finally, a legit use for the astronaut icon

Jul 08, 2011 13:00

fannish5 's list for the day is: Five characters who would like to explore or travel in space (who haven't done so already.) This is actually strangely difficult because I find that a lot of my fandoms kind of involve fantasy or plain out space travel. Huh. So, without further ado:

1) Luna Lovegood, Harry Potter: I can definitely see Luna being really interested in going out and seeking new and interesting life. I mean, she's kind of the wizarding equivalent of a paranormal investigator anyway, with the babbling about random creatures that no one believes exist. She's more of a Doctor space-traveler, kind of random and spacey and chaotic and dragging people into the madness, I think. I'd read it.

2) Jack Sparrow, POTC: This is really not much of a stretch at all. Just stick him on a spaceship instead of a regular ship, shuffle in some tech, and there you go. He'd still be Captain Jack Sparrow, the (space) pirate, out to find booty and just chill on the ocean of space. He'd have some horribly strong alien alcohol instead of rum. He'd be constantly running into energy beings and planar weirdness and getting out of it by the skin of his teeth. And he's an adventurey sort of guy, too, so he'd probably be right on board with the idea of hanging out on a spaceship, traveling the cosmos. Especially if there's loot in it.

3) Agatha Heterodyne, Girl Genius So Agatha is a spark, and as we know, sparks are attracted to danger and science. Well, there's lots of danger and science aboard a spaceship, and plenty of it on other possible worlds. Think of the DISCOVERIES, Agatha! Do it for science!

4) Belle, Beauty and the Beast Well, she does want adventure in the great, wide somewhere. And after the initial culture shock had time to go away, she'd probably be pretty cool with the spaceship deal. Adventure? We've all seen the sci fi shows and movies, there's tons of adventures to be had. Books and stories? Hey, you're going to completely different planets, girl, there's hundreds of stories you'll have never read! She'd have a giant space library somewhere on the ship. Or probably just an overblown kindle.

5) Bilbo Baggins, LOTR This is more with me disregarding Bilbo's feelings on the matter and saying that this is a character I would like to see in outer space. Not because I'm sadistic, but because I really love the way he reacts to adventures. It's sort of attraction and joy mixed with fear and dread. He's like someone who cheers happily at something and then stops in the middle with the thought: WAIT WHAT AM I DOING? THIS IS TERRIBLE. Besides, at the beginning of LOTR, he seems ready for another adventure. Maybe he and Gandalf and the elves float on to a spaceport or something.

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