Happy Lunar New Years

Feb 08, 2008 20:02

Still very busy and nothing much to update but because it's this time of the year, so to all the f-list who celebrates Lunar New Year... or even those who doesnt but also enjoys the festive mood...

Hope you guys had a lot of fun and a lot of red pockets!

This is something unfinished that I'm doing for bluetuesdai. But since it's New Years and I need something red to greet my f-list (me being lazy x.x), so happy New Year guys! And also it's Jin, Ryo, Yasu, Toma and Koyama's year. All these lovely rat boys<3. I hope 2008 will be a good year for everyone!

And yes, even when I'm piled with works I still have time for fandoms, so here I was looking at recent Jin pics and having some weird thoughts. Is it me or Jin's been looking really soft and feminine lately? O.o? If Jin's a girl, I'd probably turn lesbian. :x //random//

仁.☆, greets, art♥

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