Uninvited (An Unfortunate Slight) - Bizarroe - NC-17 - 06/??

Dec 17, 2007 01:58

For those of you who remember this fic, and still want to read, here's the next part. I'm sorry about the delay in posting and the fact that it's really short, but I still hope you enjoy.


Title: Uninvited (An Unfortunate Slight)
Author: shelia  ivorykiss
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: angst, violence and dark graphic sexual situations
Pairing: Bizarroe
Spoilers: Phantom, Bizarro
Disclaimers: I don’t own them, that makes me sad. The title and moodlets of this little piece are from Alanis Morissette’s Uninvited.
A/N: Comments, critiques are always welcome. The awesome banner was generously made by the lovely and talented  mssullivan!!


Smallville’s emergency sirens were loud; an insistent piercing wail of jarring sound and the dark skinned Martian’s eyes glowed red as he stood with his hands on his hips. He studied the wreckage surrounding him then looked down at the battered body of his friend’s son.

The glow in the J’onn’s eyes faded. He knelt down on one knee beside Kal-El, wondering just how the basically indestructible young Kryptonian had managed to get his neck broken. He tilted his head as he listened to thoughts of the gathering people.

The humans were frightened. One of them had found a dimly glowing piece of rock and now they were drawing the conclusion that the destruction was a warning of another impending meteor shower.

Their fears, though certainly understandable, were incorrect.

J’onn frowned. He wasn’t sure what had happened here but, he was certain it was not a meteor strike.

It would be close to another decade before this planetary system would again cross through the violent elliptical path of the remains of that long ago destroyed world.

The Martian shook his head. He doubted if humanity would ever fully know how much of their history was shaped by Kryptonian hands.

Or just how much their future depended upon this one, very young survivor of an almost extinct race.

With little effort he picked up Kal-El and lifted him to his shoulder. J’onn made his way to the back of the building avoiding the gathering response teams and shot into the predawn sky.

He left Earth’s atmosphere, heading towards the sun side and once there floated calmly above the blue planet.

The Martian sighed as he set the young Kryptonian’s neck and wondered just what kind of trouble he had managed to get himself into this time. He watched as Kal-El began to twitch as his body began to draw in energy from Sol and heal.

J’onn sighed again as he waited and thought to himself.

At least it should be an interesting story.


bizarroe, chlark, bizarro, smallville, chloe, clark, fic: uninvited (an unfortunate slight), fic, smut

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