Uninvited (An Unfortunate Slight) - Bizarroe - NC-17 - 10/??

Jan 08, 2008 00:48

Title: Uninvited (An Unfortunate Slight)
Author: shelia  ivorykiss
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: angst, violence and dark graphic sexual situations
Pairing: Bizarroe
Spoilers: Phantom, Bizarro
Disclaimers: I don’t own them, that makes me sad. The title and moodlets of this little piece are from Alanis Morissette’s Uninvited.
A/N: Comments, critiques are always welcome. The awesome banner was generously made by the lovely and talented  mssullivan!!

Previous: Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six, Part Seven, Part Eight, Part Nine


The dark haired young man floated serenely, high above the planet, his tall and muscular form limned by the golden sun as he stared at the dark skinned Martian in disbelief.

You told me to fight him and then, you just let him go?

I thought to give the creature a chance for a life he never had.

My life?

No Kal-El. A chance for his own. J’onn sighed and turned his gaze back to the young Kryptonian.  I told him not to return.

Clark frowned. He obviously didn’t listen to you.

No more than you do, the elder man admonished.

Green eyes narrowed in annoyance. Why? Why let him go?

J’onn sighed again. Remember what I told you Kal-El. He was created and discarded. He has never been shown any compassion, any kindness.

He told me I didn’t deserve this life and now he’s come back to pretend he’s me.

You must understand this if nothing else. There is no pretense in his actions. Your Kryptonian DNA, if it hasn’t already, will overwrite his created genetic material. He will become you. A perfect copy with only one difference.

Clark glanced up and stared at the sun. He already knew the star that gave him strength seemed to hurt this thief unbrother of his.

The yellow star this planet revolves around gives you your strength Kal-El. The very energy that strengthens you weakens him. It poisons him.

Clark frowned and looked back at J’onn.

Green meteor rocks…

There is a part of him that was made in that lab on Krypton, one part your DNA will not override. Understand that this was on purpose. Eventually his body will break down.

J’onn looked disgusted.

A built in failsafe in a test I did not approve of Kal-El. There is no antidote. No cure. Exposure to green kryptonite will only slow the process down. With or without it. He will die.

Clark narrowed his eyes and the set of his jaw was resolute.

One day soon we are going to sit down and you’re going to explain to me about Jor-El’s tests, but right now I’m more worried about Chloe. What does he want with her?

Compassion was written on the elder man’s face and colored his thoughts.

I think you’re the only one who can answer that question Kal-El.


bizarroe, chlark, bizarro, smallville, chloe, clark, fic: uninvited (an unfortunate slight), fic, smut

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