Will you ever Know...

Feb 23, 2011 09:11

Title : Will you ever Know... (Chaptered fic)
Author : izanamiwiles
Pairing : Changmin/OFC
Genre : General (for now)
Summary : How do you keep your head above water when you're working 24/7 for asia's most famous boygroup and happened to fall in love with your boss?

Chapter 4:The Dilemma (Step 4)

The next morning, Andie wakes up feeling sick. Souvenirs of the night before comes rushing back in her head and she feels as if the humiliation isn't going to let her survive the day.
She gets up and goes to take a shower. After having taken time to get herself ready, she grabs a few things on her table and finally decides to step out of her room.

No one's up yet, which is quite understandable since it's 6 am, and their schedule only shows one radio interview, which isn't until 2pm.

She sighs, and takes a few steps towards the kitchen but suddenly freezes.

Changmin's sitting down right in front of her, head resting on one of his arm on the table, sound asleep.

Her cheeks turns red all of a sudden, and she's about to turn around and run back to her room, when she realises she will have to face him at one point or another....
might as well be when he's asleep.

She grabs the blanket wich is lying on the sofa and covers him with it gently. The sight is quite appreciable, and she has a hard time not staring at him.
Why did it had to be him?....In the whole freaking world, why did I have to fall in love with him?

She keeps looking at him with an unwanted smile on her face, when her eyes are caught by something peculiar underneath Changmins' folded arms.
There's a piece of paper with a few scribbled sentences on it.
It's seems like Changmin's been having a hard time deciding what he really wanted to write on it, because there's a lot of crossing out. But somehow she manages to see her name in full print.

She represses the urge to grab that piece of paper and see for herself what it's all about, and goes to the sink to make herself some coffee.

Confused about what she just saw and doesn't pay attention to the noise she's making. When she turns around to sit at the table, Changmin shifts, gradually lifts his head, yawns and streches his arm.
She stops breathing.
Shit shit shit.....

"Awwwww.......hmm......Jae hyung? You making breakfast? ....'m hungry.." yawns the tall maknae, eyes still closed.

Andie stares at him, eyes widened, and wonders if she should just pretend she's jaejoong, not answer and go on with the breakfast preparation. Before she can decide, Changmin opens his eyes and stares back at her.

"Ooh..sorry I thought...."

"Nevermind....................................................(sigh) do you want something to eat?"

"eh?...hmm....yeah....i-if y-your making anything"
Feeling hungry, the gorgeous guy manages plasters a big grin on his face.
Andie almost chokes on her coffee seeing the goofy - 4 year old - face Changmin is making.
Seriously him? What the hell am I thinking?!

But almost as rapidly, the kids' face is replace by his normal looking one. He looks down on the paper in front of him. For a split second there, his brain is trying to figure out what the heck it is, when suddenly he remembers.

Andie is about to ask some questions about it, seeing how serious Changmin looks, but the model looking boy takes the paper and shreds it into pieces. She raises an eyebrow.
Why did I even bother....

She puts the toast, she made earlier, on a plate and, slides it in front of Changmin, she then takes her cup of coffee and goes back to her room.

Changmin sigh, but then again the same smirk appears on his face.

He stands up and steps outside on the terrace. The chilly wind wakes him up a bit more, and he shivers a little.
He flips open his cell phone and starts scanning the numbers in his phone book. He stops at SM Ent. front office. He presses the green button and starts chewing the interior of his cheek.
Ok Here we go.....

A couple of seconds and a few bips later, there's a girl voice on the other hand of the phone.

"Yeobeuseyo, Good morning, you've reached SM Entertainment's front office, may I help you?"

"....Erh Yes, Hi.....C-could I speak to Mr Kang MinKi please?"

"I'll forward the call right away sir."

"Thank you very much."

"Yes?.. Kang MinKi's office....may I ask who's calling please?"

"....This is Shim Changmin, I would like to talk to mister Kang Min Ki please, it's important...."

"Hum...well, I'm sorry but mister Kang isn't available for the moment, can I take a message?"

"w-well....n-no I really would like to talk to him personnally.........Do you know when he'll be back?"

"(sigh)....ehh let's see....he's got an appointment at 9, then he is in a meeting until 12 and after that he should be free after lunch, around 1.30pm...."

"1.30pm that's perfect, I'll call him then, thanx a lot!" and before the secretary could add anything, Changmin had already hung up.

A/N: I'm so sorry for not updating way before, but moving to Korea kinda changed my life schedule ^^,.....Moreover I wasn't sure I had readers, people actually willing to stick around ^^,
Thanx to expiredxmilk I was proven wrong. This chapter is for you! thank you ^^
Comments loved so please don't hesitate *gives out cookies and dbsk pies*

changmin; oc

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