OK, so to recap, 18 months ago after my yearly mammogram they called me back for another look-see at something 'abnormal' in my right breast. I was on pins and needles for the few days it took to get back in. They did another mammogram of just the right breast, followed by an on-site consultation and then a really thorough ultrasound of the area in question. After another consultation with the radiologist I was told that what I had was a 'dilated duct' with a little body garbage trapped in it. I was told this in itself was not a problem but something to be watched. So I went back in another 6 months just to have the right breast x-rayed along with the ultrasound. There was no change with the original area but there appeared to be another small area. Again, they didn't seem too concerned, just cautious. When the results went back to the nurse practitioner at the clinic that originally sent my to Medical Imaging she arranged for an appointment for me at the Breast Health Clinic at Truman Medical Center. Three different ladies poked and prodded me (the attending physician - Dr. Mou, the first year doctor and the medical student) and they all concluded that they felt nothing abnormal but according to the ultrasounds they needed to watch it because it could be a fairly low risk precursor to breast cancer. Dr. Mou said that if there were no change or a negative change after the 3rd ultrasound we'd decide what to do next, up to and including a biopsy. They set up an appointment for me to come back after my next look-see, which I just came back from.
The initial confusion comes because I was told on the phone when I made the appointment that I needed a mammogram followed by the ultrasound but the tech said 'no, just the ultrasound', which was very short since they knew exactly where they were looking. The technician, after a short consultation with the radiologist, came back all cheerful and said 'Good news! No more ultrasounds!' I asked 'It's gone?' and she replied that no, that would be the best news but there was no change. Hmmm. Dr. Mou seemed of the opinion that 1.5 years of no improvement wasn't the optimum response.
Well, I have a follow-up appointment with Dr. Mou a week from tomorrow so I guess I'll have a better idea of what's going on then. Until then - yay! for it not being any worse. I'm still confused though.
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