Jun 11, 2014 04:37
I've talked to one of my besties all throughout the night...and several feelings and thoughts came to mind as we reminisced through the night. I was telling her a bedtime story of friendship and love. Thoughts that came fleeting before I could pin them down with words.
"One is never truly alone." If you have friends, family, and caring people in for a fleeting glimpse in your life count yourself blessed even if the number is just one...or 1000....you are blessed. If you do not have even one person in your life externally then you have two beings you may always rely upon always and forever. Yourself and God (regardless of the format of personal beliefs, be it Allah, The god and the goddess...Jesus...etc). You should always believe in those two things. Yourself and the power and gift of your life and the sums its experiences for good and ill were created by said God. Love yourself and experience the gift for as long or as short as it is deemed to be and know your creator is ever at your side thus you are blessed and not alone.
A wise woman once told me, God is known by many different names and many different faces. He's omnipresent and all loving. If you were truly worthless then why did God create you? God obviously saw the need for you to be why can't you? You are the only you and that you can create things and reinvent existing things as God created you. It's been said in a number of ways by people all throughout my life. If you don't like your life change your attitude and if you don't like your location change your latitude. You create your own reality. If you believe your life is worthless and awful...so shall it be. If you believe you're evil, you'll do wicked things. Thus, the inverse can also be true.
It's also a fact that 10 people will witness the exact same event and there will be 10 different sets of observations of the event, 10 different emotional responses for 10 different sets of reasons, with only certain things basic undeniable facts overlapping. Thus, it stands to reason if the entire world of individuals witness the existence of God....would they not also have individual recalls of what God is and God's message to creation?
"Men (and women) don't always choose God, but God most certainly does always choose them." It's a phrase I can definitely say can sum up my acceptance of a priestly mantle. While yes, I've always accepted that God exists via many of my life experiences that to me were miraculous and the things I feel....I always knew there is a God. However, my beliefs as I went along weren't totally monotheistic. I've -always- believed there's no one right path to God. I've always believed in God in -every- format that the idea has been expressed in. Man has always had concepts of right and wrong, good and evil...etc. However, they don't always agree that every possible path can lead to the same origin and same end and that in essence being God. Science which was man's other method of explaining and understanding universal secrets and why every thing that is...is. However, in the archaic beginnings of science such as alchemy. medicine, etc. It was a mixture of sciences and the gods and became so advanced in this day and age, that the big bad science boogie man killed the magick and mysticism of God instead of finding a mid ground as their humble beginnings where they worked hand in hand. It became science vs God instead of science being a means of understanding God's creation in a logical and tangible fashion.
I hit a side tangent as it came to mind...sorry...point is, as a believer I chose God on my own terms and fought against God on my own terms only to come to the point in my life where, it was no longer a matter of my choice...God chose ME to do what I do and shown me proof of how I do it in pretty awe inspiring and graphic detail in some cases.
All I can say, is the way I can grasp how God came to me, was a Greek chorus of voices male and female. Sounding in perfect melodious, spirit rattling, in stereo surround sound unison. They sounded and filled me and resonated through my body to whatever ends they desired...and then gently guided me back to the control of the helm...so to speak. It was like all of the possible forms and ideas of God, speaking to me and through me at once in a dizzying and epic tone that no words can give justice to the sensations I felt that night and beyond. Which lead me to believe a theory of a God above all gods and creation. Even in Genesis, it stated a plural idea of God when it (often misquoted) and "I think we shall create man in our own image." "I'm an angry and jealous god. You should not put any other god before me." Not to say there weren't other gods....just that they should not be put above and beyond the alpha and omega. When I heard and felt that strong harmonic coursing through my being.....All were speaking as one and one was vocalizing through many. So do tell me what that would say to you if you experienced what I had? I went through, have I gone crazy? Not the same feeling by a long shot. I am still of sound mind and body.
That very last thought chains to a quote from a very famous woman Lily Tomlin. "Isn't it funny when you speak to God you're praying. However, when God talks back to you suddenly you're Schizophrenic." It's true. The full humor and irony of that over recent times has made an old joke....shiny and new let me tell you what. It's a truth.
Sorry, but, I needed to pin these ideas down with words before they went into mental obscurity....and if it sounds preachy, and sermon like....I guess it's meant to. If that turns you off, don't look at it. If that inspires you in some way let it. If it makes you think and feel, I've done part of my job. Normally, I only speak of it to all who wish me to share it...this time...I'm speaking it with no formal invite so I don't lose the flavor of the ideas that came into mind as I gave my dear friend comfort and council.
Peace be with you all, be well.