Holy crap that was one weird-ass dream last night

Feb 08, 2017 14:28

I don't generally remember my dreams and even when I do they're very fleeting. Basically all I usually remember is that I did dream. But when I woke up this morning the dream was so bizarre that I told myself the details over and over several times so that I'd try to remember them. And then promptly forgot. It wasn't until several hours later when I was stuck on the register for a few minutes giving a break that I remembered dreaming at all. Most of the details are gone but the gist (ha! not the jest of it
dine of it was: I dreamt of someone (don't know if it was 'me' or someone else) who was dreaming about a family of Cajun gator shifters who owned a bakery and delivered their product around the bayou in a Chinese junk. In the dream a gatorman and was cursing and trying to round up escaped and rolling baguettes and rolls in the bow of the cabin of the junk because they were being tossed around in rough water. He had a little gator kid that was helping him. That's all I can remember but I sure wish I had more details because seriously?

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