breathing. He couldn't see his face, but he was sure he was as red as a tomato. When he saw Jaejoong's irises dilate and his lips part, strange images sprang to his mind and he abruptly forced himself to stare at the ceiling as he tried to calm himself down. He was probably making Jaejoong react that way through their connection and he couldn't face his brother while these thoughts crossed his mind. He felt as Jaejoong withdrew his hand just as abruptly as he'd faced away, probably thinking that he'd gone too fast for this first time.

"Sorry, no, what did you say?" He asked as he tried to control the way his body was reacting. How was he ever going to control this if he couldn't even not react that way with that simple touch?

"I-I said that I think you should go first. You were born first and I've dealt with this longer than you, so it'd be better if you go first." Jaejoong sounded as nervous as Changmin sensed he was and something akin to relief passed through him at that. He knew that out of the two of them, Jaejoong was probably the strongest in this. After all, he'd had years to accustom to this. At the same time, he felt guilty for being selfish, for not trying to be the strongest and let his brother relieve himself. He'd never had the delusions of not being occasionally selfish though, so he decided he would go first. He'll get his share of the punishment this would be later. Right now he just wanted relief, even if it was in the presence of his brother.

"O-okay. I'll go first…" He trailed off as he licked his lips and tentatively moved his right hand towards his increasingly hardening erection. He closed his eyes, licked his lips, and tried to not think too hard on why he wasn't as disturbed by this as he should be. He could feel Jaejoong's body heat next to him, could feel Jaejoong's gaze focused on his face, and could feel the exact moment he turned away just before he managed to free himself from his constraining pants. He ignored the little thrill he felt at knowing Jaejoong had stayed staring at him even after he'd turned away and disappointment at the fact that he hadn't kept looking as he freed himself. He ignored completely the voice that told him he shouldn't be feeling any of those emotions, no matter the reason for his brother's gaze.

His breathing increased, turning into panting, as he grasped himself with a trembling hand. He could feel himself growing harder as he heard the matching pants next to him and felt the slight tremor on the bed from the only other source on it. He started to stroke himself slowly, feeling the pre-cum leak from his increasingly aching penis. His flesh felt hotter somehow… hotter than he'd felt before when he did this and when he thumbed the crown he shivered as he heard the small noise that escaped his brother's throat. That small noise ignited something in him he'd never felt before and his eyes snapped open, his head turned of its own accord towards the body lying next to him and he stared at the sight before him as he did it again, getting the same reaction.

To see Jae like that, eyes closed tight as he bit his own lips, body trembling as he tried to stop himself from moving, face flushed… he just couldn't turn his gaze away.

He grasped himself harder momentarily, hearing a startled cry come out of his twin at his actions, and something in him turned off. He began stroking himself with only one goal in his mind: making Jaejoong make more of those noises. He couldn't hear himself at all, all his senses were tuned in to the most miniscule sound that Jaejoong did. His heart rate sped through the roof and his body shivered as lust accumulated beyond what he was use to experiencing. He could see the sweat gathering in Jaejoong's brow, along with the red hue of his face, as the other tried to keep silent through the whole ordeal with his eyes shut tight. When Jaejoong arched slightly from the bed and bit his red bottom lip, Changmin couldn't hold on any longer and his vision and hearing whitened out for a second as he arch off the bed. He wasn't sure, but he could've sworn Jaejoong screamed his name somewhere in the background. Maybe it was just his imagination though.

His surroundings slowly started to come back to him as he panted while looking at the ceiling coming to focus. His body shivered and the coolness of the room started to seep into his bones. He'd never had an orgasm that strong before, not even when Jaejoong did this, and was momentarily speechless. What had just happened?


Jaejoong couldn't form a single thought in his head for nearly a full minute after their shared orgasm. He'd just tried to regulate his breathing and stared blankly at the ceiling above his bed. He'd never felt an orgasm like that before in all the times he'd had an orgasm and as logical thought started to penetrate his dazed mind he began to feel guilty. Guilty at the images that had accompanied that orgasm and of what his mind had produced.

Had he truly thought of his brother? No. He just got caught up in the moment, that's all. He's never had a good imagination, so he'd just taken what he'd seen before and just… replaced it with something… he couldn't even explain to himself what he'd imagined.

Changmin would never… he'd never… what was wrong with him! Why was he even thinking this?! He shouldn't be thinking about his brother actually doing that to him! His brother would never… aish! He had to stop thinking about it.

He didn't think it possible, but just hearing the zipper of his brother's pants made him flush red at the thought of having been able to just turn his head and seen him in all his unclothed glory and then came the guilt for even having thought of doing that. He felt so conflicted that he could feel his eyes burn, so he closed them in the hopes of stopping his frustrated tears from coming out. Somehow he didn't believe that this line they'd cross would lead to a solution… and the strange part of it is that he didn't really mind that much and it made him feel guilty all over again. It seemed to be like a vicious circle of wanting something he shouldn't want and then the immediate guilt of wanting it.

He jumped when he felt his brother rising from the bed and automatically turned to look at him. He wasn't looking at him and there was tenseness in his body that shouldn't be there, especially after something like what had happened just moments ago.

"I… I need to shower Jae…" Changmin's voice sounded a little hoarse and the sound made Jaejoong shiver with residual pleasure. "I'll be back."

With that Changmin left Jaejoong alone in his room. Jaejoong stared at the closed door for a couple of minutes before remembering that they had agreed to sleep in the same bed until their parents arrived, since their solution would require time to adjust and would probably need more than one week to fix. The longer they were in contact the better.

With a sigh, Jaejoong tried to forget everything that just happened and decided to shower in his parent's bathroom. He winced at the sticky feeling in his pants and gloomily gathered his toiletries, hoping that he could forget the sounds of Changmin moaning his name just before he climaxed and how pleased he'd been for the sound.

Chapter 11

nc-17, other pairings, jaemin, title: transgressions, length: chaptered

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