Follow Up... (Chap.3/?)

Aug 26, 2011 00:37

Title: Follow Up... (Chap.3/?)
Pairings: Changmin/OC (livia)
Rating: General (maybe a slight angst later)
Genre: Fluff/angst (for now at least!)
Summary: Things seemed to run smoothly for the new couple until a new threat emerges, and Changmin's job is at stake...

Three days had passed since the incident, and Livia had definitely pushed aside her anxiety and was behaving the way Changmin asked her.

Everyday it was the same routine: breakfast at 9 in the kitchen with two other guards, Donghae and Junki. Quickly followed by a little family time until 11 when her mum would start preparing lunch.
Livia would help from time to time, if her work was letting her. She had managed to keep her position as editor in chief of a music magazine, currently working from the safe place and sending everything by mail.

After Lunch, a meeting was held at 2 by Changmin himself, covering any progress made in the case, as well as, any changes the team would want to make to the initial surveillance plan.
Livia wasn't supposed to, but she would always hide in the corner of the room, making herself as small as possible, just to sneak a peek at him.

As each day went by, her worst fear was coming to life and she felt she was loosing him more and more.
The tall man was steadily getting back to his old self, focusing almost solely on his job and growing apart from the young girl. The distance between them wasn't noticeable by anyone but them.
However, every night, when his team was displayed to every surveillance point, he would still come to her.

Everytime she felt the bed dip and his arm settle on her stomach, Livia's heartbeat would rush like the first time they kissed. Changmin would press into her body more, starting to nibble her neck while letting his hand traveled on her, aimlessly. Rapidly, things would start heating up, the two of them kissing passionately as if there was no tomorrow and in Livia's mind that's exactly what she thought.

These nights, even if passionate, were slowly eating her up. Bits of her heart breaking everytime Changmin looses himself in her vibrant green eyes, whispering sweet words on top of her lips.

Nevertheless, morning always welcomes them too early. The gorgeous bodyguard rushing to get downstairs before anyone can discover their little game, while Livia stays in bed a little longer, as if to make sure this isn't all a dream.

This morning was different though.

As the tall man made his way to the kitchen, mind already focused on the work ahead, he felt someone staring at him. He turned abruptly and came face to face with Wu Yan. Arms crossed over his chest, the sharp faced man was glaring at Changmin.

"As I can see, being on time isn't your major priority."

"Excuse me?"

"The boss sent me here to re-evaluate your strategy, but I'm sure you already knew that right?" the cold man finally smirked and walked closer.

"No I didn't" dryly replied the bodyguard grabbing the documents Wu Yan were handing him.

Changmin scanned through it, never loosing sight of the man in front of him.
The agent had indeed been sent to help him and to tie up any loose ends. The tall man hating this instrusion was already dialing his boss number, when Livia came down the stairs. Caught off guard, Changmin felt a knot forming in his stomach, for no apparent reason, and decided to ignore it while walking towards her.

"....Boss?" The tall man suddenly spoke before he could introduce Livia to the new agent.
"..yeah..He just arrived...but about that...yes I-d like-" and the bodyguard was gone to finish his conversation more privately in the work room.

The brunette smiled warmly to Wu Yan, raising a hand.
"Hi I'm Livia"

Wu Yan shrugged and spat "Yeah I'm Wu Yan" while walking away.

" you" the girl slowly whispered, wondering who the hell was this guy and why was she receiving such a cold treatment from him.

Preparing tea and two toasts, the green-eyed girl sat down arranging the food in front of her. She was about to chew in one of the toast when Changmin bursted in, visibly angry.

"Aish I seriously didn't need that right now!"

The brunette stared at her bodyguard, eyebrows raised.

"That new guy is gonna be my chaperon from now on!" the gorgeous man spat.

"What? Why?"

"I guess my boss still doesn't trust me!" Changmin sighed letting his frustration out.
Massaging his temples, he closed his eyes and leaned back on his chair.

A/N: Wow it's been so long since I posted here....sorry about it, but I'm back, well at least for now ^^. If I have any readers left thank you for stopping by and I'm showering anyone with dbsk cookies if you leave me a comment! =^^=

changmin; livia; follow up

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