Meme stuffs & B-day greeting

Jan 20, 2008 22:31

First off, oh_so_asian, I hope you see this.

With a lots of love from Jin&Kame&Jae and me.

And onto some meme stuff (which everyone in my f-list is doing...:p)
I dont know what got into me, but I stole this from baka-tenshi.

For those of you that did the JE ranking, take your top three JE boys and answer this question:

If you were stranded on a deserted island away from all civilization, who would you sleep with, who would you live with, and who would you kill for food?

I forgot my whole list, but my top three were like this:

1. Kame
1. Jin
3. Ryo

♫ Sleep With: Kame (I love his body. xD & his s-line, waist... *o*)
♪ Live With: Ryo (I think he's snarky, annoying, bitchy and can entertain me.)
♫ Kill For Food: Jin (Prolly because the other two are skinny. D':)

Of course if I had the chance to, I'd sleep with all of them.
Now you guys do it. Or it doesnt have to be JE, really...

b-day, je, meme

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