So I guess it's us again huh?....

Dec 27, 2010 02:20

Selfishly I wrote that piece for me......If people do stumble upon it, feel free to imagine anyone as the Angel. I did have somebody in mind....^w^

"So here we are once again right?" sigh the Angel

"Yeah I guess..." whispered the girl

"You do understand that it's the same fucking story each time!"

"I-I know....but...."

"But what dammit!" he ran a head in his hair "I mean seriously do you even listen to what I say? Or do you just like to see me trying desperately to bring you back on the right track?"

"I-No that's not it, it's just...I don't know.... I mean.....yes everytime it's the same, yes everytime I touch bottom, but damnit if you only knew-"

"Ok Stop it right there: I KNOW! I know better than anyone else,nicklehead...I'm your guardian angel, I live, breathe, think, move and most of all suffer and rejoice with you, so yeah trust me I know!"

"Well then if you do, you know how pissed I am about all this!"

"Um Yes I know Alright"


"Then what?"

"Well then what am I suppose to do?" she pleaded with her sad eyes.

"Oh no, no no, I'm not doing this again missy. I'm done you hear me? Store closed, everything's gone."
He shaked his head from side to side and started walking away.

"WAIT! Please wait! You can't just leave!" She streched her arms trying to stop him.

"And why not? if I may ask" He replied grinning.

"Be-because you're my angel, you can't-you can't just leave, that's not.....normal...."

"HAHAHAHAHAHA Normal? are you serious? Need I remind you that you're talking to an angel, that basically only lives and resides in your head 80% of the time, and you're speaking about normality, please."

".......I...I guess you're right. Well then go..."

He looked at her.
She wasn't a bad person, just lost 90% of the time. The 10% remaining she would find joy interacting with others. Caring, playing, or simply listening.
But no matter how much people praised her on her skills, welcomed her in their hearts or simply thanked her, she would always, always find a flaw ANYWHERE.
It wasn't her fault really, just a really BAD habit she didn't know how to get rid of.

"Ahhh Lord knows I hate it when you surrender without even fighting a slightly bit.."

"I just don't know anymore I mean-"

"You mean: You've tried, oh so many times. You fought to get rid of this little voice inside your head telling: "You're not good enough, you're not pretty enough, you're not smart enough, you're not thankful and caring enough". Basically that you're not enough right?"


"See? I know you! I know you maybe better than you know yourself actually, this is why I'm angry! God I'm angry! I'm pissed at you! Because I know, I know who you trully are. Deep inside, buried under layers and layers of fear, clichés, false ideas and paradigms, I know who YOU are! and it kills me, literally!....Did you even consider the fact that everytime you feel like you do right now, you're hurting me?"

"What? I don't understand"

"Of course you don't! This is where your true selfishness lies sweetheart, right there! When you feel that low of yourself, when you feel you're not worthy of it all, when you sabotage yourself because you think you're not allowed to anything, you hurt me. You can't see it, I'm not even sure you can feel it, but you do."

"But how come-"

"Easy: I'm your guardian angel, I'm here to serve and protect, but I'm also here to guide and follow when you finally take the lead. But when you stop, when you back down, or when you drape yourself in fears and doubts, I cry. Yes, I cry. Strange right? That hollow feeling inside you, where do you think it comes from?"

"Me...I mean the sadness I feel."



"Yes wrong. It's me! This helplessness, it's me! See I'm here to help you right? I'm here to make sure you're safe and healthy. Happy and joyful. But most of all, I'm here to make sure you get the life you absolutely deserve. The most precious, magnificient, abundant and joyful, caring and loving life you've been set to live from the day you were born! This is my sole job. This is why I've been sent down, and this is why I breathe.
But now picture this: Everytime you suffer, everytime you hurt yourself, physically or mentally, it attacks me. And when I say attacks, I mean physically it strikes an arrow at me, shoots and never misses."

"What? way! I just....I couldn't....There's no way I could ever-"

"Hurt me? Well you did, and more than once. At one point, you've hurt me so badly I thought I could never grow my wings again and fly home......I guess you see what I'm referring to, no need to spray salt on a still fresh wound. But seriously, You've really messed me up badly and I-"
The angel suddenly stopped witnessing the tears running freely on the girl's cheeks and her shoulders shaking from the realisation of what he just said.

She choked in between sobs, sliding on the floor, her legs unable to carry her anymore and her hands reaching at her face, covering it entirely, tears overflowing between her fingers.

The angel started shaking too. Beatifully long silver feathers detaching themselves from his back and falling to the ground ever so delicately. No tears ran down his face though. His eyes, dark and emotionless were glued on the girl. His lips sealed in a thin line were slowly loosing their soft pink colours. His lightning presence, like a sunset, was slowly diminishing.

Suddenly, the girl raised her head. Wiping her tears away harshly, she breathed hard before she saw what she was doing.

This time it was in plain sight right in front of her, and for a second there her heart stopped.

This, this was not what she wanted.
She had never in her life wanted to hurt anybody.
She took pride in the fact that she was an empathic, kind person that had the ability to help others.
But had she fooled herself all along?

The way she had treated herself, the way she had led that nasty little voice inside of her head take control, had resulted in the suffering and almost murder of another soul.
The only person who had cared for her, the only living creature who had always been there at the hardest of times, cheering her up, helping her carry on and making sure she was safe enough to move on and go chase her dreams. That same person was standing in front of her suffering and hurting, all of it because of her sole fault.

She couldn't take it anymore, and as much as she wanted to run and soothe him with a bone crushing hug, she knew it wouldn't help. So she forced herself to breathe slowly and conciously. She took 3 big breaths and let them envelopp her. She calm her heart down, and wiped the tears from her face, spreading the biggest smile she could and she stared at him.

She stood there, unmoving. Simply breathing. Filling her heart with all the love she could. She knew she had to surpass herself this time. She knew she had to make it happen in order to make him shine once more. She knew it was now or never......

And she did it..

Slowly, oh so slowly Colors started claiming their spots back on the tall man's physical envelope.
His folded and tarnished wings blossomed into powerfull, glittering new ones.
The light surronding him shined more and more and more to the point where she had to raise a hand in front of her eyes in fear of becoming blind.
Finally, his dark chocolate orbs regained life and displayed a whirlwind of emotions. Hate, anger, sadness, joy, happiness and finally love could be witnessed in the angel's eyes.
Before any word was prononced, the shining man opened his wings as a last statement, making sure it would protect the girl enough from the magnificient aura he was now radiating.

"Ah FINALLY! Took-"

"You long enough? is that what you were gonna say?" She replied grinning widly, amazed at her own power.

"Yeah" he shyly replied, never breaking the eye contact.


"Beware! If I hear you say I'm sorry again, I swear I'll be flying away this instant!" he threatened.

She smirked.

"Ok, I won't, but please hear me out alright?....I apologise (big smirk) for what you went through. I sincerely had no idea. I just always figured I was the only one suffering. And it's true I took pride in the fact that I was indeed the only one suffering.......But I should have known better. The simple idea that I hurt you, even the slightiest is unbearable, and for this I trully apologise. However, even if I understand, even if i've managed to bring you back and discover the good that's hidden in me at the same time, I still don't know....I-"

"Yes I know, you still feel lost. Um I can feel it. Remember, we're link! Wether you like it or not as a matter of fact. The problem is that I'm actually useless"

The girl creased her eyes and started shaking her hands in disapprouval.

"Yeah I know you're gonna tell me that's insane, but actually it's true, I am. For the simple fact that, you've got everything inside you! I'm not adding anything to the formula, trust me on this one! I've tried once, when I was a trainee still, boy I got into trouble!
Not only did they had to cure the poor fellow I messed up, but he actually received extra help during his whole life because they weren't sure he was totally back to normal. I mean you never know; they don't put an expiration date on our magical powders! How could I know? But I'm digressing, what I'm trying to tell you is this: You've been set with everything inside you. The whole package deal from A to Z, every extensions and spare pieces you would ever need, and last but not least an everlasting battery!"

"Ok, sorry but I must be really dumb because I absolutely do not understand what you're saying."

"Um missy? This time I'm really gonna get mad at you, and trust me you don't want that to happen..." The Angel smirked but the girl could see the warning shining behind his smiling mocha orbs.

She didn't replied and just raised one eyebrow.

"I mean seriously a "sorry" and an insult towards your intelligence in the same sentence, do you really never learn anything,"

"OOh I'm s-" But the girl stopped it right there and clasped a hand on her mouth, smiling at the same time.
"Ok I'll shut up" she mouthed behind her hand.

"Thank you. So as I was saying, everything you need, everything you want, everything useful to you for your entire life is right there"

The angel moved forward and delicately placed two fingers on her forehead living a little shining spot and repeated the action on her heart this time, leaving the same shining spot. He then stepped back a little, contemplating his art work.

"I agree, it's hard for you poor human souls to grasp how powerful you actually are, that's why we've been sent to help you. But trust me, you're more powerful than me and an entire squad of first class Angels."
He smiled. This suddenly send her a rush of warm hope.

"But, But how-"

"Ahaha that's the beauty of it! I'm sure you're thinking "well great but if true then how come I feel so down every day?" That's simple, you're missing a very important piece......the instruction manual. It'll be easier right if you could scan through the files and press the button whenever you wanted something done? Yes but that doesn't work this way. Heck You actually need to work a little, put the pieces back together, this is how you grow and how you get access to more knowledge."

"Are you trying to say, that in order to function, in order to get access to my inner strengh I need to struggle my whole life because I'm too damn stupid to figure out the shortcut to it?"

The Angel face palms and for the second tima ran a hand in his smooth light brown hair.

"When they said you were a piece of cake to deal with I guess they hadn't read the file! Jeez! First of all, and for the last time: YOU'RE NOT STUPID! Stop saying, implying, thinking you are because that's how you never grow out of it! Second, no that's not what I'm implying. You already know Everything there is to know, it's just that you're refraining yourself from believing so. All you need to do, is shifts your thoughts. The degree to where you led yourself in sadness and despair, push it back up to feel the opposite! That's your key right there! And boy it would make my life so much easier thank you very much!" The tall presence was now laughing wholeheartedly.

The girl kept staring at him, trying hard to fully understand everything he was telling her. Parts of it made sense but the majority just didn't hit home yet. The Angel knew it, felt it. Pushing her to her limits had some good but ultimately it wouldn't help break all the walls she had built throughout the years.

He sighed heavily and she snapped back to reality.

"Listen, I didn't mean to scare you. I just needed to wake you up and make you realise, that your actions indeed has an effect on the world itself, but it also has an effect on me! You need to remember you're not alone, whatever you may think, you're just not. The way you treat yourself will forever affect me, so please, please be kind! I too wanna have fun, I too wanna love and live. But most of all we both are entiltled to happiness aren't we?"

he genuinely looked at her, and her heart skipped a beat. She cocked her head to the side and smiled too.

"I think I get it. I mean I know I'll still might hurt you again, because I might fall back sometimes, but now I know that I won't be the only one suffering and I'll try my best to change my ways. Can I still ask for a favor though?"

"Um yes, what do you want? I'm no genie though...."

"Don't leave me just yet."

He smiled, grinned and finally laughed.
"Scared again?HAHAHAHAHAHA You're definitely something you know that! I ain't going anywhere, don't worry...moreover even if I wanted to, you'd call me back with your insistant whimpering!"

"Hey I don't whimper!"

"Oh really?"

"Yeah; I mean I might cry and yell, but I certainly don't whimper!"

"Alright, well then let's see, how about going back to that afternoon in june 95? rings any bell?"

"wait, what? I can't remem-Oh.....haha Um yes um alright you won!" She laughed.

He bobbed his head.
"tsk tsk never bet with me sweety."

"I'll keep that in mind" She nodded.

They stood silent for a few minutes, each of them feeling what the other was thinking.

Suddenly, the perfect Angel spread his wings, wider this time. A soft breeze could be felt on her cheeks contrasting with the display of force his wings were showing.

"Ok, I'll get going then...."


"Yeah....It's not good to stay too long, something about getting used to this environment they say, never quite figured it out."


"Anyway, please try to not forget what you learned today alright? I mean serioulsy I'd like a little break from time to time. There's a nice holiday spot right next to the ocean that I really wanna try so-"

"Alright, alright I get it, I'll do my best! Happy now?"

"YES" The angel kept smiling, but instead of confidence, he could read sadness again on the young girl's face. He knew she thought she wasn't ready to be left alone just yet.

He moved his wings a bit higher so that they wouldn't hurt her. He then proceed to walk towards, arms wide open.
"Aigoo, Come here you silly girl!"

Caught off guard her first instinct was to step back, but seeing he wasn't stopping she let herself be hugged.

The instant he wrapped his arms around her, she felt at peace for the first time in her entire life.
No words were exchanged, and there was no use for it. The hug lasted two simple seconds, but somehow it felt like the angel never broke it off. However, in a blink of an eye he was gone. Nothing remained, proof of his presence, except for that warmth inside her, and the still shining two spots she could feel on her head and heart.

True, life hadn't been easy.
True, she hadn't been a good student.
True she had had some help, even if she hadn't understood it.
True again, something felt off, different, itching and comfortable at the same time.
And true also somehow she always knew it all.

But true she wasn't ready to spread her wings and fly yet.........
But finally she knew that when she would, she'll finally be giving the closest person to her heart the best present ever: Retirement!

angel talk

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