Do I need to make a new intro or something?

Feb 15, 2011 01:23

I dont even know. It's like 2+ yrs since I posted in this journal. My life has taken a drastic change and I notice that most of my f-list have been gone (purged), MIA, or out-of-fandom.

I havent really been following fandoms. My previous worships (particularly KAT-TUN, DBSK) have fallen into chaos and I dont think I could deal with what's going on within the fandom and fandom wars atop of my already busy and hectic work/rl. I don't know what's the point in posting this entry but I just wanted to. I kinda miss this LJ place and I'd feel really bad for those of you who might remember me. I'm sorry (if anyone's still reading or still active in my f-list) I went MIA for so long without even a random drop-by or anything. I guess I'm back, but not really. I just thought it'd be easier if I post this before I try to post any other thing in this LJ, maybe some old arts since i havent touched arts in long year b/c of busy life, or if I'm really bored, just some random thoughts.

rl+.+, updates

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