Dear Gerdy: Chapter 9 - The Aftermath

Oct 31, 2011 17:53

Happy Halloween my lovelies! I don’t normally give hints about chapters but I will say that it might seem like a trick at the beginning but I promise it’s really a sweet!!! There is only one more chapter of this story (sad, I know!), but I am leaning towards an epilogue… and I’m still planning on writing a short piece from Scorpius’ pov.

Title: Dear Gerdy
Rating: T
Pairing: Scorpius/Rose (eventually)
Genre: Romance, Drama
When: Next Generation
Warnings: n/a
Story Links: Masterpost | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | Epilogue
Rose is in her 7th year at Hogwarts and is new Gerdy for Hogwarts' anonymous advice column Dear Gerdy. That coupled with her school work and changes in her relationship with Scorpius, will make this year interesting.

Chapter 9: The Aftermath

Dear Gerdy,

There is a guy that I really like and I really want to go out with him, but I don’t think he’ll ever ask. What should I do?

Crazy About Him

Dear Crazy About Him,

If you really like him and you’re both single, ask him out. Sure, there is a chance he’ll say no, but you never know; he might have a crush on you and just be too afraid to ask you out.


The looks she was getting from her brother and cousins told her they knew something was up.

But Rose couldn’t force herself to tell them what she had done. She had been stupid, so stupid. Her stupidity was the reason there were four of them in their compartment instead of five.

She hated herself and she knew if she told them what she had done, they’d hate her too. Just like Scorpius did.

As conversation in the compartment changed to Lily and Albus’ older brother James and his new girlfriend, the daughter of Gwenog Jones, a Quidditch player their mum had played with, Rose envied them. She’d give anything to be able to think about something other than what had happened last night.

She’d give anything to go back in time and fix the damage she had done. Though she wasn’t sure if she could fix it.

Like every Friday night, she had been in the Room of Requirement putting finishing touches on the newest Dear Gerdy issue. She had been working quickly, knowing that she still needed to pack her trunk for the Christmas holidays.

She had finished the whole issue in roughly an hour’s time and set the delivery charm on the issues so they would be waiting in the Great Hall when everyone got up the next morning. Then she had exited the Room of Requirement and headed towards Ravenclaw Tower.

She had been a quarter of the way to the tower when she had realized she had forgotten to grab a couple volumes of old Dear Gerdy letters to read at home over the holidays. She had doubled back, but had frozen when she had heard footsteps.

Curious as to who was trying to get into the Room of Requirement, she had chanced a glance and her mouth had dropped when she saw Scorpius standing where the door had been not five minutes earlier.

“I want to see the room that Rose Weasley goes to,” he had said. “I want to see where she disappears to.”

Despite knowing that he wouldn’t be able to get in the room (as one had to ask for Gerdy specifically), Rose had been livid at the sight of him trying to get inside.

His attempt to break into her secret room had been the straw that broke proverbial camel’s back.

Filled with anger at his continued lack of trust, she had abandoned her hiding space and had made her presence known by saying, “What are you doing here, Malfoy?”

If she hadn’t been so pissed at him, the look of surprise mixed with fear that had crossed his face probably would have made her laugh.

“Rose, I- I thought you’d left,” he had stammered.

“You still don’t trust me,” she had snapped. “What in Merlin’s name have I done to make you not trust me?”

“You aren’t yourself!” He had retorted. “You’re keeping secrets from everyone and don’t think I haven’t noticed the fact that you’ve been sneaking out of the tower in the morning.”

“Who are you, my mum?!” She had exclaimed. “I don’t know why you suddenly feel the need to keep tabs on me, Malfoy, I am not a child!”

“But you’re acting like one! Bloody hell, Rose, why can’t you just tell me what in Merlin’s name you’ve gotten yourself into?”

“I haven’t gotten myself into anything!”

“Yes -”

Then the stupidest thing had come to her and without thinking she had cut him off and said, “If you love me as much as you claim, you’ll back off.”

He had gone paler than normal and she had regretted instantly the fact that she had thrown his secret in his face to protect her own.

His face had gone from angry to unreadable before he had turned on his heel and ran from the area.

She had hung her head in shame and had sunk down against the wall. She had known then that she had messed everything up.

She hadn’t seen him since he’d run from the seventh floor. She had returned to the tower and had gone straight to bed, not bothering to pack or change out of her day clothes. She hadn’t fallen asleep though, instead, her mind kept replaying the fight and the look on his face.

Morning had come too quickly and she had been forced to skip breakfast in order to finish packing her trunk. She had met her brother and cousins in the entrance hall and the four of them had walked down to the train station together.

She had kept quiet as they walked and the howling wind made it so she only heard snippets of their whispered conversation about Scorpius’ absence.

“- said he had some last minute Prefect duties to attend to.”

“I heard him say he was sitting with the Prefects.”

“He looked ill when I saw him.”

She was sure they had been waiting for her to give them more information, but she hadn’t. She hadn’t spoken a single word after saying ‘morning’ to them when they had met.

“Rose,” she heard someone whisper then felt them shake her. “Rose, wake up, we’re at Kingscross.”

Opening her eyes, Rose looked up and saw her brother staring at her with a worried look on his face.

“You ok, Rosie?” He asked.

“Fine,” she replied.

He helped her up then they grabbed their stuff and followed Albus and Lily off the train.

It wasn’t until she spotted her dad at the back of the platform that her eyes started to tear up. She pushed through the families greeting each other and broke down as she reached her dad. She flung her arms around him and started to ball.

She felt her dad’s strong arms wrap around her and she didn’t care that they had an audience.

“He hates me, daddy,” she cried. “He hates me.”

“Nobody could hate you, princess,” her dad said. “Let’s go home and have some tea then you can tell mummy and I everything.”

She was barely aware as they made their way through Kingscross Station and to the car. The drive home felt as long as the train ride from Hogwarts, but Rose was very happy to see their cozy farm house.

Her dad levitated the trunks inside and Rose came into the house after Hugo. She sat down on the sofa as her brother said hello to their mum then asked for permission to go to the Potters’, to which their dad gave him permission to do despite the look on their mum’s face.

“We have a problem,” she heard her dad mutter to her mum. “It’ll be easier without Hugo here.”

“I’ll make tea,” her mum offered.

A few short minutes later, Rose found herself sitting at the table with her mum and dad. She wanted to tell them everything, but she couldn’t tell anyone about Gerdy.

“Does this have anything to do with Gerdy?” Her mum asked quietly.

Rose nodded.

“Gerdy?” Her dad repeated. “As in that Dear Gerdy thing Luna created during your seventh year?”

Her mum nodded.

“Does that mean that Rose is Gerdy this year?” He asked.

Rose and her mum nodded.

“Alright then, so what does this have to do with Gerdy and who is the guy that you think hates you?” Her dad asked.

She told them everything. Once she started talking, she didn’t stop until she told them about the fight last night. But instead of bracing herself for their reactions, her mind was spinning at the revelation that hit her like a ton of bricks.

There was a reason she had been so bothered by Scorpius’ secret. There was an explanation for why she knew his scent and why she both loved and hated it when he wore cologne. There was more to their relationship than just the friend layer she had always seen. There was a reason she was torn up inside after their fight last night.

She, Rose Weasley, was in love with Scorpius Malfoy, her best friend.

story: dear gerdy

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