Nov 09, 2008 22:55

I'm sorry you guys. It's been like 4 months since I'm gone! As you know, I've started to work and I do commuting and also taking graphic courses for fun so I moved out from my parents' house. =.=" Right now I'm back at my parents' house for the sunday, so I guess I'll be leaving this message here.

A while ago I was really sad to know that someone whom I've always talked to cut me from their f-list. But I understand; It's been a while. But really, I dont have much time for things like commenting and reading on LJ.

Please feel free to friends-cut. I dont want to waste your time if you dont want to keep a temporary dead account in you f-list. I know it's really hard to keep interest in someone who's not gonna post or reply for a while.

If you need me, emailing me (I have a new email address since I forgot my old one's pasword =.=''; it's in the profile) is the fastest way. If not, PM me or reply here (comments are screened). Once again, I'm sorry for not letting you guys know earlier. >.<''Okay, take care guys. I'm gonna miss you all. :'3

updates, f-cut

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