now if only i could cope with those four hours of sleep i got

Jul 11, 2011 09:05

This weekend had Astronomy Night on the National Mall, in which I got to look through a lot of telescopes and see sunspots, the lunar surface, and Saturn. Pretty fun! A bunch of representatives from some observatories and NASA were there, handing out flyers and photos and CDs and stuff. NASA had glasses that blocked blue or red light, and those were fun to look through. It was kind of strange being there at 11:00 PM, as the whole place was completely dead and empty.

Also, I discovered that eggs benedict is delicious. YUM.

Anyway, I thought this meme was cute, especially with the new HP movie coming out:

Cast one/any/all of these spells and/or potions upon me in your comment:

Amortentia - three scents that I love?
Felix felicis - luckiest thing that’s ever happened to me?
Multicorfors - favourite colour?
Accio - one thing I wish I had with me right now?
Polyjuice potion - if I could trade places with anyone for a day, who would I choose and why?
Protego - three most prized possessions?
Reducto - if I could shrink three people enough to put them in my pocket, who would I choose and why?
Expecto patronum - happiest memory?

harry potter, fandom, real life

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