Doing some friends-cut...

Jun 19, 2008 21:18

I'm going to do a friends-cut very soon. My f-list is not big, but I've been thinking about this even before my hiatus. I dont want to be a bitch, but I promise to my f-list a proper introduction, so I'd only do that for people whom are interested in me.

I really hate doing this but I think this is for the best if :

1. we never commented/talked to each other
2. you lost interest in me/my entries so there's no point in being on each other f-list

Now's the chance to defriend me if you dont want me in your f-list anymore. I will feel better if you defriend me before I do the defriending. There wont be any hard feelings; I promise.

People whom I will not cut from my f-list are :

1. people whom I've talked to for the past six months (friends from before my hiatus, Akame meme)
2. most of the people whom I ask to be added; if you want, you can still defriend me though

If there's anything, you can just comment/message me. Comments will be screened.


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