Dear Gerdy: Chapter 10 - Confession

Nov 06, 2011 10:21

Happy Sunday! I am back with another chapter and I’m pretty sure you guys will really like this one ;) This is the last chapter chapter of this story, next week (or sooner depending on how quickly I write it) I will post the epilogue. Then before the end of the year I hope to have the Scorpius short posted for you guys, I can’t give you a better timeline than that mostly because I’m still trying to work out the details for that one.

I’m not sure what I’ll work on after I finish this story. I have some ideas, one is a Harry/Ginny piece and another is a Ron/Hermione missing years short story collection. I may write some Scorpius/Rose short stories though… but who knows what the future holds!

Title: Dear Gerdy
Rating: T
Pairing: Scorpius/Rose (eventually)
Genre: Romance, Drama
When: Next Generation
Warnings: n/a
Story Links: Masterpost | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | Epilogue
Rose is in her 7th year at Hogwarts and is new Gerdy for Hogwarts' anonymous advice column Dear Gerdy. That coupled with her school work and changes in her relationship with Scorpius, will make this year interesting.

Chapter 10: Confession

Dear Gerdy,

I totally messed things up with Scorpius.


Dear Rose,

Instead of writing to your alter ego, why don’t you work on what you’re going to say to Scorpius when you see him back at school? This was a waste of perfectly good piece of parchment.


The Christmas holidays were going too slowly!

Rose doubted that any Weasley (save for Uncle Percy and maybe her own mum) had ever felt that way about the two weeks they got off from school. Then again, she didn’t think any of them had been ignored by their beloved following a huge fight.

At least, she hoped that Scorpius still loved her.

His silence, however, was worrying her. She had tried sending him letters saying they needed to talk and attempted to contact him via the floo-network, but his end of the network had been locked. Then she had made the mistake of mentioning Scorpius’ silence to her mum before asking if she could apparate to the Malfoy home to see him.

Her mum had said no then had gone on to lecture her about giving Scorpius space. She had to admit that her mum made some good points, like that his family might be on holiday or something, but still didn’t like the idea of sitting around and doing nothing until they were back at Hogwarts.

It had been two days since that conversation with her mum and she wished they could skip the next ten days (including Christmas) and go straight to January second and the train ride back to Hogwarts, where she and Scorpius would make up.

Today was the Eve of Christmas Eve, or rather, just plain ol’ December 23rd, and she had planned to spend the day like the four previous-stay in bed all day, in hopes Scorpius contacted her-but her plans had changed when Victoire sent an owl inviting her over to make cookies.

So after breakfast, which her dad had forced her to eat for fear of getting told off by grandmum for her being too skinny, she floo’d to the small house Teddy and Victoire lived in on the outskirts of London.

Victoire was waiting for her in the sitting room and greeted her with a hug and a kiss on each cheek. Then they went into the kitchen and started making cookies.

As they worked, she told Victoire everything that had happened since the emergency Gerdy meeting in October. Well, everything except the clue that Roxanne had given her. She ended with her failed attempts at contacting Scorpius and wishing the holidays would end now so she could see him.

“It’ll all work out, trust me,” Victoire told her. “I hope you realize now why I couldn’t say anything the last time we talked. You needed to figure out it out on your own.”

“How did you know that he liked me and that I liked him?” She asked her cousin.

“By the way you guys interacted with each other,” Victoire replied. “Like the way you spoke to each other, moved together and looked at each other. You really reminded me of myself and Teddy.”

“If it was that obvious then why didn’t I figure it out sooner?”

She knew that Victoire was trying to make her feel better, but it was making her feel worse.

“You were too close to what was going on,” Victoire said. “I was the same way with Teddy, so I recognized what was going on between you two while the casual observer wouldn’t have had a clue.”

“How long did it take you to figure out Teddy loved you and that you loved him?” Rose asked, feeling a little better knowing that she wasn’t alone in being slow in the love department.

“An embarrassing long time,” Victoire laughed. “Granted, he was two years ahead of me in school and was waiting until I was of age to try anything. If it hadn’t been for me accidently walking in on him when he was changing in the guestroom at Uncle Harry and Aunt Ginny’s house during Christmas holidays my sixth year and all the thoughts that filled my head following that, I’d probably still be in the dark when it came to him.”


“Really,” Victoire nodded. “He teases me about being slow and about only wanting him after I saw him naked.”

“I think I would die if I walked in on Scorpius changing,” Rose said. She couldn’t stop herself, though, from imagining how he would react if that actually happened.

“I was really embarrassing,” Victoire blushed. “But it worked out in the end.”

The sound of someone arriving via the floo network put an end to their conversation. For a second, a startled look flashed across Victoire’s face then disappeared.

“Viccy?” Rose recognized Teddy’s voice calling from the sitting room.

“Be there in a minute,” Victoire called back. Then she turned to Rose. “The reason you haven’t been able to reach Scorpius at home is because his parents are at a wedding in France. I don’t know why he hasn’t been responding to your letters, but he is staying here with us until tomorrow.”

“He’s here,” Rose said her eyes growing wide. “Now?”


Rose dropped the spoon she was mixing with and began to pace the kitchen. Why hadn’t Victoire told her that two hours ago when she had arrived? Why had Victoire waited until now to drop the bomb?

“I’m not ready to talk to him,” she said. “I haven’t figured out what to say -”

“Just tell him the truth,” Victoire advised. “And whatever else your heart tells you to say.”

“But I can’t tell him the truth because the truth involved Gerdy and I can’t tell him about her,” she replied in hushed tones.

“You can tell him about her,” Victoire stated. “Aunt Luna and I spoke and decided that given the situation you could tell him.”

Victoire acted like telling Scorpius the Gerdy secret would be no big deal, but it was a huge deal. She had been telling him all term that nothing was up and there-

“Don’t over think this, Rosie,” Victoire said before placing her hands on Rose’s shoulders and pushing her into the sitting room where Teddy and Scorpius stood.

Rose looked at Scorpius long enough to see shock on his face then averted her eyes to the floor. He didn’t want to see her, she was sure of it. If he had, he would have answered her letters, right?

“Well, we’re going to go to the market,” Teddy informed them. “You two are going to stay here and talk.”

Rose head shot up and she stared at Victoire in disbelief.

“Relax,” Victoire whispered. “You can do this, Rosie. Channel your G-”

“I’m a Ravenclaw,” Rose stated.

“Ah yes, well then, channel the good ol’ Weasley courage,” Victoire replied.

Rose glared after her cousins as Teddy helped Victoire put on a coat then led her out the front door.

After the front door closed, she turned her attention back to her feet. She knew she could do it, it was Scorpius after all. He was one of the reasons she was as confident as she was. But there was that chance that he would tell her that she had messed everything up and that was what kept her from opening her mouth.

Hesitantly, she pulled her eyes up to look at him and found him staring back at her. His silver grey eyes were full of life and that was all she needed to see.

“Scorpius -”

“Rose -”

The quiet laughter that filled the room after their simultaneous ice breakers effectively broke through the tension that had fallen over the small sitting room. They were just Rose Weasley and Scorpius Malfoy, best friends for seven years.

“Lady’s first.”

“Thanks.” She shucked in a deep breath then started, “You were right all term when you said I was hiding something from you, but it wasn’t anything you thought it was though. It’s silly really, though it makes sense, I mean you wouldn’t want everyone to know because that would ruin the mystic of it all. Wouldn’t it?”

“I know you’re Gerdy,” he interrupted.

She stared at him first in shock then in confusion. “You- but how?”

“I figured it out,” he shrugged. “I mean, you didn’t seem interested in the Dear Gerdy issues until this year and then suddenly you wanted to know if there was anything good in them.

“Then there was Teddy who started telling me to write to Gerdy for advice after I told him how much I liked you last spring.

“Then there were the answers themselves. They sounded just like you and if I had paid a little more attention to how they were written as opposed to what was written, I would have figured it out sooner.”

“Teddy told you to write to me, I mean, Gerdy?”

“Ya, he was insistent. I didn’t understand why until the other night.”

Guilt rose up inside of her and she moved her eyes back to the floor. “I’m sorry for throwing your secret in your face that night,” she said. “It came out before I could stop it.”

“I can’t say it didn’t hurt,” he replied. “But I also can’t say I didn’t deserve being knocked down a few levels. I’ve been a real prat, Rosie, I should have trusted you.”

She looked up at him in surprise. “You don’t hate me?”

“I thought it was a general understanding that I love you,” he said with a smile. “Because of that, it is impossible for me to hate you. I can be mad at you and frustrated with you, yes, but I could never hate you.”

“I could never hate you either,” she replied.

“How did you find out?” He asked her.

“The Dear Gerdy letters,” she replied. “After our first fight, you submitted a letter and I forgot to use the enchantment to change the handwriting, not that I wouldn’t have been able to tell it was from you from the content of the letter.

“Then I wondered if you had written other letters and the little ‘Help.’ at the end of that letter guided me to the other two you wrote this year. Then I found the letter from last year, the one about you being in love with your best friend.”

“You really do belong in Ravenclaw,” he grinned.

“I have a question though.”


“Out of all the girls at Hogwarts, why me?”

“Why you?” He repeated. “Why not you? Rosie, you are the most beautiful girl in the world. You’re brilliant, hilarious, determined and passionate. You have an insane ability to keep me on my toes. It would take me years to tell you all the reasons I love you and the list would keep getting longer, because I keep discovering new things about you that I love.”

“Years? Really?” She replied.

“Yes, Rose, years,” he stated. “Just the way you’re looking at me right now, with your nose crinkled in disbelief, is something I love. I love everything that makes you who you are.”

Rose felt her face flush and looked at her hands before trying to speak. “How- how did you figure it out?”

“Honestly? When Sam Huggins started snooping around last winter wanting to know if you were dating someone. It didn’t matter that I knew for certain that you wouldn’t go out with a git like him, but just the idea of you dating some other guy made me jealous,” he confessed. “It took weeks of denial in regards of my feelings before I just accepted the fact that I loved you.”

“I hope you told Sam Huggins that I would never date him,” she stated.

“Albus backed me up when I reminded Huggins that your dad is an Auror and said that he didn’t let you date.”

Rose rolled her eyes at the proud grin that spread across Scorpius’ face.

Closing her eyes and taking a calming breath, she decided that now was the perfect time to tell him how she felt.

“I was talking to my parents,” she started, her eyes looking down at her hands. “Telling them everything that had happened this term when I figured it out.”

After another calming breath, she continued, “You’re my best friend, Scorpius. You are always there for me and you help keep my Weasley temper in check. You’re smart and funny, but you also have a serious side that always shows up at the right time. You’re and you smell good, even after you’ve been playing Quidditch.”

She lifted her blue eyes so they met his.

“I love you, Scorpius,” she finished.

“You love me,” he repeated. “Why?”

She gaped at him. “I- I just told you!”

She narrowed her eyes when a smirk spread across his face.

“Oh, right, you love me because I’m hot and I smell good.”

She felt her face flush, partly due to her embarrassment and partly because her temper was flaring. “Shouldn’t you be kissing me or something instead of teasing me?”

“Do you want me to kiss you?”


Wordlessly, he crossed the room and stopped just inches from her. A shiver ran down her spine as his large hand caressed her check before he closed the remaining gap between them and touched her lips with his own.

Their first kiss was a chaste peck, but she wanted, needed more from him. Taking control, she threw her arms around his neck and deepened the kiss.

story: dear gerdy

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